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Oct 21, 2022

The creators of social media have traditionally given their content away for free. However, many creators are now choosing to profit from their creations as online courses. So, how can you earn money for online courses? Experts from e-commerce have come to offer some insights.

YouTube to be used for online Courses

You are probably aware that it is possible to upload instructional videos on YouTube hoping to earn ad revenues. However, there are a number of important issues causing creators to turn away at this channel:

  • Ad revenue is inconsistent and fluctuating: The average YouTuber only makes between $0.01 and $0.03 per ad view. As such, creators consistently require hundreds of thousands of viewers in order to earn a profit.
  • Advertising choices currently: YouTube creators have no control over which advertisements appear on their YouTube channels, which means that you may be advertising a product that goes against your brand.
  • Controlled Content YouTube can alter its rules, guidelines, and ad policies at any time. If a change affects your YouTube channel, it can take your company offline at a moment's notice.
  • There is a chance for error. Sometimes, YouTube can ban or limit a channel's ads mistakenly. While you can submit an appeal, the procedure can take a long time and result in you not earning during the process.

The creators should choose a reliable source of monetization which puts control of the course over their own destiny. With these considerations in mind, creators are turning to online learning platforms rather than.

Online Course Platforms

Do you need a suitable place to host your online classes? Online course platforms offer alternatives to YouTube for hosting instructional videos. They offer the tools with features and features required to develop and market online courses.

However, not all platforms are created equally. So how do you find which online course builder is the best for your company? Let's have a look at some of your choices.

Which Online Course Builder Is Right for Me?

, in particular, is designed to help creators earn money for their work. Our platform offers unique advantages for course creators, including:

  • Cart Abandonment integration that will help you turn uncertain shoppers into lifelong customers.
  • No transaction fees or listing costs for any level of membership.
  • Help along the way by our top-of-the-line customer support and free training. We also offer a knowledge database, along with CreatorU .

Earning money for online Training

: A Course Online Platform