WordPress Version Control (What is it, and the best solution)

Oct 22, 2023
wordpress version control


In this blog, we will discuss the concept of version control and its application to WordPress. In the following article we'll look at some alternatives for tools allow you to integrate the concept of controlling version control in your WordPress website.

What exactly is what you mean by WordPress Version Control?

The program that handles version controls records the changes on documents (or files) throughout time. That means it's possible to be aware of what's changed, and when you'll need to, return to a previous version.

In conjunction with WordPress the version control feature allows you to track any changes you, or a different user, apply to your website.

Within the WordPress configuration, the term "version control" can be used to control various actions which include:

  • Making an update public or updating it.
  • An update to your primary software, theme, plugin or other.

It is not just possible to look at the changes however, it's also possible to erase them or roll back to the earlier version in case you need to.

If you're a developer Version control could assist developers in managing revisions to their codebase by letting developers clone code sections which they wish to tackle before "merging" the code back into the codebase. In the case of the complexity of your WordPress site is, you might have the ability to profit from this feature.

The built-in WordPress Revisions feature
You can now use the WordPress Revisions built-in feature is currently available.

What are the benefits of WordPress Version Control?

There are many advantages from the use on WordPress Version Control.

Beginning with an automated version control system can make you feel more at ease making changes to your site. Perhaps you've made a mistake that screwed up things up until it became unusable? Do not worry about it, as you'll be able reverse the modifications and return to an original, working version of your site.

If you've learned more about how to establish an option for revision control for your WordPress website, then we'll look at some options to use WordPress version Control.

The Top Options to Control WordPress Version Control

There are a variety of choices to use for WordPress control, based upon the expertise in technology that you possess as well as how extensive you'd like your of control.

This is the WordPress versions control options which will be discussed in greater detail:

  • VersionPress plugin that also integrates Git but in a more natural manner even though it's in the beta stage.
  • WordPress Rollback It is a simple way for rolling back modifications to plugins and themes.

Git: How to Utilize It With WordPress

Git is an open source distributed version control system which was designed by Linus Torvalds in the year 2005. It's more complex, but it's also one of the most popular versions control systems, and used by a variety of developers. This means it's not only available to WordPress.

If you're trying to incorporate Git along with WordPress There are many options.

Other general-purpose tools and WordPress that can help with the creation process by using Git.

If you are looking for a WordPress-specific solution, there are two choices offered:

  • WordPress Pusher lets you upload themes and plugins onto every Git repository. Note that this one concentrates on plugins and themes.

In the majority of cases, there are additional tools like Beanstalk as in DeployBot.

How can you use VersionPress to monitor Version Control

VersionPress is described as an open source project that aims to "bring the full power of the full potential of Git to WordPress" by allowing you to alter the current version of your site's database, along with its file. Although it is heavily dependent on Git, VersionPress gets its separate section due to the way it manages things in a different way than previous methods.

What's special and distinctive that is distinctive about VersionPress is that it records every single modification and communicates it using the natural language of human beings. For instance, instead of simply recording changes to the database, VersionPress will inform that you've "updated to your Hello World!" post. That's not surprising, as it's what is what makes Git an excellent tool and adaptable to the needs of an WordPress website.

The VersionPress interface
Interface VersionPress VersionPress

While it's certainly charming it's essential to remember that VersionPress is classified as an "Developer prototyping system". The Developer says that it is best to stay clear of using it to implement it on any real web page.

In order to download VersionPress you'll need Git installed on your server, as well as be able to enable the proc_open feature().

What is WP Rollback? How can you make use of it to reverse the updates

Did you make a change to one of the WordPress templates or plug-ins but then noticed it broke an element of your site?

First, make sure you're using a staging website to ensure that this won't take place! If you're operating updates on a live website and there's some issue, it's useful to restore the old version, for at most, until you're able to determine the reason.

In order to assist you in doing that the WP Rollback plugin adds an additional rollback button on your site's plugins' user interface. It lets you "roll forward" to any WordPress template or plug-in back to the earlier version.

The new Rollback option
The most current Rollback option

You can then choose which version that you'd like to go back to:

Choosing the version to roll back to
You can then choose the roll to take to the back


The version control feature helps you keep track of the changes made to your WordPress website, which allows users to keep track of the modifications and even reverse them if needed.

When working with a team using a version control system can also aid in implementing efficient workflows through branches and also mixing. The team members are able to copy a particular portion of your site for them to develop and later "merge" with the copied code to your main code at the appropriate time when it is ready to release to the general public.

If you are running WordPress There are numerous ways to manage the WordPress version of WordPress, in accordance with your personal preferences as well as the level of knowledge you have about technology.

In the end, although it's far from being ready for customers yet, VersionPress offers the most WordPress-specific application of Git and certainly is an option to be kept at the top of your agenda.

Are you concerned concerning how to begin taking advantage of the control feature of WordPress? Please let us know via the comments.

Brian Jackson

Brian is a frequent user of WordPress He has used the platform for more than an decade, and has made two premium plugins. Brian enjoys hiking, watching movies and writing. Connect with Brian via Twitter.

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