What You Missed At Think in Color 2022
The Think In Color 2022 has officially wrapped up! We're thrilled that you had the opportunity to listen to some of the best makers in the business. We'd love to leave this online event motivated and inspired through our speaker's stories and insights (I believe we certainly did!).
Wherever you are in your course creation journey I'm sure you've discovered how to reach out to customers, develop an attractive offering, and then sell your course on repeat, among other things.
There were many instructive events from the conference, that it was hard to choose just a few highlights -- we did our best. Find out the top tips from our speakers.

Want to jump ahead?
Track 1 Track 1: Online Course Foundations
1. Resonance, Relationships, as well as Customer Research 3 Strategies to Nurture Your Dream Customer

Zakia Haughton Launch Strategist & Coach, Host of Easeful Living podcast
Session description: To have an affordable offer that is able to be sold often, it is essential to learn the voice of your ideal client. You must also speak to them in a way they can comprehend. In this course you'll discover how you can do market research, create real relationships and utilize the language of marketing that is resonant with your dream clients and customers.
Key takeaways:
Serve others by offering the things they require that is natural to you.
The best offer will be one that is a combination of what clients require the most to you with as well as the skills that come easily to you.
When you combine these two elements together, you'll be able to create a valuable digital product for the people.
In this video, Haughton suggests:
"Take the time to reflect on, "What is it that customers come to me most? What's the one thing that comes most naturally to me, and what can give this to my customers?'"
Market research is the most effective way to discover and grow your ideal customers
Market research is the method of collecting information about who your ideal customer is, their pain points, and what they need. For a successful market research, there are four key aspects you must think about when you are evaluating the needs of your clients.
- biggest challenge
- deepest desire
- current gap
- The reason why they would like to address their problem
This data will help you create an offer that shows the expertise you have and supports the desired outcomes of your clients.
Making genuine connections is essential to cultivating your dream audience
For a course to be sold, it's as crucial to establish genuine relationships as it is to market the program.
Thanks to social media, it makes it easy to engage with other people and create lasting relationships. This can be done by:
- Engaging with other's content (or engaging them with your own)
- Conversations with them using Direct Messages
"I enjoy DM conversations," adds Haughton. "... In my posts on social media, I'm always inviting people to either comment and share their thoughts and also send me a direct message to me on Instagram and Facebook."
- Engaging in existing conversations which are in direct connection with the product you are selling.
Engaging in important discussions in these spaces will get them on the radar of potential customers and help them see yourself as a leading figure within your field or in your niche.
Connect with your dream customers through sharing your story
Although it's nice to incorporate other people's stories in your offer however nothing beats sharing your own experience and sharing why you're creating this product.
Haughton describes how to locate your personal story:
"So you're trying to think about the question, "What's the reason behind this? Why did you create this offer? What was the reason that led you to make this happen and what is the significance for your audience? What were some challenges you had to overcome for this offer?'"
Your personal story makes you human. People consider you someone who is trying to assist them instead of a company that only wants to earn profits.
Tips for creators who are aspiring
Be curious and believe that you'll be the perfect fit to the customer you're trying to please. It's common to think too much and be convinced that you're not in the right place. However, the chances are that your more prepared than you believe!
2. The Best Way to Transform Your Experience Into an Online Course

Maya Elious, Personal Branding Strategist and CEO of Built to Impact
Session description: From baking to drawing, public speaking and languages, it is possible to learn any subject online. If you're skilled or have know-how in a specific area that you are interested in, turn it into an online course so that other people can benefit from your knowledge. In this value-packed session, you'll discover how to transform your knowledge into an effective online course or program.
Principal takeaways
Anyone can create courses Anyone can create courses
If you've got an experience set and real-life experiences you can draw on to develop an online course. If people constantly pick your brain or ask you questions on topics that you're familiar with, take their questions and turn them into content you can host on a course platform.
Make clear what you want to be known for
While you think of ideas for a course, you need to identify what you want to be recognized for. Make that message evident when you market yourself.
Drawing from her own experience, Maya Elious says:
"For example I enjoy being recognized to help people become straight on their messages and communicate their worth, attract high-end clients and manage a business that is six figures."
To draw your ideal client it is essential to know the exact
After spending hours creating the biggest and most comprehensive course available on a particular topic it is natural to want customers who are willing to pay the course's worth. In order to attract clients who are more lucrative, you have to ask yourself these questions:
- What caliber of person do I wish to collaborate with?
- What type of results must I deliver for my customer to be satisfied?
- Who should I change to be in order to get these outcomes?
Make an outline of the course material to ensure you are on the right track
Before you begin writing or recording videos for your course, you'll need to outline the course first. To do that, consider these three things:
- What's the ultimate purpose you'd like your clients to accomplish?
- What are the most significant reason why your clients aren't achieving the goal?
- What do your clients think they'll need in order to reach their goals?
- What do your clients actually have to do to reach their objectives?
3. How to Land Your Best Paying Clients

Marshawn Evans Daniels Re-invention Strategist and the creator of the Godfidence(r) movement, SHE Profits(r) and the Destiny Collective
Session description: To boost course sales, you need more clients. Not just regular customers. It is important to have clients who will be willing to pay a premium to access the reservoir of knowledge which is your online learning course. In this lesson, Marshawn Evans Daniels teaches how to get customers who are the most profitable.
Key takeaways:
The initial step in getting clients to pay high amounts is to identify your 'what'
What is your core outcome?
To convince others to consider your course for what it's worth, outline the quantifiable result that clients will get from the course. Clearly state the results that people can expect from engaging with you, purchasing the product, or investing in your course/program.
"If your client's life does not improve from where it was before they receive the outcome that you say you will provide, it's not a big enough "what". This could be a generic statement," Daniels says. "You can't just say "I'm in the business industry and assist people in growing their businesses' or 'I help people earn more cash'. You want to be as tight and concise as feasible."
The next step in attracting clients who pay a premium is to clearly define the 'who' of your business
Who will benefit from the services you provide?
If you're just starting out in offering your services it may be challenging to clearly define the people you're trying to assist. Once you're certain of your 'what', the 'who' starts to reveal itself.
When you expand your business and get some customers, you should start looking at commonalities. A common age range or gender, the issues, and desires that all your clients share. This can help identify the kind of client/customer you want to reach.
The final step to getting clients to pay you a premium is to explain your "why'
Why did you make this offer?
Your 'why' is the reason you are connected with your customers. The sharing of your story shows them that you have faced similar issues to yours. You understand the struggles they're experiencing and that you truly want to help them.
4. 3 Steps to Creating an Outcome-Based Course Outline

Cinnamon Digital Marketing Expert and the Founder of Driven Spice
Session description: A outline of your course is a part which informs students of what the course is all about as well as the purpose for which it's being taught and the things they need to be successful in the course.
In this class, Cinnamon uses a fictional analogy to teach the process of creating an outcome-based outline that reduces anxiety and boosts satisfaction of students.
Key takeaways:
Determine the results that you wish your customers to receive from your program
Courses aren't purchased simply because they like they should. They have a purpose for attending the class and you should ensure that your outline is related to that purpose. Consider "What should my students walk off with from my class?"
Outline the steps students need to achieve the results they desire.
Once you've launched your program, you'll be sure be able to find students learning in various ways. Some students may be auditory, some may learn more effectively with videos, while some may be more comfortable with text.
As you outline your course determine the format(s) which will assist your students to achieve their goals. There doesn't need to be one format. You can mix and match different formats in order to accommodate different types of learners.
Define clearly how you will help your students achieve their goals
Whatever the subject that you're teaching you're likely to encounter many other people teaching an education course related to that subject, too. To stand out from the crowd take a look at what separates you from the other instructors who teach this topic.
Track 2: Community and the Audience
1. YouTube Tips for beginners

Erin Winters White Content Strategist, Content Strategist and the founder of Erin on Demand
Description of the session: With more than 2.6 billion active users, YouTube is a great site to meet people that are looking for the industry you work in. In this class will teach you how you can earn loyal subscribers and grow your Youtube channel.
Key takeaways:
Write searchable and strategic titles
While it is good to include keywords in your titles, it is also important to need to inject some character to it. Instead of cramming keywords into your titles--which can hurt your growth--craft a unique title that isn't easy to look over.
It's really not a big deal if the title doesn't have keywords. It is possible to add keywords in tags and description to boost your SEO.
A thumbnail for your videos is one of the most important factor that draws people to click on your videos
Humans in general are creatures of the eye. This is why you need to ensure that your thumbnails are exceptional. In order to create stunning thumbnails here are some things you can do:
- Utilize an image that is clear
- Text can be added to the thumbnail
- Make use of arrows, outline or other elements in order to show emotion
Learn about storytelling
For people to be able to watch your content, you have to create a narrative--a starting point an end, a middle point, and a closing.
- The beginning should set the tone for the video. An intro to your self and the topic of the video about will do.
- The middle should show you how to implement the subject of the video. Demonstrate the method by which things work and show the outcomes.
- The end should have you instructing your viewers on what to do after they finish watching the video.
The storytelling format is utilized for all kinds of media, not just YouTube videos.
Don't stick to one thing. Discover and become yourself
It is impossible to know what might work out for you till you try it. Therefore, experiment with the components that are available to you. Look at your titles as well as thumbnails. Create different kinds of videos--short ones, long ones, vlogs, tutorials, voiceover videos, etc.
The most important thing is to make content you love and that reflects your personality. YouTube is an ongoing game. To succeed, you have be consistent in posting videos, and you can't do that when you don't like making the videos.

2. List-Building to Sell Your Course

Regina Anaejionu, Bestselling Author , the Founder of Online Outlier
Description of the session: If you want to sell your course over time it is essential to maintain an engaged email list. In this informative session we'll teach you how to increase the number of engaged emails to help you market your course effectively.
Key takeaways:
Create a sequence of emails that are strategically designed to your subscribers
When you've discovered ways to communicate with prospects and created a lead magnet for them, you want to create an email sequence that is engaging that spans a couple of weeks to your subscribers.
Regina Anaejionu's Email Series consists of eight emails. In this presentation she breaks down the content and purposes of these emails and when you should send them to your audience.
Connect with customers who are interested
If you are growing your email subscriber list, don't wait around for people to find your email address and sign up to your email list. Find and connect with other people as well. This can be done by:
- posting posts and engaging in others' postings on social media
- Cold outreach is conducted via the internet and email
- writing a guest post on behalf of someone else's site
- as an interviewer on someone's show
If you don't make yourself out there, nobody will!
3. Stories that Sell: What to Do with Storytelling in Your Course Marketing Strategie

Jasmine Williams, the award-winning author and founder Jasmine Williams Media. Jasmine Williams Media
The session's description is that potential customers must be able to trust your company before buying the product you're selling. You can get them to do this by telling relevant stories that are resonant with the people. In this class you'll be taught how to create and present engaging stories that attract attention.
Principal takeaways
Start your story by introducing an eye-catching hook
This could be an emotive declaration, intriguing query or an untrue fact. It doesn't matter, you must ensure that your message evokes curiosity in your prospects. Inspire them to want more.
Be careful not to be overly dramatic. What you don't want is to be an unintentional clickbait hook.
Let potential clients know your prospects the benefit(s) of the offer
Following your introduction and a few other details, your narrative should highlight the benefits of your online offer. You want them to feel that they'll benefit from your services, whether in terms of knowledge, inspiration, or just entertainment.
Strong close
Wrap up your story with an easy call to action that entices customers to take your next action. Don't focus too much on explaining the advantages of your offer and forget to entice the potential buyers to take the action of buying the deal.
All stories are valid
If you think you shouldn't tell your story because you're not a writer and you don't think anyone would be interested or your personal story isn't appropriate to be shared, reconsider.
It doesn't have to be dramatic to be interesting. You could share your experiences or your unique approach to an issue that is popular. If you're not confident enough to talk about your experience You can ask other people (beta testers, current students and coworkers or friends, etc.) to do it for you via video testimonials.
4. From 0-100k followers in twelve months. How do you Build the number of followers you have quickly

Simran Kaur TEDX Speaker and Founder of Girls That Invest
Description of session: If are planning to market your course repeatedly, it is essential to be able to attract a loyal customers who will buy from you. For many, creating that crowd isn't an easy task. If you'd like to know how to build an active and committed audience, then this workshop is for people like you.
Key takeaways:
Locate a niche that has a gap--and fill it
Nearly every niche you could imagine have classes and digital offers centered around these. Therefore, you should not try to form a new market. Instead, you should find an area you enjoy that has an unmet need. Then use your online offer to fill the need.
Here's what Kaur said about her first company, The Indian Feminist:
"I invented (The Indian feminist] because there were so many great, amazing feminist accounts I had been following and taking pleasure in. But no one was speaking about this in an Indian view.
That was my background. It was also the case that no one spoke about the specific issues I was going through. So I found an area where I thought, 'Man, wouldn't it be great if I could follow an individual like that? In the end, since I didn't have someone like that and I was left with a gap, I filled it."
Create content that makes people feel good
If people read your material, you want people to be satisfied after. They should feel a sense of relief and a sigh of relief. If people don't feel good each time they view an update on your page, they'll associate your brand as a source of guilt for their own self-esteem.
However, if they feel at ease after viewing your content They'll be more likely to revisit and take in more.
Get involved with content from your feed
One great way to gain more followers quickly is to reply to every pertinent post you see on your feed. The goal is to get people to see your account within the comments section. Comment on what you think about your post, leave a comment with a nice compliment, or even an appropriate emoticon.
If you discover posts related in your industry You can share some thoughts or hot takeaways that will grab the attention of the account's manager or owner.
Constant giveaways and promos won't help you grow a dedicated following
People rely heavily on follow-to win promotions and giveaways to build an audience on social media. The problem is that this doesn't work.
Your goal is to create an market that's interested and eager to purchase the product you are selling. Promotions and giveaways may bring in the sales but they're most likely to not be buying what you're selling. They're just there to get the prize.
It's better to have 1,000 followers who feel part of your social circle rather than 10,000 followers that don't exist to serve the proper purpose.
One tip to aspiring creators
There's much more optimism on the internet than negative. It's okay to be scared of putting yourself out there. But with time, you'll be able to find the community that will help and encourage you.
Track 3: Scaling Up
1. How to Amplify, Accelerate and automate your sales using Facebook & Instagram Ads

Lorell Lane, Founder of Social Sales Lab
Session description The session's description is: If you've been making advertisements on Facebook and Instagram without seeing much results This training session is for you. This session, Lorell Lane teaches how to increase the number of sales you make using Facebook as well as Instagram advertisements.
The most important takeaways are:
Retargeting advertisements can convert cold audiences into leads
By utilizing personalized advertisements that are targeted, you can target anyone that has viewed your advertisements in the past year. When you send them retargeted ads and converting these users from members of the audience or site visitors into brand customers or clients.
You can use Facebook Pixel to do this. You just need to insert a small piece of code that collects data within your ads. These data can help you bring your ads back to people who have already shown an interest in your product.
Be gentle with cold leads
Your first set of ads aren't supposed to be overly aggressive. Do not enrage your audience by quoting prices because that's not what they need to know. What they are looking for is what problem you've solved and if the proposition will help them in any way.
Your first series of advertisements should focus on the issue you address and your solution that you offer.
Send personalized advertisements to your targeted audience.
You may notice some people who've engaged in--liked comments, shared or saved the ad. However, they didn't make a difference. Then show them another set of ads that can get them to trust the brand.
An excellent way to achieve this is by using social proof. Send them reviews, feedback and reviews that prove that your company is a trusted and reliable brand.
Be flamboyant with those hot leads
You might notice that some people have added your product to cart or are so close to buying but they aren't yet making a purchase. This is when you should send them adverts that can make them feel awestruck by your product and then click Buy.
In this case, you must sell to them directly and in a hurry. The ads you use should create a FOMO sensation in your prospective leads so that they respond right away.
2. Designing a stress-free, relaxed launch

Tasha Booth, the founder and CEO of The Launch Guild
Description of the session: Product launches don't have to be stressful. There are ways to ease the launch process and hit the ground running. In this class we'll show you how to create high-impact launches without stress or burning out.
Key takeaways:
Create realistic targets beyond revenue
Apart from making money through sales, what other goals do you want to achieve with your launch? These other goals would provide the foundation for your future launches.
Say, you get 20 customers at your initial product launch. It's not a lot however, you could receive testimonials from them in order for your subsequent product launch. In the event of a launch, you won't be starting with the same foundation as you did for the first time.
Maintain your launch procedure straight
As you create your training course, it's tempting to include a ton of bonuses, webinars, checklists, and other tools. However, this can overwhelm the customer and you.
Therefore, slow down. Your website should be a straight line connecting your customers with the solutions they're seeking. Cut down everything that doesn't fulfill this need.
Present your content in a format you enjoy using
There are numerous formats you can use to launch your class, such as a webinar, blog post, a social media challenge, etc. However, you don't need to complete all of them if you don't want to.
Make sure you are ready for the launch using your preferred format to engage with your target audience. If you enjoy writing blogs, you could use one of them. If you enjoy talking, a podcast is good. If you love being in front of a camera, a webinar works well.
Experts can assist you in launching your website
It's not possible to handle the entirety of your launch without breaking things down. In order to make the process easier start by thinking about the things you can do really well, and then delegate the rest of it to professionals such as copywriters, designers, social media management, etc.
3. How to presell a course

Melissa Ruiz, co-founder of Melissa Ruiz Empowerment
Session description: Preselling involves the creation of demand for your product or service in advance. This marketing strategy is an excellent way to draw attention to your offering prior to launching the course. If you want to learn how to set up your course, this session is for you.
The most important takeaways are:
Try the market to validate your course idea
When you are creating your course, it is important be aware of the marketplace to ensure you have people interested in your offer. You don't want to spend hours creating a course nobody wants to purchase.
Get your message out there
If you're not excited about your own offer, you can't think that other people will be enthusiastic about it. Prior to launching the course, discuss the course on social media, podcasts, and in blog articles. Let people know that you're working on it and announcements about new courses to share with the world.
Offer value to the pre-sale
As you hype up the benefits of your service, you'll want to give prospects a little taste of what you're creating.
It is possible to offer them items like free challenges, collaborations with mini trainings and infographics that are related to the offer. It is important to convince the potential customers that your offer is packed with value.
Create an incentive to boost the number of people who are enrolled in pre-school.
In order to get students to sign up for your course before that you begin You must provide incentives. Incentives give people a reason to enroll in your course prior to the launch. You could give them a discount, a bonus phone call, or anything else entirely. Be sure to make it attractive enough to convince them to desire to take the first row seats to your offer.