What is the average pay for a Full-Stack Developer? The most recent data available for 2022.

Dec 23, 2022
Full Stack Developer Salary

For a full-stack designer, there's more know-how and experience along with the ability to specialize. This is more money isn't it? If you're contemplating fully-stack progression, you're probably very keen to know how the process. It pays off.

What is the definition of Full-Stack Development?

The majority of websites have two parts: the frontend (client-side) and the backend (server-side).

What do developers who have full stacks of tools fit in? The answer: they specialize in all areas! Full-stack developers are able to tackle problems both on the client as well as server-side, and can create a successful website on their own.

But spreading your skills across many areas can mean that you're frequently not gaining the most vital skills. Or all of your skills may be out of sync when you focus on specific aspects.

The full-stack design process has several advantages. This allows you to be extremely flexible and be able to take on different elements of your work as needed.

How can you be Full-Stack Developer

Due to its unspecialized nature the full-stack programming field can take longer and more time than choosing other fields of technology. If there is a problem, people naturally go to you to get help using your many capabilities. It may take a while to comprehend these strategies.

A computer science or similar degree can help you get the basics and swiftly grasp new strategies, but having a complete stack of experience is more than just a bonus to employers. You could even get the opportunity for you regardless of whether you have a a formal educational background. Check out job ads to find your place and check at the job openings.

In the end these are among the most important job demands of developers who work full stack:

  • Bachelor's or associate's or higher in computer sciences. Perhaps optional if are in a position to take it out.
  • The capability to work with libraries, backend language and frameworks The language(s) that you decide to specialize in is totally dependent on you, but you should be able to build applications that are server-side.
  • Skills in teamwork When you're component of the project You'll be expected to assist other members of the team in times of difficulty.
  • Flexibility and awareness of all the little details: The ability to shift between the various elements of the same program is crucial for anyone who's a complete stack expert. There are so many things to switch between that you'll require a keen awareness of mistakes or you'll end up creating a mess of problems to be left.

Requirements for Full-Stack Developers

Although you might have a wide range of skills however, you shouldn't be asked by your employer you to do two people's duties. Dual-skilled does not mean that you'll have to do two jobs. If you're not creating a small website, you don't have to be the sole person accountable!

But, the tasks you perform daily could change according to the specifics that comprise your job. This is a brief list of the tasks you may be asked to accomplish:

  • The team is able to change the tasks of the team on a weekly basis or on a daily basis.
  • Make use of a variety of frameworks and libraries.
  • Create a user-friendly interface in the top of the page.
  • Edit and make changes to the database, and then edit it.
  • Find out the cause of problems that can be found online.
  • Support other developers throughout the process, and also collaborate on the design of the framework.
  • Work with graphic designers in the effort of translating the designs they create into codes.
  • Develop and create practical prototypes for websites.

Demand for Full-Stack developers

Full-stack developers make a great income or earn a wage but it's just an issue of how much that they are employed by their employers.

There are many people hiring independent front- as well as backend designers. It is possible that you would like to work in these fields but it could mean you are sacrificing your other skills. Will you be eligible for the title "full-stack development"? Let's look at the latest developments.

In the year 2020, LinkedIn released its Emerging Jobs Report, in which "full-stack engineers" were listed for the second time in a row. Additionally, the report says that employment for this job has grown by 35% per year from 2015 to 2020.

"Full Stack Engineer" article screenshot with a woman at a computer
LinkedIn Full-Stack Jobs Report: Emerging Jobs Report

Data suggests a rise in demand for full-stack designers -but often not more than experienced workers. But, it's an indication that you'll be able to finish the task you'd like to do easily.

The salary of an employment is a sign of how sought-after the position is. The higher the salary will be, the more highly regarded your status as an employee. Also, it's more likely that it will be because the industry you work in is overcrowded with other people who are competing for the position.

Average Full-Stack Developer Salary

A full-stack developer is forgoing specialization in favor of being able to perform as many tasks as you're able. It's not a slow process to gain knowledge and full-stack developers are often called "unicorns," similar to hybrid designers and developers due to their skills being so expansive and rare.

It's certainly not the easiest path. What's the value of the time and effort? If you are required to pay a wage is it better choosing a position which is more manageable?

Here's the typical full-stack developer's wage:

  • Indeed has a salary of $108k annually that is based on 10.5k salary-based salaries.
  • Glassdoor $199,999 for the year. A low of $63k, and an increase of $157k
  • ZipRecruiter $103k/year ($49/hour) This includes an annual cost of $38k, with a max of $159k
  • PayScale annual revenue of $79k, with an average of $54k which can reach $115k at the top.
A bar graph showing the average salary for a full stack developer
Salary for Full-Stack Developers

If you combine all the data above and add it to it then you'll make an annual salary of $197k. Sure, it's not too bad, but how does you compare to other similar jobs?

Full-Stack Developer vs Back End Developer Salary

Backend development can be more difficult than front-end (or client-side) development due to the reality that there are a lot of frameworks and language to learn. Many of these languages are difficult to master.

If you're a full-stack designer, you're not likely to touch more broad areas of web development. What's the salary?

  • In actual it's $121k a year that is based on 2.4k reported salaries
  • Glassdoor annual earnings of $78k, an average of $48k and an opportune $128k
  • ZipRecruiter $100k in a year. the lowest being $41k. the highest of $157k
  • PayScale $80k/year. A low of $50k, as well as a peak of $131k
A bar graph showing the average salary for a back end developer
The Salary for Back End Developers

When you add these numbers together when you add them up, you'll find the typical annual wage of $95k paid to back-end developers. Full-stack developers make $97k a year.

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Although you can earn some additional income when creating full-stack applications however, there's no way to tell how way you can compare it to traditional web-based development.

Full-Stack Developer Salary as opposed to Front-End Developer Salary

Frontend developers are often short in terms of money because HTML as well CSS are simpler for people new to the field to comprehend, and thus there is a lot of new talent competing on the workforce.

What's the outlook for pay for front-end developers and full-stack designers?

  • Indeed A year-long pay of $16k, based on 5.2k pay
  • Glassdoor: $87k/year, with the least amount of $51k. The highest amount is $147k.
  • ZipRecruiter costs $80k per year. Its lowest cost is $34k. the highest being $128k.
  • PayScale $75k per year, starting at $49k and the highest of $115k
A bar graph showing the average salary for a front end developer
Salary of Front End Developers

If you take this as an average that's $87k per year. Comparatively to full-stack development with an annual salary of $97k it's 10k better. If the issue of revenue is one of your main concerns, then you must think about backend development or full-stack.

Full-Stack Developer Salary Based on the level of experience

It is possible to make a huge difference in how much you are paid. But, some jobs give greater opportunities to earn more in the long run. At the point of being advanced and you have built up some years of experience, how much can you earn?

First, there is the basic full-stack developer's pay. Are you able to earn a decent starting salary during your first year as a developer? Then let's take a look:

  • Indeed an annual earnings of $188k, with less than one year of knowledge
  • ZipRecruiter Salary: $86k per year starting at $26k. The highest amount is of $147k
  • PayScale annual earnings are $66k. The average is at $48k with the tops reaching $90k.
A bar graph showing the average salary for entry-level full stack development
Basic Salary for Full-Stack Software Developer

This means you could earn an annual income of around 80k. But, your wage structure may differ significantly in the first year. It all depends on your ability to land an attractive position or decide to take on the freelance development industry or if you're able to locate enough work that is adequate to fulfill your needs.

When you get more experience as you gain more experience and gain money as you gain experience and earn money, you'll eventually be able to earn more. PayScale estimates that early-career developers who have full stacks make $75k each year which can rise up to $92k when you're mid-career..

Then, the senior full-stack developers. When you've come to the conclusion of your career stage and you've taken on the task of managing your projects as well as training others do you think your efforts are worth the effort?

  • Glassdoor $111k/year. The lowest is $80k as well as the most expensive of $156k.
  • ZipRecruiter 120,000 dollars per year. The average is $61k, and the highest of $171k
  • PayScale is 121k annually The average is $96k with a maximum of $152k
A bar graph showing the average salary for senior-level full stack development
Senior Full-Stack Developer Salary

This is the final number, $117k annually. That's not a whole lot over the average of $97k a year. However, with an average annual income of $80k/year and a potential income of $80k, you'll earn an additional $40k over throughout your job.

A Full-Stack developer Salary and Freelance

In one way, you could set your own price. It means that you'll make more than an income that is regular. The amount that you earn depends on the capacity to draw in potential customers.

If you're making enough money to afford full-stack freelance work that's the sum you could earn.

A bar graph showing the hourly rate distribution for full stack development
The Full-Stack Developer's Hourly Rates and Distribution

ZipRecruiter has a salary expectation of $106k annually ($51/hour). Additionally, Codementor says that full stack developers with freelancers earn anywhere from $61 to $80/hour.

There isn't much data about the subject, however, in general, it seems like those who have the highest success as freelancers will likely earn much more than the top developers. Although it's not suitable for everyone, however it's certainly worth having a look.

Full-Stack Developer Salary for each Country

The place you live in will make a significant difference in the amount you make. Full-stack developers aren't as well-known in your area or country, however they are similarly in high demand, and you may be successful in securing a position. But, some countries may offer lower pay in comparison to other countries.

Below are the most popular nations where developers with full stacks are needed:

Does it make sense that you develop a full stack of software?

Look at the average salary for full-stack developers. Are you convinced it's worthwhile to be an all-stack designer or would it be better to focus on one particular field?

An annual salary of an average of $97k per year. The salary starts at $80k in the early career , rising to $117k/year at the level of senior financial concerns will not be an issue. It's comparable to the as it is higher than many other job descriptions. If that's all that you're considering, it's probably a good idea to pursue the position.

It is likely that you can earn more money than the average web designer, however only by a couple of centimeters. If server-side scripting is the dream for you, you might want to simply take on the "full-stack" name to make some extra money, but this isn't worth the effort.

Most full-stack programmer affirm that they typically invest the majority of their effort working on the backend regardless of what the end result. While the experience of the client-side can be beneficial however, it may be more beneficial to concentrate on.

Everything depends upon what you're looking for. Do you wish to develop an in-depth knowledge of designing websites that could help when there are problems in your project? Would you prefer to be focusing on either front or backend coding , and then learn the best ways to master these areas of expertise?

The positions all have similar pay rates. However, it's ideal to select the one that you're most attracted to as a potential developer.


Full-stack developers are a rare group of developers who on average make $97k per year. While you're making a little higher than similar jobs elsewhere, other developers have the ability to maintain their salary range. So, it's possible that you'll possess twice the knowledge However, there's no assurance that you'll get double the amount for the job.

This position has a particular problems. It's hard to comprehend due to its broad area of responsibility, and even though the vast knowledge of all areas will help in diagnosing issues, it also signifies that you're not equipped with particular expertise in the areas that pose the greatest challenges.

Some employers don't know about your work and will hire you to finish the job in a similar way.

If you opt to enter full-stack software programming only for the purpose of making more money than other types of designers, you're likely to fail. If you're intrigued by the description of the job and believe that you're qualified to excel in this specific position and eventually become a full-stack designer then this is a good option for you.

What do you think of the salary ranges for a full-stack developer? Let us know your opinions via the comment section below!

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