What is Link Building? Link Building to Increase Traffic to your Website

Oct 10, 2024

In this piece, I'll in a position to show you how you can employ a widely-used SEO method for increasing rankings of search engines on your site. This is referred to as linking. If done properly this can help in attracting a flood of potential customers to your online courses.

After a few hours, you've got some idea of the terms you'd like your website to be ranked on. You might have even published articles about your top keyword, however you're trying to get your website to rank in the search engines. What's wrong?

It could refer to hyperlinks

Links are among the primary elements of ranking which are taken into consideration by Google and other search engines. Links aren't solely the amount of hyperlinks, however, it is also the quality of these links as well as whether or not they have been "followed" (the site instructs Google to take the hyperlink into consideration when determining ranking).

However, Google does not specify the value of a hyperlink from the website you are linking to or the number of hyperlinks the site's is able to have. How can you profit from this ranking factor if Google gives you very little details about it and the importance it holds on every website? There are many tools online to assist. One of my favorites is Moz which integrates a variety of SEO tools within one.

In terms of link-building, as well as the other unknowns discussed above, one among the techniques Moz employs is by scanning the web for links that point to your website (or websites that are similar to yours). The data is then utilized along with machine learning as well as various other variables in determining a Domain Authority value between 100 and 100 points per site (this is a Moz-specific metric, and not an officially acknowledged Google measure).

When you look at the website's Domain Authority, you can start to build a picture of how valuable your site can provide in terms of the quality and quantity of hyperlinks you've got. Because we aren't certain about how the Google algorithm really is working, it's impossible to know what the exact values given by Moz match the reality. That being said, Moz is still a helpful source of information.

Why is that? What are motives for you to open a part of your program open to the public

Links play a crucial role for determining the standing of your site. But how can you convince other people to include links on your website?

Other people will link to you when they feel your website is worth visiting. If you provide a valuable bit of information the price of a small fee, you're increasing the likelihood that others are likely to find your site interesting, thus increasing the chance that other sites will link to your website.

If you're a course supplier and you're in an exceptional situation. You already have plenty of content worth reading that students are eager to grab access to. So, I would encourage you to make available a portion of your material at no cost. Create your own mini-course. You could also make some of your classes from your primary course accessible for a trial period such as. If your material is accessible for everyone, you're more likely to get someone linking to you.

Choose a non-branded keyword that you want to reach

Before you start publishing free content online or asking others to hyperlink to your site, you'll have select a key phrase you'd like to rank for. It should not be an branded term like 'cooking' as an instance, as these types of words are the ones that will attract new visitors to your website.

When you've decided on which keywords with no branding are the best for your business, you can start implementing the strategy you have chosen to create links. In this blog I'll continue to use the  term "cooking class" for an example.

  • URL: jackscooking.com/cookery-course
  • Title Tag Title Tag

The next thing to do is decide what content will be included within the body of your webpage. If you have your free lessons on your page it will provide the opportunity for other sites to join your website. Be sure that the video of your course is in the upper right corner (if you don't have it in the middle) so that potential linkers see the valuable content straight away.

A second aspect to keep in mind is the fact that Google places a higher priority to pages with more text on them, as they think that having more information within a website is more advantageous to the user. Although we've put a video on the upper right-hand part of the page, Google is unable to search the content of that video therefore we have to add additional text on the webpage to show Google that the page deserves to be viewed.

From my observation It is beneficial to have about 1000-2000 words of text on your page. An easy method to accomplish this is to include the transcription of the video in the bottom of the page. If you require more text add a little detail about the positives of the cooking class, such as becoming healthier as well as having greater enjoyment cooking.

The first thing you should begin by looking for websites with a high Domain Authority that might be looking to be linked to your site.

Perform a Google search for 'cookery blogs Write a list of all the blogs that have the Domain Authority above 30. You can also look up 'cookery course comparison as well as other words related to cooking courses too. Make a note of the websites you come across.

Below is a photo of some websites that will show up in Google search results, which include "cookery blogs", along with their domain Authory (DA), due to Moz.

How to Use Link Building to Increase Traffic to Your Website

It is also possible to utilize Moz to look up websites that link to one another. One other strategy to employ is to make an inventory of your cooking competitors and see what websites are linking to these programs. If one of the sites is linked to a certain cookery class the chances are it's going to be open to the idea of linking to different cookery courses, particularly if you sweeten the deal with a complimentary cooking class. You can sign up with Moz for free 30-day trial, and then download every website's link profile required within that period.

When you've compiled an inventory of sites that might be interested in linking to your site, do some investigation on the website and try and discover the email address for the owner of the website or blog director. Hunter is a fantastic tool for this.

If you want to increase your chances of get a response I would recommend sending an individual email to every website's owner or blogger. The goal here is to give them a reason for linking to your site through a compelling message that is logical for them and adds the value of their customers.

Below is an example for an email that you could send:

 Hi [name"),

     I've been perusing your blog, and it's provided great information! I'm really enjoying your blog post [insert hyperlink here] ].

     I have recently developed a free online cooking class I believe you'll appreciate. Are you thinking of taking a look or writing a review of the course for your website (if you think your customers are going to enjoy it too). )?

     Let me know If this topic interests you. I'd love to give you the course.

     Many thanks, and please keep up the excellent work!

Jack Saville

It's not necessary to mention or ask about an immediate link, but to nurture their interest for your subject. If they endorse your program on their website it is likely they'll offer the link to your site, possibly without needing to inquire. There is the possibility of offering an exclusive discount or additional incentive for the readers on their site.

Use your keywords as anchor text which links to your website.

The last thing you need to bear to keep in mind while building links is anchor texts of links that you get. When you've reached that point at which you've asked for the link (or asking them to alter the link they've given you) it's important to ensure whether the link will lead to the page that you're attempting to rank for your selected keywords, and also be sure the anchor text in that link refers specifically to the specific search term you're aiming to rank for.

So in our cookery course example, we would ask for a link to jackscooking.com/cookery-course from the anchor text 'cookery course'.

In hyperlinking to rank pages using targeted anchor text this site has endorsed this page specifically for the specific term 'cookery course'.

How to Use Link Building to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Connecting other websites to your site, particularly those with a solid Domain Authority, will help the site to rank higher on Google with the terms you have chosen. That means that those who are searching for the phrase are more likely to come across your website and the classes.

It is a long time before you're able to use the correct method before you can begin to be found on search engine results with your chosen keyword. However, the end outcome is that you are constantly bringing potential customers to your courses. It's a pretty great deal, to me!

     Jack Saville is an SEO Specialist with Bynder the digital provider of assets management.

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