What do you need to include in your Member Registration Page on the site that you manage for your membership

Aug 25, 2022

If you are creating your membership site, one of the primary pages you will create is your registration page for members or subscription page.

The registration page on your site is where clients can sign-up to become a part of your membership in a formal fashion, therefore, this page should be put together properly.

In this post, we'll discuss with you some of the top things to include on the webpage for registration for joining.

Costs for Membership or Tiers

Before you do anything else ensure that you keep track of the price(s) of membership. Also, note if you have any levels of membership. Include if your membership fee is each month annually, monthly, quarterly, etc.

Be sure the cost of your membership is stated prominently on your website's page Making sure there is no concerns about the price of your membership.

payment techniques

A second aspect you should consider when you're registering is the payment option for the membership. If you don't have a clear method to pay to join, you're affecting your conversion rates at the highest level.

Don't limit the ways that potential members are able to join your membership. Provide all the payment options possible for your website's members, like credit/debitcards, PayPal, Stripe, and the list goes on. The more payment options you can choose from more options, the better.

 Members Value

It's also a great idea to include the benefits of your membership in the page for registration on your site! Be sure that your customers know what they are getting when they join your online business. Be sure to record all (or at the very least at the very least, the bulk of) your benefits when you join so that your clients feel assured about purchasing from you again.

Reviews by customers (If you have them)

Are you able to provide any feedback from clients that you'd like to include? Make sure to include these on the member sign-up page! Similar to the benefits of membership, the customer reviews show potential buyers that customers appreciate your product and that it is a worthy purchase. There's a myriad of fantastic WordPress membership plugins which allow you the inclusion of customer reviews on your site for membership.

Registration Form

Last but certainly not last thing you should consider is that your membership site must have the registration form which customers to complete! What kind of membership site you own is crucial to include the appropriate elements of data your business needs to better serve customers.

The most important items to have in your registration form include:

  • Contact Information (name, email, etc.)
  • Members or subscriptions and terms (if there exist membership tiers and how long they'll be members. This could be different according to your membership website)
  • What They Find How They Found You (this is a great opportunity to understand how consumers learn about your company)

Based on the membership site you have and the products that you offer, the additional items you include in your application vary. Keep the form as straightforward as possible. It's not a good option to design a complicated design, as you could quickly dissuade potential buyers.

The page for registration of members is among the most vital pages on your membership website So, make sure that you are not putting off the work you make on it. Keep our tips in mind, and you will be certain to see your membership growth!

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