What can I do to alter the size of videos on YouTube?

Mar 27, 2024

Video clips are available in different formats and sizes. While the size of every video might differ, they're individual and perfect to fit any situation. Let's look at a brief outline of not only dimension of the video however, how you could work with the different dimensions of videos to meet your various needs. Are you looking to change the dimensions of your video? Find out how to do it.

They're one of the top methods to increase the overall quality and performance of your videos together with the resizers online that you could use to complete the task in a short time.

   Resize video with five simple steps  

Before getting into too much specifics, let's look at the fundamentals of resizing a video. There's a good chance that you'll require some kind of program or software. (Unfortunately it's not possible to access your computer's screen for a way to make an image shrink or stretch. document.)

In the meantime, until the time is up, have the fundamental five steps to video scaling.

  1. Find and select the video you would like to play.
  2. Open it in your preferred app
  3. Choose a different dimension, and aspect proportion.
  4. It is important to choose the compression settings (if offered)
  5. Compression and export

Although it sounds simple but there are a few elements we'll need to understand before you master the technique of resizing videos on your own.

What are the most important reasons for you to shrink your video? Why does video file size influence the performance of your videos?

There are many factors to think about changing the length of your video to fit the current times. If you're involved in some kind of online activity that requires the social media platforms or video sites size, then the dimensions of your videos could be vital.

A good general rule of thumb is to pick the right image dimension to suit the demands of your computer. By that, I mean that you shouldn't work on images that are too big to meet your requirements (which can eat up your computer's bandwidth and cause delay). Additionally, don't work with video files that are small for the requirements of your company (which may lead to bad image quality, which could adversely influence the image of your organization or business).

If you've been able to swiftly and effortlessly resize videos though it'll be an easy task to pick the proper sizes that will fit your specifications.

If, for instance If you plan to upload an HD video on your site be sure to save the video in the best setting. If you'd like to post portions of the same film on Instagram or on TikTok it's possible to reduce the size (and maybe modify) your post so it's less crowded, but still stunning and it won't take long to upload.

A video can be resized by its aspect ratio

Another option to alter the dimensions of an image is to alter an aspect ratio. What's an aspect ratio you are looking to understand? Simply put, it's the correlation between width and the dimensions of the movie. You can see aspects ratios like 1:1, 16:9 and even 1:1 for an illustration.

With the current time of changing dimensions, changing aspect ratios could help increase the dimensions of images and make it suitable for a modern screen layout.

In this case, if you were to take the 16:9 format of a video is displayed on some social media ads then transform it into a box-like 1x1 video to be used on Instagram, you would most likely alter the dimensions of the photo during the transformation.

Modify the direction in which you view your video

A different way of resizing videos is by changing the orientation of the film. It can be as easy to change a video's the vertical direction to landscape orientation (or reverse the orientation.) The process typically involves a resizing of the entirety footage.

Video clips that are cropped to make them larger

If you're looking for the simplest ways to change the size of your video, you should consider the possibility of making it smaller too. There are a variety of applications which can help you cut your video. Certain of them even integrated for the phone that you're using, if it's an iPhone and Android.

Compression 101

We've spoken about various methods to increase the size of videos by changing or cropping the aspect ratio or orientation, nevertheless, the most effective method you'll need to alter the size of a video most times is by compression.

What is compression? How does it work? The process behind compression isn't exactly straightforward... simply put it to say that an efficient compressor utilizes the same algorithm to make the size of a large document. When you pick the appropriate application, the outcomes can be amazing.

How do you resize videos after exporting your files

Another suggestion to think about when looking to resize a video is to more attentively consider options to export the files. With the majority of editing software and programs (as as well as a number of simple file editors and video editors) there are ideas on the best spot to save the video file.

We all have the option to utilize the basic export options in most instances When you think about the options available, you will discover many more sizes to choose from than you realize.

When it comes to this, choosing to convert a video into a Quicktime file rather than JPEG is a significant change. Also, there are a lot of video editing applications such as Premiere Pro for example will allow you to export your video to various platforms such as YouTube, Facebook or even with various resolutions.

You can also find out how to compress files as well as suggestions for how big files should be.

4 helpful online video resizers

Let's look at some of the numerous useful and user-friendly video resizers that are available in the marketplace. There are a few that are more expensive video editing software which require a subscription or purchase. But, we'll provide some options that are also free.

   What can I do to increase the size of an image in Adobe Premiere  

Premiere Pro is one of the best video editing applications around the globe It's primarily utilized for editing videos as well as effects. It's useful for altering the size of your video when needed. Follow these steps required to adhere to:

  1. Open Premiere Pro.
  2. Import your desired video file or clip(s).
  3. Create a video sequence and then drop your video onto your timeline.
  4. Click on the clip, then right-click it and then select "Set The Frame Size".
  5. The frame's size is adjustable of the frame in any way you'd like through the sequence settings (or within the export).

   How can I change the size of the video using Final Cut Pro  

This is the same for Final Cut Pro is another software to edit videos, which you can utilize to alter the dimensions of your video. Most of these NLEs offer a wide range of choices to alter and change the size of your video however, you must verify your export settings so that you are able to pick the perfect file size.

  1. Open Final Cut Pro
  2. Select a movie from your timeline
  3. The clip should be shown at the eye of the viewer.
  4. Make use of the Transform effect to identify the proper dimensions.
  5. You can choose the size of the file when you export it.

Resize videos using EZGIF

Next, take a look at the best choices for free. EZGIF offers an effective and simple method to decrease the size of video files without the installation of any software or apps. Just by going to the site and then clicking the "Resize" option it will allow you to swiftly upload and modify the size of your video document. It is as easy as.

  1. Visit ezgif.com
  2. Click to"Resize" "Resize" alternative.
  3. Video clips you upload
  4. Pick the height you want and wide
  5. Press"Save" or select"Save" or click the "Save" button to save your file.

   How can I change the size of videos using VLC Media Player  

Another option that is fast and widely used to resize video files is VLC Media Player. VLC Media Player is a open-source and free solution that lets you transform videos instantly. You can get VLC Media Player here and follow the steps on the next steps.

  1. Open VLC Media Player
  2. Select File, then select the document you would like to be cut.
  3. Choose"Convert", then select"Convert" and then select the "Convert" option. Then, select the resolution option, and the codec you want to choose.
  4. Consider where you'd like to keep your files and the location you'd like to save it
  5. Select the option to convert your video, and then save the file as an unrelated one.

There are several alternatives that are both free and price-based that you should be aware of. However, there are plenty of quick scaling apps and websites available to online users. A simple Google search will provide plenty of other options to look through and study to determine the right solution that will meet your particular demands.


What can I do to alter the dimensions of a video manually?

It is possible to manually alter the size of images by using a free or paid video editing software, program or even a website. What is the best way to change the size of a movie which I am able to download on my mobile?

It's possible to reduce the size of videos on your smartphone using an application like Adobe Premiere Rush or any other video editing software. What are you able to do to decrease in size your video on Android?

There is a way to modify the camera's settings in Android or any other program that edits video in order to save your video in an alternative size. What is the best way to change the size of your video for Instagram?

In addition to resizing the video, it is also possible to utilize video editing apps to edit, crop, or shrink the video before uploading to Instagram.

The length and the short of video resizing

Make sure to resize your videos. It isn't necessary!

Video files can be resized, compressed or changed more frequently than they are able to do over the course of their use. If you're uncertain about what size of a video is appropriate, or if you're trying to change one, or even convert it to another format you should think about publishing or sharing the original design of the video first.

If you get an error alert or message saying that the video has a larger size, do not try to change the size an existing video.

This post was originally posted on here

Article was first seen on here