What are the top tools to generate profits? 10 Proven Strategies - (r)

Jun 17, 2023
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With the millions of apps made available across the globe (and increasing) It's important to think about What are the ways apps can make money?

While not every app is created to make money but even the most basic applications can have a few efficient ways of earning money. It doesn't matter if the app is displaying a tiny screen in a calculator or offering subscription-based tiers to an advanced health monitor app. is an array of possibilities that apps can earn money.

Strategies employed to earn money from apps can differ just exactly as apps themselves. In this article, we'll go over the principles that underlie the monetization of apps, examine the strategies used to market the app. We'll also go over different strategies for making the most out of your app. In addition, learn how to earn the highest amount of money.

What can apps do to earn you money?

These apps can use many different strategies for earning money. they don't stop with simply making an initial payment. Actually, "free" apps can become some of the most lucrative apps there!

What can it accomplish? What app can is completely free make thousands, or even millions?

A chart showing that worldwide app revenue is expected to reach over $930 million in 2023.
App revenues worldwide are expected to reach 930 million by the year 2023. (Source: Tekrevol)

The answer lies in ways to monetize apps. The term "app monetization" exactly what it sounds: helping your app make money (in other words, earning money). Although charging an upfront cost may be the simplest option to generate revenue for the app, there's a number of other options.

Before we can get down to commercial activities, we need to examine the ways to make applications more profitable.

What exactly is app monetization?

It is the process which generates income from app users.

Though strategies for monetizing an app could differ, the majority of enterprises who have succeeded in making money use a variety of monetization methods. The key to a successful approach is on knowing the user's needs and why they use your app, and, of course, what your app does first.

In-app ads are one effective form of app monetization
In-app advertisements are a successful method of monetizing apps ( Source: Creatopy)

Some applications earn revenue by ads that are displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. The apps reward users with points after watching the commercials and even permitting an ad company through a third-party to gather user information for analysis or later campaign marketing.

This isn't the only method to earn money by using applications. Certain apps have built-in the ability to monetize. These apps can be personal shopping apps or extensions of online stores (such as eBay in addition to Amazon).

So, anybody looking to create an application for to earn money will have to consider alternatives for mobile phones and other devices. Although mobile devices are likely to provide the most opportunities to interact (read that they can be monetized) for the next couple of years, in the future, other gadgets may already provide more opportunities to sell certain items, like services or even experiences.

Whatever the case, the reality is, app monetization is a significant topic. Before we dive into it into it, you're probably contemplating what you may make.

How much money can these no-cost Apps Earn?

A long story in a very short time The answer is: it depends on.

There are plenty of applications available for free and produce millions in annual revenues, however that's not standard. This shouldn't hinder the thousands of apps for free that earn at least hundreds of dollars in revenues every month.

However, what's the exact amount you're expecting to earn?

The exact amount will differ depending on the app and its specific monetization method (revenue-per-click or revenue-per-thousand impressions etc.) that differs between different types of apps in addition to the quantity of users and device(s) used, along with the origin country.

The app's and advertising's owners or owners use the concept of eCPM (effective cost per mille, or effective cost per 1,000 impressions) as the main measure of revenue based on impressions.

A chart image showing global average eCPMs by country and device
Global average eCPMs per region and device. ( Source: Business of Apps)

As of the year 2020 the cost per click for banner ads on mobile applications within the United States ranged from $0.37 for Android apps to $0.46 up to $0.46 for iPhone applications. That means an American-based iPhone application that displays ads with 5,000 views per day could earn the median for the day of $2.30.

Free vs Premium. Freemium Model

What is the point of offering free apps instead of charging customers up front and making money within a matter of minutes?

Free apps may get more downloads but not always more engagement
Apps that are free may receive greater downloads but don't mean they're more popular. (Source: CleverTap)

You can download apps without cost can provide a range of benefits. In the first place, it allows them to download more apps, and are more likely to be praised by their peers due to the absence of any fee to access.

Creative revenue streams However, they can only make up a portion with regards to commercialization of apps which aren't free. Developers have to deal with the uncertainty of the revenue stream, as well as a decrease in the interaction with their users. In addition, with the majority of apps currently being completely free, it may be challenging to make new apps discovered, or perhaps be able to make it to the top spots in app stores.

Price models that are completely free (free/premium) may be a great option to avoid the drawbacks.

Freemium and premium can both work well, just in different scenarios.
Both premium and freemium apps can work, but for different situations. (Source: CleverTap)

Freemium models let players use the basic features of the app for no cost, however users have the choice of getting premium features for the cost of. The model is extensively used by app developers that include in-game purchases to subscriptions that are paid for.

The majority of apps for free may be used with ease and are able to be a profitable market. This allows app owners to provide a basic and easy service that is able to provide each user with the best experience. They can, however, include additional features (and earn additional revenue) depending on the type of users who may need something more.

While freemium can provide an ideal blend of free and premium services but it's not the best selection to access all apps -- in fact it's an excellent choice to go with premium that can provide the best worth for money.

Premium apps are those which are extremely specialized that cater to a certain segment of the market which is governed by specific criteria. If this is the case you'll be unable to find applications that meet these requirements. In addition, prospective customers tend to be more inclined to shell out the money in advance to get the features they already know about.

Top 10 App Monetization Methods

Once we've understood the fundamental aspects of app monetization as well as the many types of apps available that are available, we'll then be able to look at some of the most common methods of making money with apps.

There’s a business model for nearly every app.
There's a model for commercialization that is applicable to almost every application. (Source: Itobuz)

There's a business template as well as a revenue forecast for almost every use. Check out the more popular ones in the following.

1. Freemium Apps (Paid Features)

We've covered it earlier The ability to provide the combination of both paid and free services- Freemium is one well-known monetization strategy.

Spotify is one successful example of a freemium app.
Spotify is one successful example of a service that is available for free.

To get a greater understanding of how this can be an issue, try putting your self in the position of a prospective user. With so many different apps on the market (and possibly for exactly the identical issue) Isn't it better to play around witha variant of the app prior to making a purchase?

They're basically the same thing as the "free trial period" in the world in the world of applications. Although the majority of people prefer using the free trial during the whole time they're making use of the app, there is an opportunity that some users might decide to purchase the premium version in order to earn steady revenues. For instance, Spotify which is free Spotify made more than $11 billion by 2022..

2. Premium Apps (Paid)

Developers frequently ask "how can apps earn money without advertisement?" It's easy to answer this question that users are charged to download the app.

Though not everybody wants to spend a significant amount for an app to download, the vast majority of people don't hesitate in the event that the app they download the one they require or even if they already know about it.

Therefore, using an expensive product usually requires a satisfying segment of the market with a reputable customers. When a premium application is the "go-to" solution for a particular need, there's no reason to be an issue.

Newer apps that do not have a long-standing reputation could change to the premium version with trial-only tests that are available for a certain time.

3. In-App Purchases

Similar to freemium, offering the application free of charge and that includes in-app purchases is an extremely efficient way of generating the revenue.

In-app purchases are a popular revenue stream for mobile games
In-app purchases are a growing popular source of revenue that game developers who work on mobiles make use of. (Source: Intego)

Games are one of the most common instances of this technique where players pay online payments in exchange for games' currency or objects within the game like specific loot, skills or even cosmetics. The game which is the most popular Candy Crush Sagaearned more than $600 million in 2022 just by using this strategy.

However, the reality is that this method of buying in-app items can work just as well with a game-free app. They're however classified as "extra content" that won't alter the experience of your default app.

4. Paid Subscription Models

Each user will be different and have their own requirements. That's the reason it's vital that you can meet all their needs with different model of subscription?

An app offering various paid subscription plans
Spotify paid subscriptions

Applications with lots of options that are geared towards a diverse variety of customers often utilize subscriptions to deliver a better experience for users. Alternatively, some subscription apps may offer trial versions for a short duration, before having to sign an agreement with an online subscription service (kind of like a certain amount of articles for free prior to having to join the service to get updates).

Subscriptions can be an extremely efficient method of keeping customers for long time periods particularly if they're the correct value for the right cost.

5. Ads in-App and Sponsorships

The model of in-app advertisement is employed by the vast majority of apps for sale or for sale in one way or another.

Full-screen pop-ups and other ads are found in most apps
Full-screen ads and other adverts can be found on most applications. (Source: GermaniaVid)

From basic banner advertisements to full-screen advertising as well as reward programs for videos are offered in all shapes and sizes -- and so do the various revenue levels.

In the same way, a lot of apps utilize the partnership or sponsorship model as an organization to generate revenue in the initial stages. Sponsorship models can help provide app developers with the required credibility and legitimacy.

6. Email Lists

7. Ecommerce

Ecommerce apps can offer users a more engaging shopping experience.
The E-commerce application can offer shoppers a more enjoyable shopping experience. (Source: Dribbble)

8. Mobils and Texts to Market

As apps are usually installed on phones of people who make use of texts or SMS It is often an effective method to boost engagement.

SMS marketing offers a quick and easy way to reach mobile users.
Marketing via SMS is an efficient and effective method to reach mobile users. (Source: Mayple)

Although you won't get any compensation for sending text messages to your customers It is possible and efficient to send reminders, updates, notifications, as well as promotional messages to all users.

Texts can be a fantastic method to get your users to utilize the app and generate income by allowing them look up the latest video ( and watch ads) as well as research costs for a specific product ( and buy it) or to test various alternatives ( and then subscribe).

9. White Labeling

New app developers in conjunction with large corporations are more equipped to offer more than they think.

White labelling in a nutshell
White labeling permits developers to sell their apps under an entirely different name. (Source: FourWeekMBA)

At the end of the day, an app development company can turn to existing business owners who buy their app and then put it under their own brand. Developers have quick sources of revenue and can also offer existing business owners an intriguing product.

10. Data Licensing

They can also be an ideal source of income especially with their personal data.

A chart showing third party data licensing on apps
A variety of well-known apps offer user information to a third party. (Source: PCMag)

Data is the power what drives all. Increasingly, more companies are spending big bucks for top-quality data from their customers. Smartphones are becoming an effective source of data on behavior. The best-known apps could quickly become valuable for companies that want to research patterns.

However tempting it might be however, take note that your app' data about users may be secured by national or international legislation unless the users sign a user agreement which allows the app to be owned by you.

What is best? Best Monetization Strategy

There many apps to earn cash. But which one is best to meet the needs of theapp?

Choosing the right app monetization strategy isn’t easy
Finding the best strategy to app monetization isn't easy. (Source: Mind Inventory)

The answer, however, contingent on the software and what it can offer the user. There's not a either or neither, but having an examination of these ideas could help determine a viable method of monetizing.

Identify Your App's Unique Value

The motivation behind your app and the benefit it offers its users is the most important aspect when finding the most effective method to make money from the application.

For an ordinary calculator, it would not wish to require customers to make a prepayment upfront. If that is the case, you can create a monetization strategy using banners with a smaller size, or through sponsorships from the manufacturer of calculators or even an educational site.

Alternately, a sophisticated graphing calculator could legitimately charge an initial cost if it comes with high-end equipment as well as features that are able to be mathematically justified.

Study Your Users

Be aware of your customers what they want and need from the customers as well as their behavior is an important aspect.

Different types of users will respond differently to monetization methods
Different people may respond differently to ways of earning money. (Source: CleverTap)

An monetization method that may work for one particular application could be off-base in the event that it is not an ideal fit for people who have a lot of time. Particularly, devices with smaller screens might not be able to handle endless pop-up advertisements that block their screens, and Android users will not be willing to shell out additional cash for the inclusion of iPhone contents into their apps.

Your customers' habits' spending can affect your decision-making process. For instance, apps that assist shoppers in finding discounts on grocery items. They aren't likely profited by paying for additional contents.

Find out What's working

If you're unsure that you're making the right choice, it's always an excellent idea to take a examine similar apps to examine those that have been successful. It also enables you to take a more deep look at your competitors as well as the current changes that are occurring on the mobile market. This will help you develop your apps and help you fine-tune your app's value and strategies for revenue generation.

User reviews can aid to facilitate this process as they can provide insights into user experience and problems. A user, for instance might have left an unfavorable review because of annoying advertisements or poor service. Reviews that are positive, however, may be a gauge of what users react positively to.

Look into Hybrid Strategies

The most successful applications don't stick to just one type of earning money. Most aren'tbecause the use of only one strategy typically won't bring in enough money for a substantial yield.

There are a variety of ways to make combination of different strategies. In one instance, a freemium application might display ads on the free version however, it could also give users the choice of in-app purchases as well as premium content. This application could also provide users with updates via SMS or email, and give the details of its users to third-party companies that are interested in their information.


After you've seen how apps generate revenue, you'll realize that it is a difficult process. The most crucial thing of all, it is important to be in a state of flux.

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