Three strategies to not get distracted by your job and launch an online business

Nov 26, 2023

Now is the time to begin your own venture. In order to do this, you need to put aside your busy schedule. Discover how to handle your schedule so that you can start your company without stressing.

It's been a while since you've seen another clip about an entrepreneur who been able to create a successful side hustle even when juggling family, work and other obligations -- but you're sure you won't be able to.

There are plenty of excuses that can stop entrepreneurs wanting to become you from launching your own business with bad business plan, or simply a not having the right knowledge about how you can start a business of your own.

A lot of what we hear about is all the time. People are not located in the proper place to realize their dreams.

However, as it is stated, it's all a matter of individual preference. The amount you're able to have (or don't) doesn't have to be the primary check to begin your business online.

Are you able to create an agenda to allow for the growth of your business? Absolutely. Does it require rearranging your entire life in a single day? Absolutely not.

Today, we'll show that. Let's begin with three ways to stop getting distracted by your job and begin to be the most successful company.

How to stop being busy

In order to stop being busy, entrepreneurs who are looking to make a mark need to study:

What are the best ways to prioritize

How do they manage their work schedule?

How to delegate tasks

To make the most use of your time, and determine what tasks to assign, you must first be aware of what's important and what you can remove from the to-do list.

Strategie #1: Understand how to prioritize

There's not much that needs attention right this minute And this is coming from a person who is (in)famous for her over-packed agenda.

When you are a business proprietor, is a must to know how to prioritize your tasks so you make the most of every minute and maximize productivity while minimizing work that has a low return.

McKinzie Bean , for instance, has decided to quit using social media for branding tool in the sense that her heart "wasn't involved" and she wasn't receiving the benefits she hoped for.

After six months of taking social media off of her plate, her business has grown rapidly.

Similar to McKinzie like McKinzie You should concentrate on the areas you excel in, to ensure you're able to be focused on these tasks in order to grow your business.

For a better understanding of your project's priority, You can make use of an Eisenhower matrix that divides tasks into urgent, urgent as well as essential and less important sections.

Additionally, you can utilize this chart that is derived from Harvard Business Review for guidance on which tasks to prioritize, and which to delegate, raise or raise.

According to Harvard Business Review The Harvard Business Review states that items that are listed as priority include tasks that provide the highest benefit to your company, and that you're keen to get started on.

Things in"the "tolerate" boxes must be considered to be important work that will drain your time, while the "elevate" box should be reserved for things that have a lower ROI for your business, but which you enjoy doing.

The "delegate" field is used for simple tasks which can be better handled by someone else.

To help you organize your projects, break them down into smaller pieces and also organizing your tasks list, you can make use of software similar to Trello. .

It's a very well-known tool. Both our team and GoLocalApps the CTO of GoLocalApps, Ross Rojek, make use of Trello for managing the upcoming projects. Ross is a particular user of Trello to organize his tasks schedule based on the length of each project will take.

However, when you're prioritizing your projects and updating your list of tasks to accomplish, be mindful of the planning fallacy.

In essence, the flaw in the plan is the fact that humans think that the work can be completed as scheduled and take up the amount of time we are able to afford, regardless of whether similar tasks took more time or occurred at the wrong time.

It is likely that an error in scheduling could result in a disruption to the calendars of people.

How often do you see it? It's around 46.2% all the time According to a study conducted by MIT. Only 43.6 percent of the participants completed their assignments within the timeframe they had set.

It also revealed that, although the students remember times when they failed to complete an assignment on time as they had planned, only a few students had reported using their previous knowledge to calculate what time the task would take.

One of the main reasons humans may continually fall prey to this fallacy of scheduling is because we usually do not "unpack" our tasks or separate the work into smaller pieces.

An experiment showed that when subjects were prompted to unpack tasks before estimating how long they were likely to need, they provided longer estimates, which were not affected by the bias. .

Additionally, the study suggested that the more difficult the job -- such as selling online courses -- the greater unpacking of it before it was completed was beneficial to planners.

That said, as you are prioritizing your priorities, and planning be sure to not spend too much in deciding what should be the top most important.

According to research, people trying to select the best solution (known by the term "maximizers") tend to become less satisfied with their selections than satisficers, or those who are trying to select the most effective option.

While you'll be required to pick the "right" projects to concentrate on, agonizing over what is the ideal task to be focused on can waste time, and cause excessive stress.

Once you've mastered what you can do to better make your decisions, let's take a look at what some individuals in real life prioritize.

Michael Grothaus , author and journalist, splits his list of tasks into three categories "digital short-cuts", "work", and "the real world". Grothaus also finishes his daily chores in the first half minutes after getting up.

In the same way, Liz Huber, mindset and productivity coach, set aside some time to focus on her side-hustle in addition to her full-time job. Her routine was the identical schedule for each week. For example, the "Marketing Mondays" or "Research Wednesdays".


When you've decided to categorize your projects according to length of time or your most efficient return on investment, it's essential to develop a prioritization system, so you can focus on tasks that can help you expand your business to the maximum degree.

Even if you prioritize tasks, however it's very easy to get distracted by your most pressing tasks as you're not able establish specific deadlines or schedule your tasks. That's where the second strategy is for the present.

Strategy 2: Employ methods for managing time

Want to know something absolutely astonishing?

Knowledge workers should be able to spend an average of two hours and forty-eight minutes every day performing work which is efficient -- that's less than 15 hours per week or just about two days of the 40-hour work week.

In spite of this it is true that there are plenty of businesses that have found time to spare during their busy schedules. To be a part of them be able to do so, you must manage your time.

The most well-known techniques among the most well-known techniques is the Pomodoro Technique .

Utilizing this technique you are able to do work within 25-minute blocks with a 5 minute break after every 25-minute portion.

Following four blocks of 25 minutes, it is time to take a twenty-to-30 minute break.

Even though it could seem inefficient having often frequent breaks, studies have shown otherwise.

The study found that people who were able to take two short breaks in a time period of fifty minutes, did not experience any decrease in performance. On the other hand the people who didn't take breaks during the 50-minute task saw a performance decline.

If you feel that the Pomodoro Technique feels limiting, it might be worth trying the timebox rather.

timeboxing is a process where you can define a time limit to finish an assignment such as the following example timetable with timeboxed tasks.

The speaker Scott Mautz said that although it is difficult to complete a task within a predetermined time It forces the worker to concentrate on a single project and can cause a form that is known as "productive anxiety".

The benefits of timeboxing go beyond helping to focus on the work at hand, but also. According to the entrepreneur Marc Zao-Sanders the advantages of timeboxing are helping people:

Get tasks done on schedule to ensure that deadlines are achieved.

You are able to work with your colleagues because you are aware of your deadline allows.

Completely report on the activities you have undertaken

Feel more confident and relaxed.

Although you may not utilize timeboxing in order to organize your work, it is still advisable to focus on one task instead of getting distracted and multi-tasking. your.

There is no way to manage to get rid of any distraction. Humans are wired for distraction.

While analyzing livestreamed accounts of the thoughts, emotions, and behavior, participants' thoughts wandered around during 46.9 per cent of situations .

If you think you're capable of completing an occasional email, but it's likely to be hindering productivity even if you're noticing an extra boost of energy.

There is a fact it is true that people who are interrupted when working tend to tend to be more productive. But, the speed of work can lead to more tension, more frustration plus more time pressure and effort.

What can this mean for you?

Eliminate or limit distractions in the best way you can. If you don't, it could increase your chances of creating mistakes that can cause you to feel stressed and frustrated.

Also, it is possible to observe the progress of work and even when you get distracted yourself to have an image of your distractions and the frequency at which they occur. often.

About 25percent of the population employ time-tracking apps to track their time, whereas other 25% use the Excel spreadsheet pen, paper or pencil.

You should utilize whatever technique works for you, some time management tools that are worthy of a look are:


     My Hours


     T sheets

Of course, the best well-organized timekeeper will not find enough time to accomplish all tasks. What can a designer do with a list of projects that are way too long?

Simple: delegate.

Strategy #3: Understand how and when you can delegate

You can't do everything.

It's tempting to tackle the entire task on your own to save cash Keep your eyes on the prize can exhaust you -- mentally and financially.

An examination of employees at call centers revealed that the more hours workers employed, the higher efficiency they had. efficiency declined. .

With 29 percent of small entrepreneurs who work over 50 hours per week, and 85percent of them working weekends, it's essential to determine a schedule early to ensure that you do not get exhausted or watch your business fail.

In this instance, Miles Beckler and his wife took on virtual assistants so they could accomplish tasks that made the most of their skills and time.

Similar to that, Jen McFarland found that automating some of her work would allow her to be able to concentrate on the fun aspects of her company.

But, you might not wish to take away all tasks from your to-do list.

Work that is monotonous may lead to an increase in productivity. according to research, so there may be more value in something that are as simple as clearing the inbox of your email than you think.

Going back to our time-management tips One way to cut down in time is working less frequently -- roughly once a week for four days, to be exact.

An eight-week study was conducted. 200 employees of a firm were required to make employees work a four-day week without a decrease in wages or other conditions.

Following the test, productivity rose by 20%, and the employees felt happier.

Thus, working less could result in you being more productive -- and also happier, which is the best thing.

It's definitely a win-win.

OK. After we've discussed three methods that are backed by data to stop being busy and finding time to focus on your business. Now let's see how you can put these strategies into practice.

How to start your online business

In order to begin your venture in a short period of time, you must write the things you'll need to complete, then utilize an Eisenhower matrix to assign them priority and Trello for creating the workflow for your project.

Then, employ time management techniques to divide the project into smaller chunks as well as better protect your time from multitasking, distracted factors, or even the desire to delay.

Of course, make use of a platform that is creator-friendly like to market your digital products. If you're trying to make things easy, however.

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Join over 150,000 creators using their creativity to build sites, provide digital products, and create online communities. Begin your journey for free now!

Once you have tasks set and assigned, the time has come to create, price, promoting the launch of your digital item. These are some guidelines to get you started:

And that, in simple phrases, is the ideal option to end your work and begin your own online business.

We've explained step-by-step the steps to get started, you're considering how long it will take to start your own company, and then grow it to a flourishing business.

It's contingent on how much of you are willing to spend on the type of company you'd like to expand as well as a myriad of other elements.

A study for instance revealed that side-hustlers spend on around on average 19 months developing and expanding their company before leaving full-time jobs.

According to the study, the side hustlers worked on the average of 20 hours per week on their ventures as well as being employed full-time.

While it may seem attractive to leave your job full time to dedicate more time and energy for your business and expand quicker, it might not be the right choice.

The study found that business those who set up a company working full-time had 33 % less likely to be employed than owners who choose to have a job.

It may require some innovative planning and sacrifice over the course of 19 months (or however long it takes) It is possible to find time in your schedule to run your business working full-time or with similar commitments.

There won't be an easy path or be the fastest, but the roads worthy of a trip must be.

Be busy, but don't be in business

It's not difficult to get "busy" since numerous things compete with our time 24 hours all day.

If you're looking to be an entrepreneur, it is essential to know how to combat distracting factors so that you can go from being busy to being the business's owner.

Three ways to return to make the most of your time comprise:

Reprioritizing your to-do list, so you work at the essential tasks prior to everything else.

Making use of time management strategies to manage and optimize your time

The delegating of tasks that do not utilize your talents or make efficient use of your time

After you've started operating your own business, you'll be able to apply the strategies below:

It is essential to be able to complete in order to establish and run your company

Using time-management methods to accomplish these tasks within a brief amount of time, you are able to begin your company earlier than later.

Automation and delegation of tasks through the all-in-one software like this is possible to concentrate on building your company using the strengths you already have.

Otherwise, here's to work and not being busy.

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