The WooExpert Awards: Americas, 2023

Sep 13, 2023

The WordCamp U.S., which was held on August 24 from 26 to 24, Woo presented awards to the top WooExperts in a number of different categories. In this blog, we'll describe the awards and provide you with the award-winning agencies.

What exactly are WooExperts?

WooExperts are a prestigious group of full-service companies that specialize in every aspect of web development, from massive-scale site build and customized development, to intricate integrations, store optimization and more.Membership to WooExperts is exclusive. WooExpert Program is a privilege. Member agencies are thoroughly vetted and checked by Woo's Woo team to make sure that they are working to the highest standards. is upheld.

WooExpert Regional Annual Awards

 The Newcomer Award: Zao

This award honors outstanding contributions that an agency has made to the WooExpert program. This organization has demonstrated an eagerness to get involved with Woo, join the Woo team, contribute to the program, and grow with Woo. Award nominations are made by the Woo program directors and those who win are announced by a vote.

A brand-new agency joining the program, Zao's contributions have already made an impact on the Woo community. They've welcomed new Woo merchants at a rapid pace and have demonstrated excellent responsiveness, initiative, as well as a keenness to go further in the program.

 The Open Source Champion Award: WPSpins

This award honors a business that actively gives back to the WordPress community through contributions to the core of WordPress, taking part in meetups, and thought leadership.

WPSpins have shown an unwavering commitment to the Woo community by its constant participation in local WordCamps and by publishing interesting posts on its blog, with the an aim of informing its audience, as well as being awe-inspiring to be a partner of agencies that embody the spirit of open source principles.

  The Agency Excellence Award: FirstTracks Marketing The Agency Excellence Award: FirstTracks Marketing

The award recognizes an agency that consistently delivers excellent customer service. The company's commitment to customer satisfaction extends above, creating long-lasting connections and transforming new customers to loyal customers.

FirstTracks Marketing truly embodies this spirit by doing the extra step to serve their customers, whatever the obstacle. In a recent opportunity to tackle a challenging task, the team leapt right in, worked closely with Woo's Woo team and eventually created a highly successful product for an extremely satisfied customer. Their unwavering dedication to getting the job done well in the face of adversity sets a remarkable example for their colleagues, partners as well as their customers.

 The Top Agency Award: Bright Vessel

This award honors the agency that has made the highest-level contribution to the WooExpert Program. The award-winning agency is an incredibly committed and appreciated partner and excels in fostering expansion and growth through the Woo platform.

Bright Vessel's dedication and consistent high performance, complemented with ambitious goals-driven strategies are in line with the high standards set by the WooExpert Program. Their imaginative outlook and technological prowess help them forge meaningful pathways to success in the WordPress and community.

  the Innovator Award the Kelp

The award recognizes an agency that consistently finds creative ways to tackle their customers problems and utilizes this imagination to create powerful online experiences with the help of . The top-rated innovator pushes the boundaries with unique work, shows the versatility and scalability of Woo's platform. Woo platform, and leverages modern Woo as well as WordPress API functionality.

Kelp has earned them a spot as an Woo innovative company thanks to their extraordinary creativity -- showing the possibilities of Woo. Their innovative utilization using the Woo Store API to power the label design for shoppers epitomizes innovation and highlights the versatility of .

Excellence in the field of expertise