The Social Login Plugin is now available for Seamless logins on your WordPress Website - WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites

Jun 20, 2024

The Social Login is announcing feature that allows for Seamless Log-ins to Your WordPress Site

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        Offer access in a snap! Create social logins for your WordPress site with Member and benefit from a better users' experience as well as hassle-free administration.

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You know your members' frustration because you've experienced it yourself. When you log in to a site and realize you've lost your password completely.

Even worse, you're logging onto a different device so you can't use the password manager. And besides, why did you have to make a 12 character password for your coffee account to begin with?

The smallest of these issues can be the gap between a successful sign into your account and an individual opting out of the whole process. This could spell catastrophe for your bottom line.

It's good news that there's a straightforward and growingly popular solution for this common problem, and now it's available for all Members Pro and Elite customers: social login.

It was designed to speed up the sign-in process It enhances user experience that in turn boosts member engagement and retention.

Let's look at exactly the ways that social login will benefit your company and how to easily install it within Member.

What exactly is Social Login?

Asana Social Login option
Asana provides the option to sign in using Google

Social login is a user authentication technique that allows users to login on a website with their existing social media accounts, for example, Google, Facebook, or Twitter.

Instead of remembering yet another username and password, users can simply make use of their social media login credentials to login to their accounts.

For WordPress websites, the integration of social logins means offering a seamless and user-friendly experience. Users can log in to their accounts rapidly, eliminating the friction that often leads to abandoned logins as well as a loss of engagement.

There's no more lost passwords, or difficult recovery methods. A simple and easy login experience that keeps them returning.

Benefits of having a Social Logins on Your WordPress Website

It might seem like an unimportant change, however the addition of social logins to your site can have a surprisingly big impact on your bottom line. There are multiple benefits that all add up - making it a no-brainer for the business you run.

1. Keep Members Happy with Streamlined User Experience

We're in the time of convenience. From 5G Internet to Amazon Prime, the average customer expects everything to be available in the next few hours.

To be fair or not, people are increasingly intolerant of any kind of friction when it comes buying goods or accessing services.

For membership sites that rely on repeated visits, having a poor customer experience (UX) simply isn't an option.

If you want your business to be able to survive, let alone thrive, you need to put every effort into making it as effortless as is possible users to move to your website.

        Less clicks, less frustration, that's the key for success. And it all starts with the login.        

Social login ensures that your users do not have to expend any mental effort trying to locate their unique username and password from their brains. What they need is just a few mouse clicks to be in! The process isn't any more simple than this.

2. #Hassle-Free Administration

There's no doubt that no one enjoys dealing with password resets or the tedious process of recovering accounts. By cutting down on the issues with social login, it additionally helps reduce the burden on your support staffand ensures that your customers are happy and engaged.

In short, social login can reduce operations-related headaches, which cost your team both time and money.

3. Increased Member Confidence - Trust in the Trend

Social logins lend a sense of security and confidence to your site - users experience less friction when something feels safe and familiar.

When they see choices like Google, Facebook, or Twitter, they recognize these sites' robust security measures and are more comfortable accessing their accounts.

        This ease of use helps with decreasing hesitation, and also builds instant trust in your site.        

Not to mention that social logins are commonly used in top apps and websites.

Zapier social login
Zapier is a popular software which provides social login for its users

4. Increased Retention Rates - Continue them in

The ease of access to information is a major factor in member retention.

By allowing users to re-enter your site with just a few clicks via their preferred social media accounts, you're making it even simpler for them to interact and engage with your website's content.

Additionally, using social login reduces the risk of customer churn if customers forgot their password.

A survey conducted carried out by Blue Research, 92% of the respondents said they'd opted to leave a site instead of resetting or recovering the login details, while 31% said they frequently make this decision.

By offering social logins, you minimize these instances and provide a positive ongoing experience that encourages users to connect your website with ease and reliability.

This results in members who will be more likely to remain engaged and connected to your content and services.

With social login, you increase your chances of turning visitors who are passing through into long-term members.

5. Improved Data Security

Each time an individual user is required to come up with a unique password, there's an opportunity for security issues to get into.

The majority of people use the same passwords on multiple sites, which can make a security breach an unintended consequence of compromised accounts.

By using social logins, you're tapping into the advanced security infrastructure of the giants such as Facebook and Google, handing off the burden of managing passwords to the people experts in the field.

It means that you'll be less likely to be confronted with fears of hacks or breaches of security which keep you awake in the late at night. Another reason to turn onto this security feature now.

How Social Login can boost your revenue

Here's the point of the matter: adding the possibility of a social login on your WordPress Membership site is good business sense.

All of the benefits above can have an impact on the bottom line. Let's take it all down to:

Increased Engagement = Higher Sales Opportunities

Social logins remove barriers, and allow for more frequent member interactions.

Easier access means users can quickly access and participate in your content, meaning more opportunities to upsell your membership level or cross-sell different products.

Lower Churn = Better Customer Lifetime Value

The longer you can keep members happy, engaged and returning for more The more cash you can earn. Through the model of recurring revenue, the benefit of less the churn will be realized month after month as your subscribers pay out.

A Lesser Admin = More Value Creation

In reducing the requirement to support or manage your members You have more time and resources to focus on creating value for your members.

How to Include Social Logins On Your WordPress Site

You now know the benefits of setting up social login on your WordPress website, now it's time to teach you how to add it with Member.

1. Set up the Social Login Add-On

In Your WordPress dashboard, head to Member > Add-ons. Find Social Login add-on. Click it. Social Login plugin and press install.

2. Allow and configure your chosen Social Providers

After the add-on has been installed, you will see the Social Login option under your Member Menu. Click on it to select a social network that you want your customers to sign up with.

social login options

After you have clicked on one of the providers, you must select the Enable Provider checkbox, and select the "View Documentation" link for a full step-by-step guide on how to connect to your preferred social network.

You can

In order to connect Twitter and Facebook You will have to set up an app using the account you have created on Facebook or X developer account. It's easy to create, and instruction of how to get started are within the relevant knowledge documents.

Voila! You're all set up.

Repeat with as many social platforms as you want when customers log in they'll see this:

3. Allow Users to connect manually

If the email that your users use for their social login is the same email that they used to register on your website, their social login will connect automatically.

But, if their email addresses differ, or they'd like to connect through X it is necessary to provide an option for users to link to their accounts via X once they're logged into.

Member simplifies this process with quick and easy shortcodes.


The shortcode generates buttons and descriptions for each social service configured on your site:

example of social logins connect disconnect buttons

Your users now have a an easy and quick way to connect their social accounts and login more efficiently on their next visit!

Get Access in a Snap using the Member Social Login Add-On Today

A social login feature to your WordPress website directly improves the experience of users and improves your overall bottom line.

If you allow members to sign through their existing social media accounts You simplify the process of signing in, reduce frustration, and increase trust.

This results in more participation and retention rates since members can login to their accounts easily and consistently.

For you as a membership site administrator, these benefits result in more revenue possibilities. Easy access means more frequent interactions with your website's content and leads to greater cross-selling and selling possibilities.

In addition, reducing password-related support problems will allow your team to be focused on creating value for your clients, further increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

By offering the option of logging in via social media improves the user experience. This creates a more efficient and ultimately more lucrative membership sites that is our ultimate aim for you!

So now we've shown you how, it's over to you. Include social logins on your WordPress site using Member. You'll reap the rewards of improved engagement and retention for your business online.

        Please let us know how you plan to use this Member Social Login extension in the comment area below!        

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