The reasons your company should utilize many upsells as well as downsells

Aug 30, 2022

Selling down and upselling is an easy strategy to improve the amount that your clients spend on every purchase. Instead of trying to attract new customers, you're influencing those who are already planning to buy to spend extra money. But, it's important to know how to effectively leverage this strategy within your sales funnel to ensure you can still offer a seamless purchasing experience.
 In this blog we'll explore how you can make upselling beneficial to your business, how to leverage upsells and downsells with , share some examples of the upsell and downsell processes followed by the best advice of our the greats James Wedmore and Brendon Burchard!

What are the benefits of upselling for your company?

The general rule is that sales and discounts are both beneficial for any business, but let's take an in-depth look at three of the greatest benefits that upsells can provide a business owner:

  1. You can save time and money. With upselling, you'll need to spend less time and less money to acquire new customers! This is because upselling focuses on retention of customers, or trying to make your already-paying customers happy so that they'll buy more of your products.
  2. Increase customer lifetime value (CLV). CLV refers to how long a customer remains a customer and the amount they pay on your business. Upselling has the ability to improve a customer's value If you are able to increase the average CLV across all of your customers, you'll end up with a stronger business!
  3. Create profitable and engaging relations with your customers. Sales and upsells can encourage customers to keep engaging with your business, and hopefully, buying more of your items. When they are engaged and engaging, you'll get to know them often, which gives you many opportunities to explain the reasons why your services and products are valuable to them!

Notice a common theme between these benefits? The underlying reason is that these benefits from upselling come together to a single goal: increasing your profits. The process of upselling and selling downsells is to ensure you don't leave your money unaccounted for!

We've observed this that's true for our Heroes. We've found this to be true with our own Heroes utilizing our multiple upsell and downsell function. Actually, the typical cost for an increase is $58. That's right - that's an extra $58 you could be making in addition to every purchase! The data isn't finished there. It also revealed that Heroes that use upsells in addition to primary offers earn on average twice as much than those who make use of solely primary offers. This is the difference between a $25,000 salary and a salary of $50,000! Now, that's a big difference.

How do downsells and upsells perform on

On , an Upsell is used as a way to advertise another Offer following the first Offer has been purchased. Your customer will complete a purchase and the Upsell will be displayed on a separate page following checking out and before the customer reaches the page on which they sign up their own account.

Next, what is an downsell? In essence , a Downsell is another Offer presented to clients who decline to buy the Upsell. The Downsell gives you the opportunity to create an additional purchase. Downsells are typically an Offer of a product that is priced lower as well as a reduction on the Upsell product.

Through upselling and selling it is possible to develop truly innovative sales tactics. On , you are able to use up to 10 upsells and downsells to your funnel. It's not a must to use more than that, however you can decide and build the flow that works best for your business.

Examples of multiple upsells and downsells plus examples of inspiration

What can you sell as an upsell or downsell? There are tons of possibilities.
 In both cases, upsells and discounts, there is always the possibility of offering digital goods, like online courses, downloadables, or exclusive access to a community. These can be passive which means that your sales and profit increase with no extra work from your side. If you have existing items within your library, look into the right pairings to provide. The criteria for determining if it's an upsell or a downsell is based on how the item is related to the main offer or in the case of leveraging discounts in order to attract customers.
 If you offer any sort of physical products, like a book, specialty equipment or any other item, you could offer that also. This is especially effective when your knowledge-based product is based on a specific instrument or device that you can prompt your student to purchase from you to improve the quality of their education.
 Another option that makes a great upsell us an offering that offers a greater quality of service to the client for the main offer. This could come in the form of coaching sessions, online training sessions, customized customer service, guaranteed speedier responsesor better information on the course. But consider - when providing the highest level of customer service, this usually requires the resource of time. Therefore, when you're planning these deals, be sure you and your staff have enough capacity to carry the added workload. And of course, make sure you price it in a way that makes sense and is profitable.
 Are you looking for an actual instance? This is an upsell as well as downsell offered by the sleep specialist Little Z's Sleepers. Once a person purchases, they are offered an upsell that provides an unlimited chat service online. It is a fantastic example of an upsell that permits the user to choose for more support.

Screenshot of an offer from Little Z's Sleep Team for unlimited chat support

In terms of a discount, Little Z's Sleepers leverages the concept of offering a discount on a digital product such as, in this case the case of an online course. As we can see from this deal this is a self-paced program, which means that means no extra time to their team.

Screenshot of an offer from Little Z's Sleep Team for 50% off their Early Morning Wakes course

Tips for selling your products received from Heroes

There were some examples of upselling earlier, but now it's time for you to learn directly from the experts knowledge creators. Expert knowledge creators Brendon Burchard and James Wedmore provided their suggestions as well as tricks and tips to use upselling as part of the sales process.

Brendon explained it simply, "Use this feature [upsellingto increase sales! Don't leave money on the table. Selling is an excellent option to generate additional revenue and make your advertising campaigns more successful and worth it."

James's top tip delved into the experience your customers get with an upsell. He said "The most important tip I could give about how to make upsells lies in the customer experience you provide. A lot of people mess when it comes to upsells since the consumer just took a leap with you to invest in themselvesand, because of an upsell, they feel like that they didn't receive everything they expected."

How can he solve this dilemma in his own use of upsells? After customers make a purchase, the salesperson thanks the customer and confirms that the purchase gives them the resources they require to solve their problem. To introduce the upsell, it is suggested that the customer may discover that the additional product meets an additional and completely different need from why they initially made the purchase.

It's important to remember that you'll make mistakes when you are navigating upsells your first time. James shared the top mistake he made at the start of his upsell experience, "The biggest mistake I made with upsells was relying too much on the effectiveness of the upsells to allow me to make money. It's what we typically call the tripwire offer, where you have a low cost and front-end offering with an abundance of upsells at the back end." To avoid this mistake yourself, James recommends making sure the sales funnel is profitable using the initial product and to only use upsells in order to boost revenue or profit.
 If you've listened to the experts, it's now time for you to test the possibility of upsells in your company!

The bottom line on upselling

The essence of upselling is an affordable, easy option to enhance the value of every interaction for your client. Through the use of upsells and discounts giving customers additional options for customers to purchase products that satisfy other requirements. In the end, you could significantly improve the bottom line of your business with no effort on your part.
 Are you ready to integrate upsells into your own online course or your online product sales strategy? Make it simple! You get everything you need all in one location to create marketing, sell, and market digital goods. It is possible to implement an selling strategy inside the same program for your landing pages, checkouts , and the processing of payments. In the end, your customer has a fantastic purchasing experience, with no integration problems on your side.
 By using a plugin, you can include the possibility of adding up to 10 upsells or downsells to your offer. That's 10x the opportunity to close a deal with no additional effort! According to the expert, Brendon Burchard, says, "Use this feature! Make sure you don't put money on the table."
 If you're already a Hero, get into the app to begin exploring options for upsells as well as downsells!
 Explore everything the world is available to you, and begin building your business today - completely nothing. Seriously. Take for the 14-day trial spin without cost to you!

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