The live stream at SXSW Blueprints to create better stories

Mar 25, 2023

See the highlights of the full chat. Questions and answers from the interview were edited for brevity.

On writing great characters:

Mark: "Everything starts with writing. This is the main concept behind the story's beginning, four office workers who screamed during a keynote presentation did not really get me excited. The creation of great characters was the key to unlock the story. The writers spent a great period of time thinking about the people they were as well as how they contrast with and work together, and how we can work using the characters to make an entertaining and humorous story.

We wanted to highlight the issue and every individual's shortcomings to be more accessible. The authenticity is where it is. I strive to make things imperfect and appreciate that since it's why characters are so charming. That's why you love it.

It's important not to think of these films as normal commercials. I enjoy digging deep into the background of each and every individual. More details are better. Each backstory provides specific information about the character from the start. The production's design fashion, design, and clothing. The viewers will know the character they are watching. This is why I created these characters in order to let actors to inhabit, and you can feel that when you watch it. If you take the time to watch the three films you will begin to experience the continuous effects."


Mark: "My tip would be to meet with people who look like you. Be as truthful as you can. The advertising world is neatly laid out. It's a procedure that cuts the edges off stories and characters are so removed. I would suggest pushing to the contrary, and don't be afraid to tell the world the way it really is.

In the very first film I shot using Apple I saw a man who was licking the tablet. The kid was licking the tablet and then later when we're shooting, everyone's looking at each other and asking "What the hell's he doing?" I'm always saying "Oh is it possible to crush this? Can we think? Could I make it an ice-cream mug?" Just make it authentic. Find the truth behind the writing, the stories that we're telling. That's why people are drawn to be entertained and make the characters and stories appealing."

Integrating the product

Mark: "How you see the film's product is extremely thoughtful. All of it is based on the script. I attempt to integrate the product into a key element in every scene. I research the product and then create scenes around it. The product is needed to get us from here there. If you incorporate the product in a movie such as this, it's not just a device. It's a part of the stories that you're telling."

On taking risks:

There's nothing better than to push your boundaries than in order to create a great entertainment experience and build a relationship with your business. It's my belief that's most crucial to remember: You must be willing to take risk in order to build lasting connections with those you're taking chances with too. Advertising is often protected or sheltered from that work. But, if you strip away some layers, you can communicate with people exactly like the ones they are."

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