The Complete ChatGPT WordPress Reference

Mar 17, 2023


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Here at we like to stay on the pulse of our clients or our users, as well as the WordPress community at large.

In the past, for instance, during this period, we were talking to our readers about what effect that cryptocurrencyand NFTsmight impact WordPress.

We were all looking at ways to enable crypto payments to pay for subscriptions. Some were also thinking about ways we could leverage NFTs for unlocking content .

In the following days, cryptocurrency plunged. And we stopped hearing much about the matter.

In a flash, we've been hearing about the wonders of ChatGPT and its maker OpenAI.

When something so incredible happens and we've been kicking the wheels and trying to find out more about it, and figuring out how it might benefit WordPress and its creators.

This ChatGPT WordPress guide is the result.

Before we move on to the manual, we'd like to share something extra-awesome which has come from the tire-kicking exercise...

The ChatGPT Integration

Check out the chatgpt integration that puts your WordPress website to work.

This guide you're reading is focused on making use of ChatGPT using WordPress in general however we've also thrown in a few -specific details throughout.

Before we dive into it However, we'd like to discuss the ways in which AI's influence on business operations is far greater than what cryptocurrency promises. At least for the near in the near future.

As an entrepreneur in the digital space, your energies are limited. Here's why you may prefer to concentrate your efforts towards implementing AI over crypto for the time being...

AI Has the potential to make a greater impact That Crypto

ChatGPT and the technology that is behind it hold the chance to change the way we publish digitally how we see it. Did you remember the calculator watch? This is the watch we'll use to show.

Like you may have guessed, AI and machine-learning technology has been around for a while.

Pharmaceutical companies have utilized it to develop new medicines for years. Big tech companies have been using machine learning algorithms to create new ones that can be used for all sorts of ages.

So, why does something as simple as ChatGPT now such a huge issue, and being touted for its huge potential for small business?

Think about the calculator wear...

Even before the middle schoolers realized they could use that tech to disrupt math scantrons in classes and other science experiments, researchers were using it to launch megaton payloads in space.

It's the same with AI in the present. From the confines of Big Tech think tanks and drug company research labs, AI has made its way into middle schoolers' essay assignments.

But, unlikecrypto, AI has also found it's way into content creation - and that matters bigtime to small-scale businesses in terms of saving time (and savings in money) possibility.

So while we're all waiting for the crypto industry to get figured out, we're much better off investing our time in figuring out how AI can help build our businesses.

This being said...

What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT to integrate with WordPress?

It is possible that you are wondering what this all has to do with relate to WordPress?

Can it replace copywriters or content creators? Nope. After all, we still have - and love - our math instructors.

What it doesdo is make it possible to make "dreaded blank page" a thing from the past. What it cando is make things like customer support much faster and less expensive.

Here's the complete guide on how to use ChatGPT for your WordPress website. Whether you use or not, you'll discover several innovative methods to integrate AI in your content creation and publishing.

A Few Tips...

This guide will be the most useful thing that you can read regarding the subject of ChatGPT on WordPress.

I'll utilize ChatGPT to create some of the content within this tutorial. And I'll be showing you exactly where I'm using the bot.

So far, all of the information you've found here is written by me and without any help from AI.

If you're reading this article, I'll assume you're aware of what ChatGPT is currently. So, we'll be diving right into the various ways you can start incorporating the ChatGPT feature into your website now.

I'll start with the most obvious use of the OpenAI product to blog - creating a blog post.

Using ChatGPT to write an amazing Blog Post on WordPress

You might be surprised by how many blogs are using ChatGPT to produce a plethora of posts. But you must take your time.

If you simply duplicate content using the tool, you could end up destroying your blog. In the end, there are many options to ensure you're using the tool as a resource, and not just a shortcut.

It's all about the Prompt

Most of us are familiar with the phrase "garbage in garbage out." Well, one challenge is that ChatGPT can output decent responses, even when you feed it garbage.

And some bloggers may be attracted to use just an output created by a lazy prompt. Unfortunately, content generated in this manner tends to lack character. It can feel very plain and dull.

Successful use of AI begins with an carefully designed prompt. The importance of this is such that companies are paying massive salaries for"prompt engineering," or "prompt technology".

A few of the positions for prompt engineers come with the highest pay of $335k!

Let's begin by opening ChatGPT and seek help from ChatGPT in generating an awesome prompt! The first step is to set up an account the first time. But they've made that easy. You can login with the Google account you have. Google account.

How to Design the Most Effective ChatGPT Prompts?

As you can see here just by asking the bot to instruct me to write good prompts, I am provided with the following helpful tips:

  1.   Clear and succinct  
  2.   Indicate your question topic  
  3.   Make use of open-ended questions  
  4.   Provide contextual information  
  5.    Be respectful

I've found that the best tips are third and fourth in the checklist. Although my request is not a closed-ended question I think I could enhance the quality of my prompt by providing some information about the reason for this request.

I could add information about my job, for example. Adding the contextimproves the output generated by ChatGPT.

Helpful Content Creation Prompts to use to be used in ChatGPT

The more time you spend the prompts of an AI chat bot to respond, the better. Here are a few ChatGPT prompt ideas to get you going.

  • Propose X title for a post for my blog on the topic YThis question will give you a number of creative suggestions related specifically to your blog's subject
  • A salesperson, explain the benefits of [your product or service] This is one which you will have plenty of imaginative fun with.
  • Offer metaphors to describe [your product] and your target client) In our instance, this prompt might say "suggest metaphors for and 7-figure creators"
  • Transform the following characteristics into advantages The prompt can truly spark your creativity and help you better communicate the value of your product or service
  • Analyze the following sample of text to determine style and tone - This is how you can inform ChatGPT regarding your preferred writing tone and fashion

Utilize ChatGPT for ChatGPT to Brainstorm WordPress Blog Post Ideas

If you've learned the steps to writing helpful prompts, it's time to begin generating some ideas for blog posts.

This works well in most situations. But, one limitation of ChatGPT's model of chat is that it's only been trained using data through 2021..

You may be having difficulty coming up with blog ideas on populartopics. To illustrate the limitation, check this out.

After you are familiar with its limitations, you'll be able to truly dig deep and create ChatGPT work for you. Take a look at the outcomes it can produce by feeding the prompt with high-quality:

Look over these ideas!

If you were planning a vacation to the Northwest, do you think these posts might interest you?

Proceed with caution though. It's tempting to request ChatGPT for help to "Write an article on a blog to be suggestion one on this list". The AI may be able to write a blog post, but it wouldn't be altogether good.

Making the outline of your blog post using ChatGPT

It is here that using AI to write blog articles becomes very enjoyable. It is impressive with this task.

If you've come up with some concepts, you can ask ChatGPT to propose topics and an outline of your article.

To illustrate this I'm going to contact ChatGPT to create a blog post outline to accompany my blog post on discovering a good location to harvest Huckleberries throughout Western Montana.

I'll incorporate what we've already learnt about writing a good prompt. Check this out.

Pretty slick, isn't it?

If a post was written in this outline would definitely provide useful content to those who are the target audience.

How long do you believe ChatGPT just saved a blogger by creating an outline? From this point I can either start writing the post. Or I could give it to my copywriter to let them work their magic.

How to integrate ChatGPT to WordPress

All really cool stuff, right? Now, get ready! I'm just about to turn the efficiencymeter into maximum capacity.

We can transform the planning of your content by joining to your WordPress website to ChatGPT. There are many options to achieve this. The tech-savvy have been doing it over the last few months now.

cta character

Start today!

There are a few plugins that can connect the OpenAI ChatGPT to WordPress.

For the most part, these plugins simply allow you to prompt the AI model within WordPress and display responses on the WordPress administrator section. You can then cut and paste the information to the location you want to use it.

While it's certainly a step in the right direction however, I'm attracted by using ChatGPT for automatizing routine tasks.

This is a tool we've used since a while, to help us automate common tasks.

In order to begin with using ChatGPT with WordPress You'll need to...

Install the Uncanny Automator Plugin

Within the Uncanny Automator plugin, automations are managed through recipes..

A recipe is a collection of triggers and actions that accomplish a desired outcome (we'll look into this in a moment).

At present, you'll have to connect Automator to your OpenAI account.

Connecting Uncanny Automator to OpenAI

Once you've successfully installed and activated the plugin, go into the Automator menu within the WordPress Admin area, and select the menu item named "Integrations".

There are options for you to connect with many of the other plugins already activated on your site. For example, customers will see the logo as a trigger option.

Scroll down until you see the symbol for OpenAI. The icon will appear grayed out until you connect. In order to connect, you'll need to generate an API secret within the account you have created in your OpenAI account.

Making Your First Recipe on ChatGPT

Now you're ready to get cooking. Visit the Recipes section on Automator Click to create your first recipe.

  1.   Select the plugin which you'd like to activate an automation with  
  2.   Make the action(s) that should happen every time the trigger is run  
  3.   Check that the trigger and action you are both enabled  
  4.   Allow the recipe  
  5.   Test your automation through an action that should activate your trigger  
  6.   Review the Automator logs to verify that the automation performed as planned.  

These recipes can be very efficient, and there's many thingsyou can do with them. Let me share some innovative ways to use this latest integration.

Automatically Make Blog Post Outlines to be used with WordPress by using ChatGPT

At , the entire team contributes to our blog and anybody can send a blog post idea the copywriting staff.

As an example, when our support team gets the same questions from multiple customers, they could inform our Content Team on the potential of a blog article as well as a "how-to" video.

Our team utilizes a post-submission formto send these ideas to the writers. We designed the form so it could collect all the details and context copywriters might require in writing an awesome article.

With Uncanny Automator, we put the process in autopilot. Here's how...

Go from idea to conceptto fully-fledged outlinein a matter of minutes

For creating an super-powered idea-submission-form You just need to use Uncanny Automator to link:

  • (or any form builder)
  • OpenAI ( ChatGPT)
  •   WordPress  

First you make an idea-submission formwith open fields for details. As an example, in my Western Montana Huckleberry Picking example above, I could create a form that has the following fields:

Do you wish this article to be about? >> [main content topic»
What do you want this post to aid readers in doing? >> [content purpose»
What particular points do you want to discuss?>> [talking points separated by Commas[talking points separated by commas

After that, I'd create a prompt template in ChatGPT looking something like this:

Create an outline of an article on [main content topic]. The article will assist readers understand the content's purpose. The outline should address the following: [talking points , separated with commas].

Finally I'd make the Uncanny Automator recipe to guide the next automated procedure:

  1. The form is sent by the Formidable Forms.
  2. ChatGPTreceives the form, then generates an email prompt, then generates an outline for the post .
  3. WordPressreceives an outline, and then flows it into a new post draft.

The end result? An expertly crafted draft of your post outline that is waiting to be read by the reader (or you copywriter). The time-saving potential is undeniable!

Keep in mind...

Human factors are important. Content is designed to provide value to your readers. Therefore, unless you're worried about the quality of your content, the bot can't replace the copywriters in your company.

Like I mentioned I said, ChatGPT might write my whole Huckleberry blog for me. However, my aim was to create emotion from my readers.

To achieve that sort of response from bot content would require quite a bit of investigation and editing.

How to Create a Course Using ChatGPT

The last time we reviewed a fantastic way ChatGPT will help you write blog posts. I showed you how to transform a blog post idea into a workable outline using AI and automated.

Well guess what? It gets even better...

In order to create a comprehensive outline of your course using ChatGPT Here's how you need to do...

Create an internal form that will capture course topics and objectives. Next, create the uncanny Automator recipe to guide the process:

  1.   Formula is filled out.  
  2.   ChatGPT uses the form as a request to create a course outline.  
  3.   Courses get outline in a fresh outline of course.  

Using your content creation skills, you can finalize courses based on an AI outline. This is a huge time-saver!

You can go through topicto the entire outline of your coursein just a few minutes

Here's an image of forms that are available for integration as of the writing of this post.

Because ChatGPT will use the form submissions to populate your prompt, make sure you are using appropriate fields for your form..

My form, for example, includes fields for course topic as well as goals of the course. The more detail you can capture on your form, the more you can prompt ChatGPT.

So, here's a screenshot of my sample recipe within Uncanny Automator. Notice that I'm using the function to make a new post in WordPress.

If you're wondering why I'm not using Courses within the recipe, it's due to the fact that Courses the action uses an custom type of post for courses. So I just have to choose the correct kind of post for my recipe.

This image shows precisely the steps to set up your action in order to build the course.

You can see that the efficiency potential of time is enormous when it comes to content creation and AI. However, what's really amazing is that you can use the technology to supercharge your customer service as well.

Here's one of many ways...

Reply on WordPress Blog Comments by using ChatGPT

This can greatly simplify the customer relationship and blogging process.

Through the WordPress Uncanny Automator integration, I was able to design a recipe which automatically responds to comments made on my sandbox.

    Disclosure Time  

  The is not what we're looking in the first place, but it's a good thing.

 It's here that things get a little tricky for me as a person (and for me as the Growth manager).

I prefer authentic engagement with human beings. If someone is tempted to make a make a comment to this article may be a little dissatisfied to discover that they have been replied to by an automated system. Let me make it certain: real humans respond to comments manually on our posts.

But that being mentioned... no judgement on this one.

After all, startups can have a lot of resources. Chatbots that respond to comments during the initial stages could be just the time-saver that you require to get your business off the ground.

There are definitely ethical ways to use ChatGPT to reducethe comment-response process - even for the big guys.

It's not a question. AI really shines when it comes to concept generation and creativity prompting. Why not make use of ChatGPT to provide suggestions for replies?

You can go from tongue-tied to fully-replicated In a flash

To get great response suggestion in post comments, make this recipe:

I posted a couple of sample comments on the post to test the integration recipe. Have a look at the comments here, and let me decide for yourself.

What do you think of these test results?

Pretty great, right?

Given these responses, we could go in, read the user's comment, then make a few modifications to bring a individual touch. And it's done!

 Important to know that the most current version of the Uncanny Automator WordPress integration doesn't provide threaded comments.

More Ways to Use ChatGPT using WordPress

Are you sitting down? If not, you might prefer to take down the stand-up desk, and have seating for the following section.

Once you've got an excellent understanding of the use of OpenAI's ChatGPT tool to create content, it's time to expand. Here are some other ways to use ChatGPT in conjunction with WordPress.

ChatGPT is a great way to organize your membership The Levels

This is a common question we receive from business owners who want to incorporate a member component in their companies:

 How do I arrange all benefits into meaningful membership levels?

This is a brand new and awesome answer: Let ChatGPT help you.

All you have to do is...

  1.   Prompt the AI with a complete description of all advantages and features you wish to give.  
  2.   Let it know how many tiers you'd like.  
  3.   The prompt should be given some context.  

These are what my suggestions would look be if I decided to create a membership-based business in my passion for wild Huckleberry picking.

What's great about this is that you can actually instruct that bot how it should format its responses in the most beneficial way.

For me, it would be an table. This is what ChatGPT created when I played around with it.

After a couple of tweaks with a few tweaks, you could even put the chart in your website's pricing page to give customers the details of each membership or plan tier includes.

Use ChatGPT to create Page Content

Most likely, you've realized this. But everything you've learned here about blog content creation can be used to create virtually any type of content that you can create on WordPress.

All it comes down to is your response. It is important to inform your AI about your objectives, and give it good details to work with.

How about a Homepage? Perhaps you require an information page or highlightspage. Perhaps a side-by-side products comparison?

In reality, there's no limit.

Utilize ChatGPT for Coding in WordPress

This one requires a bit of care.

Like you would need a copywriter, editor (or or even a human) to review your text contents, you should not to copy and paste code blindly by ChatGPT. It's best to have a trusted WordPress developer evaluate every code that you receive.

But as with all things content, ChatGPT code will help you get up and running by helping you with minor issues. Recently, I tried this out. It was a fascinating result but it couldn't fix the issue.

What I'm about to demonstrate here won't necessarily meet the goal. Remember that.

Kickstart your coding

New-user approval is a feature that we've received from a few users.

Some customers want to ensure that new members are kept on hold so they are able to manually check and approve. They want this to occur prior to the processing of the membership payment.

Although there isa third party plug-in that can do these things ( New User Approve), I wanted to find out what ChatGPT could be able to do.

I did not include the actual code that was generated by ChatGPT. Additional processes need to happen within Stripe for this code for the payment to be processed once I approve the buyer. Therefore, the process isn't complete.

This example of using ChatGPT to generate WordPress code is sure to get you thinking of the possibilities.

Some developers have even used ChatGPT is able to write whole WordPress plugins!

Improve Abandoned Cart Emails by using ChatGPT

Did you receive an abandoned cart email? These are pretty boring, don't you think?

Even get creative! Take advantage of the "write poems" prompt. Perhaps you prefer country your thing (it is available for ChatGPT).

You can even do it for those who prefer the straight-laced route.

Whatever the case, ChatGPT can save you a whole lot of time when it comes to designing the sort of meaningful content for your emails that will keep clients staying.

The Wrapping Up

So, there you have the idea. It's just the beginning!

It's clear that ChatGPT isn't going to be the replacement for all the people (and that's good!). It can certainly assist you in enhancing your WordPress blog, website as well as your business or membership website.

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Start Now!

You've probably had several aha moments reading this post. Or maybe you're already employing ChatGPT in innovative ways for creating content. We'd like to hear about your ideas. Please let us know your thoughts by commenting below!