The complete A-to-Z checklist for starting an Online Business

Apr 28, 2023

You're here! And that means that you're about to make a a big life decision. It's time to begin your own online company. This could be an online business, a service-based business, a coaching or course-based enterprise, or anything else. The most important concern you're likely to have is: What do I do? To get you started, we've created a complete checklist for starting an online business.

You might be tired of working for someone else and want to create your own schedule, or are done not having any control or influence over the amount you earn. You're looking forward to taking a risk to see what you can build based on a business or product idea. Perhaps it's one of these.

Whatever has led you to contemplate starting an online or ecommerce business, it's going require some effort You'll require direction.

There's good news, you don't need a college degree to become a successful business owner. Anyone determined to learn, work, take risks, and stick to their plan can make this happen.

However, there's a lots to accomplish, and that's why having a business checklist online can help. is constantly working to open up the business world, allowing everyone to pursue their own ideas, regardless of where they are, who they are, and what resources they have. Making sure that people can succeed in business is our goal!

Table of Contents

Questions frequently asked by new business owners

We'll get to the checklist for starting an online business in a bit in the beginning, but before that, let's answer some basic questions regarding starting an online business.

writing in a notebook with an orange pen

What is the cost to start an online business?

Starting an online business costs considerably less than a traditional company with a shopfront or manufacturing facility. There are however several costs that you'll need to take in prior to starting.

First, you must prepare and launch your website. There is a way to cut costs in the process of doing the work yourself, by constructing your own site contents and establishing your online company on a platform that is free like . Or, you can reduce time and hire a freelancer or agency for the task.

Next, you'll have some legal costs, such as permits, business licenses, and possibly making legal statements based on the product you sell. If you rent equipment, it is possible to have a rental agreement drawn up by a legal professional.

Another business cost is for accounting services and tax preparation which includes the payment of sales tax. And you'll pay shipping costs if you sell a physical item, and this may be included in return shipping.

So, even with an online business, there will be startup costs.

If you're in the process of starting an ecommerce business that sells physical goods, you'll be faced with the additional costs of developing products, manufacturing and inventory.

What time does it take for you to begin?

Online businesses that do not sell physical items, such as coaching businesses or service-based one like copywriting, or web design, you'll be able to start in just a couple of months.

If you are able to dedicate a few hours per day to the new business, and knocking off your items on your business startup checklist and you'll be up and running much sooner than you think.

Physical products may add a few weeks, or perhaps a few months, to this procedure. If you're manufacturing or customizing the products you create in-house you're limited only by the time it takes to receive raw goods and to complete your work. Collaboration with other manufacturers or third party suppliers can add the time for development as well as shipping to the process.

Like everything else it is true that if the business you are starting is a side project your time to devote to development can limit the speed at which it can be launched.

woman wearing a hat, sitting on a couch and looking at a laptop

What is the time frame for launching an e-commerce site?

For ecommerce businesses with products, packaging, and related requirements, startup times will be longer. The setting up of an ecommerce site is really one of the last steps to opening the doors to business. Why? because you must have the quality of your products and processes figured out in the beginning.

What kind of shipping option will you require? How does your target audience like to be paid?

Once you have everything in the process of development, you'll be able to think through and outline the pages your site will need and the functionality it must include.

Making and organizing all your website's content such as product pictures and descriptions, FAQs, etc. -- can take several hours. However, having all these details in place before hiring an agency or freelancer could make the process go much faster.

A skilled web designer could make a simple eCommerce site within just a few days. But, it is best to be prepared for the process to last about a couple of weeks for an average online store. If your project is more complex or do not already have all your information and functionality needs organized prior to the start of building your online store can take a few months or more.

How do I begin an e-commerce company without any knowledge?

The process of learning will be steeper however, as long as you're persistent, yes it's absolutely possible!

If you're not an expert in the field, you'll need to set aside some extra money up front to learn selling online.

You don't need a formal degree, but having a few online courses could help you get there faster. In some cases, it's worth making a modest investment to study from a professional or two. Why? Think about a few jobs you'll be required to complete:

  • Understanding marketing
  • Making a business plan
  • How to sell
  • Providing customer service
  • Web content writing
  • Leads to acquire
  • Making sense of inventory and manufacturing management
  • Setting up a successful mindset

Can I start an online business on the tightest budget?

You can certainly do it, however the likelihood is that you'll have to trade in your expenses in exchange for the speed. If you're a good teacher and are able to teach yourself new things and have the desire to learn it is possible to master the basic principles of website design as well as copywriting, design marketing, and business structure on your own time.

Experts in hiring to assist in these areas can accelerate the process but it will require financial resources up front.

A good plan is to develop your e-commerce or internet-based company during your off-hours, in the form of a side-business, and then build it just a each day. You won't regret the hours you invest in learning, because in the end it will result in more educated and confident, flexible, and savvy small-business owners.

Keep your eyes on the ball, be consistent and consistent until you find your footing. Check out our list of things to know before starting an eCommerce company.

Is it a good idea to start an ecommerce or online business?

Starting an ecommerce business takes dedication. You won't find instant success. However, if you continue to work at it and don't give up, your new business will succeed.

Attend some seminars. Visit an exhibition or two, even if you're not in the field. Learn about how companies present themselves and what they offer. Learn the spoken language. Meet individuals. Take a look at your job in a different company -and the decision-making in the background and the risk, the uncertainties, the reasons why the entrepreneur does what they take on. What lessons can you apply for your own thoughts?

There's no guarantee of success However, it's always a good idea to learn as much as you can, and to follow your goals a bit each day.

What do I need to be aware of when the process of starting an online company?

If you made it this far Congratulations!

You've already shown some commitment towards your idea for a business, and your determination to study everything you can to become a business owner who is successful.

Let's begin the checklist. The ultimate checklist to start an online company focuses on the fundamentals.

woman working on a laptop at her desk

The complete checklist of online businesses

Learn more about each of the items in the checklist below. If you're writing a business plan this checklist can assist you with creating that document, because it will help you think about the key components.

The checklist can be divided into six parts:

  1.   Product development
  2.   Legal and Government
  3.   Business assets that are fundamental to the business
  4.   Website
  5.   Operations and business systems
  6.   Marketing

The checklist isn't necessarily organized in a particular order you are able to work on many things at the same at the same time. However, make sure the business plan you're developing is established before spending too much money on marketing, business plans or other items. This is why we'll begin with "Product.'

Product development

It's all about working out what you're selling and the best way to create it for your customers in the form of an actual product, a online download, service or something other!

Make sure you know the product you're selling

Do you sell products that are food-related? Hand-crafted jewelry? Clothing? Supplements for health? Customized art? The answer is obvious. However, it's impossible to start a business without knowing the product you're selling.

If you're selling a product or service What is the product? Could you explain it in a concise manner? You can sell video production, dog-walking, event planning, senior care, graphic design, and a host of different services.

Or, maybe you offer cooking classes online, equipment rentals and software licenses. Or, you could offer printable worksheets, or tickets to shows. There are so many options!

In the end, your product should be sought-after or desired by the customers. This is a good reason to start in tandem with the very first item on the marketing section of this checklist -to determine and discover your audience.

To do:Describe the products or services that you're offering. Pitch these ideas to members of your targeted audience. You can get feedback to refine the product or service before committing excessively in manufacturing or marketing.

Wide product categories can make it difficult to break into a new ecommerce store or the start of a new business online. If you want to be noticed by new customers, try to satisfy a demand that's not currently being addressed by similar businesses. The category of "health supplements" encompasses a variety of products. What about health supplements for parents who work as freelancers?

Now, you have the benefit of a more specific, narrower and specific target market for your product. This matters because, when you get into marketing the internet, your efforts build from the foundation of your specific niche. It's much easier to get high-value traffic for a niche-based product or service compared to an overall one.

After you've come up with your concept, conduct some investigation and find out the need for the product. Take a look at your competition. Do they have a lot of competition or do they lack something you could offer? Have you recently seen a competitor either close or go under? Why? Do you think that this means the market for the product is low, or is this an excellent opportunity?

Also, you should make your suggestions known to those in your target audience to gauge their enthusiasm. You can conduct in-person interviews or conduct surveys through Facebook or email accounts, or work with companies who will conduct research for you.

To do: Describe your niche and establish a need for it.

Plan for fulfillment or inventory

Prior to taking orders, you need to be able to store inventory or a specific plan to meet the orders. If you're selling something physical, this means ordering, sorting, and storing enough physical products to start without the risk of too lots of unsold inventory occupying storage space in your garage or warehouse.

If you're sourcing and refining physical goods, the procedure may take more time than you'd think. Get started early with the initial variations of physical items and then carefully examine the detail and quality provided by the various vendors. Keep refining your source until you've found the right balance of cost, quality and effectiveness you're searching for.

man reviewing inventory list in a warehouse

Most of the time, less purchases from suppliers mean less profits. When you're just beginning, you might opt for this until you know which products are going to be successful and which ones don't inspire customers in the way you'd like. When you've determined that a product is a winner, you can make larger orders at a lower cost per unit.

If you're selling service-based, or more intangible products however, you may still determine your "inventory" in relation to any needed raw materials and the capacity of fulfillment. If you're selling a private consultation, for example then your inventory will be the amount of hours you'll be able to perform during a specific duration. Remember to add the time needed for management of your business as well as marketing and any other unplanned tasks!

signature on a legal document

*Note that this section applies to companies based in the U.S. If you reside in a different nation, spend some time researching the requirements.

Each state has its own specifications, however in general it is necessary to have:

  • A state-issued business license
  • A secretary of state company registration
  • Federal tax identification (EIN)
  • Insurance, depending on the product and service kind
  • Legal disclaimers
  • Legal contracts for client-based or business memberships
  • Rental agreements for rental business

Certain of them will be only one-time expenses. Other documents must be renewed every year. And, for most of these forms it is necessary to provide information, including your name as a business as well as the information in the next section.

You'll require the EIN in order to establish the business account in a bank and you'll definitely be tempted to open, because it will make the management of your administration of taxes and accounting significantly easier to manage. You can get your EIN by clicking Here.

to do:Research all legal documents that you'll require based on your jurisdiction and unique business. Incorporate each document into the list and make sure you have everything lined up!

Foundational business assets

This isn't an exhaustive listing. Every business has its own additional required assets. Consider the logistics for running your online business you have in mind, and add items to this checklist of online business items when needed.

Develop a company or brand that is known

Do not do it too fast. If you are considering registering your company with the secretary of state (in the United States), one of the tasks is to ensure that your choice isn't already in use. The name you choose for your company and product can also be a decision for marketing.

It is best to think of a large list of possible ideas, then narrow it down. Perhaps run your top choices by a few friends or business contacts. However, don't make a decision without ensuring it's not already used.

Do an online search for your favorite ideas and see what results pop up. Look up domain names to see if a related one is readily available. Are there websites already that is similar to yours? Your name needs to be unique and un-used. Here's more on naming your business.

Once you've chosen and the business name you want to use, you can begin branding your items. You'll want a logo that represents the brand. In this instance, you'll choose the color scheme of your brand. The option to alter this is available at any time, but it's not necessarily easy to do and requires some effort and thought into this. You'll probably want to pay an expert to create the logo for you and also provide branding advice.

designing a logo on a sketchpad

Learn to understand the "why"

What ever product or service you'd like to offer on your website there must be a a personal reason for selling it. It's never just about making profits. Why? Because you can make income from a variety of different things. What made you pick this product or business idea instead of the other ideas?

Perhaps you are interested within your field or have skills you already are applicable. Maybe your current position, a hobby, or past experience makes your more qualified to create and sell your product or service. Perhaps you've got some knowledge in the area you are interested in. For coaching and industry-authority-based businesses, this is particularly helpful. Perhaps you have a passion for it.

Whatever the case, know your motivation behind choosing your business concept or the product that you'd like to pursue. It is important to tell the story of your enterprise. You must know the motivation behind this so you can remember it when you face obstacles.

To accomplish write an essay that explains the reasons you are interested in this business or product.

Set up business contact options

It's fine to use free email services like Yahoo or Gmail However, the use of an email on your own domain can increase your perceived authority and professionalism. Once you know your business name and the URL for your website, you can create a business email address that will be something like [email protected].

You may also want to set up a corporate address in the event that it's not a local post office box that you can utilize for corporate and business-related correspondence.

Also, think about a phone number specific to your company. Again, this shows a level of professionalism, as well as helps keep a the distinction between work and private life. Free tools like Google Voice help you get started quickly.

Set up a business bank account

You'll definitely want a business bank account. This is an essential requirement. You absolutely do not want to mix your business finances and your personal finances. For opening a bank for business account, you'll need a federal tax identification number (EIN) and your business license, too. Make sure to contact your preferred bank to find out what documents they'll require.


Since you're starting an ecommerce store, your website is an essential part of your venture. While the specific steps you'll want to take in this article will differ based on your company and the items you're selling, there's some commonalities that apply to most online stores.

Choose a domain name

You have already confirmed that the domain name you want to purchase is in stock. Now is the right time to get the domain. There is another aspect in naming your business, too. In the ideal scenario, your .com variant of the domain will be available to purchase however, there are alternatives to think about, such as .org, .co, and .net in accordance with your specific needs.

domain name search tool on

Also, you want your URL to be simple to read and understand -- if you announce it to someone who is interested in purchasing it, they should be confident enough to recall it and enter the URL into their browsers in the future.

Buy web hosting

There is a need for an internet hosting provider to store your website files and make them available for people to view on the internet. There's a myriad of things to think about such as prices, uptime, security offerings as well as scaling.

Pick an e-commerce platform

The e-commerce software you use provides the functionality you need to display your items online take payments and much more. It is a great choice for beginners and experts alike. It's the ecommerce component of WordPress is a web-based website creation tool which is the engine behind the 43 percent of the web.

WordPress stands out from other platforms due to the fact that they're:

  • Use HTML0 for free. Both WordPress and provide all their essential features for free. While you can purchase premium add-ons, many shops can begin and run their business at free of charge.
  • Expandable and flexible. There are no limits! Have as many products and variants as you'd want. You can sell any product that you can think of, from digital and physical products to subscriptions, bookings and even classes. Design a website that fits any product you think of.
  • Open-source. Because both WordPress as well as WordPress are open-source, anyone can edit, copy, or alter the code as they'd like. This means that there's a high level of flexibility and transparency. This also means there's a lack of limitations and restrictions that are associated from proprietary platforms.
  • Easy to use. The platforms were created to allow anyone to create a beautiful, effective site without any knowledge of coding at all. The robust blocks editor allows you to create pages just by dragging and dropping elements (blocks) and setting settings.
  • A part of a close-knit community. Its WordPress and community is like no other one, featuring meetings as well as group chats on Slack, Facebook pages support forums, and more. It's full of like-minded people who want everyone to find happiness!
 setup wizard

Design your website

After that, you'll be able started on creating the rest of your website. Keep the branding choices you made earlier, like the color scheme and logo, so that your entire website is coherent. The block editor to create every aspect of your website, from pages and galleries to headers, product templates (if you're using an block themes).

using the WordPress block editor

To run an e-commerce shop it is likely that you will require an About page, a home page, as well as a Contact page. These pages will be paired with product category, Cart, checkout pages, and Cart. It's also possible to differ based on your company's needs.

Design your own products

You'll need to build your listing of products. The default setting permits you to:

  • Simple products (Basic items with no options)
  • Variable products (Items that come with choices, such as colors and sizes)
  • Products that can be downloaded (Products which customers download)
  • Virtual goods (Items which aren't physically tangible and aren't downloaded like an online service)
creating a new product in

You must provide all of the details about the technical specifications, materials and other information. You should also consider what potential customers will be asking and attempt to respond to questions within the descriptions.

But moreover, you need create a visual of how the features of what you're offering will benefit your customers' lives at work, in their play, and so on.

Set up a payment gateway

The payment gateway will allow you to securely collect payments to purchase your products, and transfer the money into your bank account for business. There are a few points to consider, however the final choice of which payment gateway you choose will depend on the needs of your company.

viewing payments in

Set up business systems and operation

Making the most of your profits as your business is about focusing on efficiency, and establishing systems that are duplicatable and reduce the need to keep coming up with fresh solutions for your model of business.

packing materials in a box for shipping

Determine packaging and shipping processes

You shouldn't have to guess on packaging options every time a new order comes in. Set up an organized process for finding the different SKUs that you've got in stock, and how to package each for shipment. The process should be systematic, well-organized process to ensure that someone can be hired and at any point they can come on board and take over this responsibility.

Some items require bubble wrap. Some can be put in a polybag. Still some combinations need a box, and you should be accompanied by a sticker. All of these are things you should consider prior to launching your business on the internet.

Determine shipping materials

Select your shipping partner and the method you'll be charging to ship

creating a shipping label with  Shipping

Determine inventory management and storage

In the absence of proper management of inventory You'll be faced with many problems. It's impossible to sell items you don't own, which is why it's important to have enough products on-hand without risking the possibility of a warehouse full of un-sold products.

If you plan to package and ship items you have on-hand, you'll need an area to keep the items, as well as anything needed to protect them and organize the items for faster fulfillment (bins or tubs, shelves, etc. ).

Consider the customer service process

How will questions be handled? What avenues will customers be able to contact? Is there a standardized procedure you could create to address concerns of different levels of severity?

Create tax as well as financial tracking

Most jurisdictions require the tracking and collection of some type of sales tax or VAT. The amount of tax varies based on the origin of the customer as well as the location of delivery as well as the location of your physical store inventory, and more. It can get complicated quickly.

In addition to tax implications for business owners, you should know your financial standing in any moment. With a myriad of categories of expenditures, as well as a wide variety of obligations to be able to handle this can become an overwhelming task to take care of.

viewing analytics on a computer

When tax time comes around, or the appropriate interval you prefer, just email your accountant this information and let them run with it at that point.

Create return policies


Simply because you have an ecommerce website doesn't mean anybody will see it let alone buy anything. The majority of marketers, as well as smart business owners, can tell you that every company is a business of marketing. The purpose of your business is to market your product, which is marketing. Before you are able to establish your niche by providing products of the best quality, unique, or best-priceditems the people must be aware of, comprehend, and be motivated to purchase.

Marketing is foundational to every business and it's for this reason that a lot of the fundamental aspects of this checklist can, and should, be formulated in conjunction along with other components of the checklist. The people you target and the way in which you plan to market your company should influence everything from the name of your business and web presence to the SKUs you choose to develop.

Learn about and define your target audience

Are you selling to a particular demographic such as kids parents, singles or older or other people? Are you targeting a different market segment? Perhaps you're selling based on particular interests like landscape or climbing rocks. It could be based on some sort of demand.

However, even when we have needs other factors come into play. All of us need food. We all need to wear clothes. But which food and clothes we select depends depending on individual preference, culture, life experience, how our parents raised us, financial capacity, etc.

Your target audience will determine your product to a degree. However, the quality of your product will determine your target audience. Both must be considered simultaneously.

After you've identified the potential clients you're targeting the marketing you use should be in line with that, and draw the audience in. In the case of selling landscaping services to retirees Your marketing needs to clearly state that the service is designed for retirees, not just anyone. In the case of selling landscape to retirement community, then that's an additional target audience.

Find out how to reach that audience

The next question is how do you reach your target market? Are you going to primarily rely on online marketing? Or will you make use of in-person or printed marketing as well? The audience you want to reach will determine the answer to some extent.

For instance, using the previous example, many retirees may not be on TikTok, so it wouldn't seem sensible for the firm to allocate all your advertising budget to the platform. However, a makeup company selling to teens and college students might want to strongly consider advertising on TikTok and other social media channels.

Where is your audience? What are their shopping habits? Where can they find solutions to the issues your product solves? How else can you get the attention of your customers?

woman leaning against a couch looking at a laptop

Set a marketing budget

Every business online must choose their initial marketing costs in accordance with their specific circumstances. It is important to consider:

  • The funds you have available to invest up front
  • The cost of various marketing channels
  • You will decide what you'll do by yourself and the things you'll be outsourcing
  • The value of your product

The product you sell for $500 requires a higher marketing budget than one selling for $5. It's at least the beginning. If the item grows into a major seller, you can increase the cost of marketing for that item later.

It requires a great deal of money to create a TV commercial than it does to create an email marketing campaign. However, you must be able to create an email list for people to mail to, and that needs additional marketing effort. Direct mail needs an email list as well.

For in-person events, there are fees charged for booths. Pay-per-click (PPC) is a method of marketing online that charges for each click.

You have to determine how much you're willing to invest initially- to attract, engage to convert your initial customer base. When you begin to expand the strategies you employ and your investments will change.

Begin your digital marketing

  • Display advertising

Each one of them involves some learning curve as well as an investment in time and cash. There is no way to do all of these from the start.

SEO is the lowest price for those who do it themselves however, it takes a significant amount of time to understand the process, conduct research and implement. If you've got enough time to write, you can begin creating blog posts, ebooks and guides, checklists as well as infographics and other online marketing resources. Develop them around what the people who read your content are looking for.

Use them later to convert your site visitors to customers and leads. Ask them to join your email list with an opt-in page. It permits you to send out email advertising messages, which again, you can choose to build yourself.

The other forms of marketing may cost more, however they let you more rapidly and effectively target your ideal customers. This allows you to grow your business more quickly.

Consider in-person marketing strategies

The most significant obstacle to digital marketing is all the different online marketing available. The world of the internet is awash with distractions. The best approach is to just get out and connect with people in person.

man presenting to a group

Get a booth at an event of the industry. Consider securing a speaker slot and engage your audience from a position of authority. Run your own event for the people you want to reach, just like financial advisors. Go to networking events. Get involved in local chambers of commerce.

What's the benefit of executing such things extends beyond immediate sales. It is a great way to learn from each new encounter. It will help you learn new ways to showcase yourself and your product.

Take a look at the printed strategies for marketing

Print marketing can include direct mail. This could be letters, postcards as well as flyers. You can also write books, small guides, and brochures.

It is possible to drive visitors to your website through the inclusion of your website's or a landing page URL on the printed products. The dedicated landing page strategy works well because you can observe how many customers utilize it, as well as knowing whether the technique is working.

Start by going through it now.

The process of starting an online store requires a lot of actions, but they're enough! And is here to help with the various tools you need to build and run an online store.

Ready to go? Get started with today.