
Jul 15, 2023
Substack vs. Medium - a compasion of publishing platforms

Photo taken by Lucas George Wendt on Unsplash

Newsletters and publishing platforms give writers the opportunity to monetize their writing in a meaningful way. Instead of starting affiliate programs, or populating their sites with ads, they are able to be focused on their love of writing.

This exchange benefits both between participants and creators. The writers are compensated for the creation of materials, while the users get the chance to browse the articles they enjoy, all with the complete absence of advertisements. Whatever your profession, whether you're journalist, writer, or even an aspiring writer, the following comparisons will help you make an informed choice on which one is suitable for your specific needs.


Substack's primary objective is to help authors by providing the tools they need to succeed. It offers a variety of options to meet the needs of self-employed content creators. From audience-based monetization to control, Substack allows writers to have control over their artistic process and create a sustainable career.

Pricing and Features

The site is advertised as "a place for independent writing," Substack offers writers the opportunity to develop an online magazine, establish a an online community and generate income through subscriptions. They claim that no tech experience is required, and intend to "take control of everything aside from the difficult part (the creating itself)." They assure "true freedom" which means that the author retains the copyright over all content they publish.

It's a simple process. Writers have the option of import writings that they've written on different platforms such as Mailchimp, WordPress, Tinyletter, Medium, Tumblr, or even custom-designed sites to create a fresh site by scratch in just a couple of minutes. When the website goes live The author can decide which content is free, and what content is governed under the Substack paywall. Substack charges 10% of the income when an author begins monetizing, but until it's completely cost-free. Substack claims that Substack team members say that you can "start your Substack with breakfast and start making money by lunchtime." This is how you can achieve it.


The Dashboard page shows the blog posts you've already published, along with the basic stats of your most recent article. The stats you see include the total number of visits as well as email addresses and open rate.

You'll also find a number of buttons you can use to start crafting your latest post. These buttons let you make a brand new article as well as a new podcast episode or even a brand new thread. The dashboard is where there are also subscribers, stats, and settings.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack posts homepage

Within Substack newsletters, posts are referred to as 'posts' and each post is published on the writer's Substack page to display their profile. After an account has been activated, Substack automatically creates a initial draft. It will prompt users to sign-up for Substack's newsletter for subscribers that are paid and share the launch through social networks. It is possible to modify or remove this initial article, and then begin writing your next article.

Substack's posts on the home page

It starts by creating a title, subtitle, and an author. Then, you can ask guest writers to write. Then you'll be able to use a robust text editor which gives you the option of adding paragraph copy, headings, images buttons, code to use bold or italic fonts, quotes as well as bullet points.

If you click on the Settings button, you'll be given the an opportunity to alter the visibility of your post. You can make the page private or public and choose whether or not you want to allow comments be made. Within this section, you can edit your post's date of publication along with its URL and hidden "draft link" in case you'd like to share the article with your friends or family (even prior to publication). It is possible to send a trial email or alter your social media preview in order to ensure that your images are in good shape prior to sharing it with your followers.

Once you've published or scheduled the post, return to your Posts page to find out the number of people who were able to read your post.


The subscribers dashboard shows you the number of your subscribers along with paying subscribers, their gross annual revenue, and the amount of subscribers in the past 30-day period, 90-day period, and all day. The dashboard lets you view your customers' email addresses per subscriber as well as the type the subscription (free or paid) the date when they signed up and the revenue per person.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack add subscribers

To add more subscribers to your mailing list add them manually by the email address they provide or export your existing mailing list from MailChimp, TinyLetter, Patreon or similar platforms into an CSV file. Then, transfer it. The Substack uploader will be loaded with each email address it is able to discover, therefore you should only upload those who are on your mailing list.


On the Stats page, you'll find data on the quantity of traffic which was directed towards your website, as well as the number of emails you've sent out over a 30 or 90-day interval, or even since the time you started your newsletter.

The tab on traffic shows the most recent month's web users, and the website from which they came. The information could be derived directly from your article as well as your profile Substack. Substack or other any social media platform, including Twitter.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack stats

The Email tabs provide you with specific information about each article such as the title, date of publication and an audience of either type (public or private) and information on the delivery of your message, including the number of opens, open rate, free/paid subscriptions after 1 day, and the participation (likes as well as remarks).


You are able to edit the title and description of your publication. You can also modify discoverability options (such tags) and also customize the About page to provide the benefits of publishing the magazine as well as becoming subscribers.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack settings

There are a variety of options to customize the style and tone of your publication, including the cover image and your logo, as well as your email banner and welcome email (which will be delivered to readers immediately following they subscribe). It is possible to edit the email-sending options, such as the sender's name, whether you would like to receive emails with responses to your posts, and also the email address of RSS feeds like email protected[email protected]. Here you can also join and untangle the social media platforms, as and Stripe for processing payments.

Compatibility and integrations

The most significant feature of Substack's service is the chance to import content that is already on other platforms. It is time-saving since you don't have to duplicate content from every platform that you use. Substack allows you to import content from RSS feeds from Mailchimp, WordPress, TinyLetter, Tumblr web RSS feed RSS feed for Podcasts, Stripe and more.

The truth is that Substack's primary main focus is on integrations that track as well as data. Substack allows you to include the following: Facebook Pixel ID, Twitter Pixel ID, Parse.ly Pixel ID Google Analytics Pixel ID, Google Tag Manager ID Google Site Verification, as well as Facebook Site Verification.

These pixels allow for monitoring your readership/engagement levels and some create an integration with advertising platforms. As an example, if include your Facebook Pixel ID (found on your Facebook Business Page) to your Substack, Facebook can track the audience for ads that are relevant to them.


Medium, on however, is an online publishing and publishing platform, where you can find articles from several authors. It serves as a community-driven platform to discover, where authors can reach an enormous audience and interact with people who read online and have the same interests. Medium has a user-friendly interface, extensive social functions as well as an integrated distribution system.

Pricing and Features

Medium.com offers a wide range of features and functions for writers and readers. Medium.com has grown into a preferred platform for individuals as well as organizations to publish their stories or thoughts to an international audience.

It is easy to create and format content with an easy and user-friendly editor. Medium is a free editing environment that includes essential formatting options such as head headings, list headings, as well as pictures and embedding multimedia information. Once you've finished your piece and are ready to publish it, you can choose and make it available to all or restrict it to specific audiences.

Unlimited access to the internet costs $5 USD per month if you pay monthly, or $50USD/year when a year is paid in advance.


Similar to social media platforms, Medium offers an extensive audience of followers and readers who actively seek out interesting content. With the help of algorithms and a curation system which includes an editor's choice the magazine can get noticed and be read by a large public. The process can aid authors and creators reach out to people who have read their content and build an audience and increase their reach on their specializations.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium home page

Medium is a thriving readership, which provides writers with the opportunity to communicate their work to more people and receive publicity for their work. The site's broad reach ensures that your content is likely to end up being read by readers who have a real curiosity about your subject.

The features of the platform that are carefully curated can help expose the content to readers who are interested, that increase the chance of exposure and interaction. By leveraging these discovery mechanisms It is possible to take advantage of Medium's distribution platform and boost the visibility of your contents.

Post editor

Medium includes a vast variety of tools to create documents that incorporate advanced editing tools, as well as embedding media that supports pictures and videos as well as the capability to add custom code snippets. Medium allows writers to write visually pleasing content that includes rich media elements which makes it ideal to digital writers who want a more visually engaging approach.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium's post editor

Through Medium's post editor, which is flexible authors can alter the appearance and style of their articles to align with their own personal branding. Media integration is supported by the platform which allows seamless integration of images along with videos as well as other elements that interact. No matter whether you're looking to show off your skills in photography or share facts through visuals. Medium lets you make engaging content.

Network effect

Medium encourages the sense of belonging with features such as remarks or highlights, as well as recommendations allowing writers to interact with their readers. The tools for engagement facilitate deep discussion and help create an environment for writers to connect to their readers.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium's network effect

The effect of networks on Medium plays a vital role in increasing the exposure of the content. When readers interact with the articles through comments, claps and shares, the algorithms of Medium will take note of these responses and show the article with a greater reach in order to attract readers. The network effect allows writers to reach out to a wider audience than their current followers as well as attract readers who are interested with the topic they write about.

How to monetize: Medium's Partner Program

Medium utilizes a distinctive monetization strategy that's called the Medium Partner Program. Journalists can sign up to the program and earn money according to the level of interaction their articles receive which includes applauds (Medium's equivalent to likings) as well as reading time. (While earnings potential exists on Medium, the income isn't as sure in comparison Substack's subscription model.)

Substack vs. Medium - Medium Partner Program

Medium's Partner Program encourages authors to produce engaging and informative content that is able to connect with readers. In recognizing articles on the basis of comments from readers and their interaction with the article, Medium promotes the development of quality content that is captivating and enthrals readers. The model offers the chance for you to earn income while maintaining a free and free publishing platform.

Conclusion: Medium vs Substack

Substack and Medium offer different things to cater to different creators -- the best way to choose the platform for you is to consider what you want to get out of your newsletter/publishing platform. Substack empowers independent writers through opportunities to monetize their work as well as the ability to control audience. A simple and streamlined experience to write. On the other hand, Medium offers a vast reader base, discoverability features along with a deep feeling of belonging.

By providing valuable and exclusive details to your followers, you can earn money and continue to pursue your creativity. Each option serves a distinct role, but it's your choice to decide which option is best for you and your reader. Happy writing!

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