
Oct 14, 2022
Gated content

The process of securing content that is protected by paywalls could be the most crucial option a creator of content could take. The ideal balance between making free content and monetizing it isn't easy. You want people to find your content, but you also need to build a sustainable business. Let's examine the facets that go into securing content, and discuss some of the most essential questions.

What exactly is a paywall?

Consider a paywall to be the gate that blocks access to content, much as a garden that is shared by gate locks. If someone has a key to unlock gates, they are able to access the garden at any time they like, but for people without the key who do not have a key, they have to remain in the secure gate.

The garden gate can be opened so that people can access the garden the same way the same way a gate for content often referred to as a paywall lets users access some of your online content (which is referred to as content that has been gated). This content may be such as a newsletter, podcast, blog post, course or similar . The 'key for this case will likely be a unique account or password which grants access only to a specific group of users. The key can be obtained by signing up to this podcast, by purchasing online courses or being a part of the blog.

What's the motivation behind why you employ an online paywall?

There are two primary reasons that drive the need to stop content behind a paywall. Both have to do with the advancement of your company's expansion:

The content you put behind a paywall is that people must pay to access it. This can be achieved through a month-to-month or annual subscription, or by making one purchase such as a lifetime donation or membership. A payment can open the gate' and provide access to your page, blog or podcast. There are numerous software platforms out there that offer the ability to facilitate the process of connect people as well as paid content.

The ability to categorize content lets you collect information about your clients, in order to gain better knowledge of them, and create stronger relationships. You can use this information to gain an understanding of the people who visit your site by building an email database, or by changing the way you interact with your website. For instance, you could solicit a visitor's preferred language, then show the content they prefer in their preferred language. You'll want to be clear about the fact that you're asking for your information for the sole purpose of reaching them, as required by the GDPR.

Why you don't make use of an online paywall?

There are advantages and disadvantages to blocking content. "Hiding" information behind paywalls means the content is hidden from the crawling algorithm of Google. If not strategic the paywall could impact on the performance of the SEO Optimization (SEO) strategies as it is among the main ways that people to find your website. It is not recommended to gate/restrict every aspect of your website's content.

In addition, to get people to be willing to spend money you must make them believe in your brand and this trust can be built through interaction with your material. Share a bit of your best and (popular) material publicly without cost. This can help to gain trust with readers.

The reason why you should put up an online paywall?

There has to be a balance between providing content at no cost and what to place behind the paywall. The process of finding this compromise is probably the toughest and crucial aspect that anyone who is looking to make income from their job.

Customers and potential customers frequently have us ask "How many pages of content do I need to place behind the paywall?" It is best to take into consideration the nature of content that should be secured rather than the sum. If you are deciding on what information should be protected then you must consider a couple of important concerns:

What is your goal? When creating a blog, article or podcast consider the (primary) purpose for the piece of content. Are you seeking to improve the visibility of your brandand make yourself an authority in your area? Do you want to make money or generate revenue through your content? Are you looking to build your database (often known as "generating leads')? These queries can help you determine what data to gate/restrict.

What's your rival? It's not a good idea to ask customers to purchase something that they could obtain in free other places! In the process of researching your next content, look for related content that from the same subject is readily accessible for download and is free. It's not difficult to produce more content on the same theme but it is important, like always, is to make sure your readers gain an advantage that the others aren't able to enjoy. This could be a personal experience or unique information which no other resource can provide.

Do you contribute to your value? If your content isn't valuable to those who are reading it or view it, then it shouldn't be considered censored. The content you offer should be distinctive and offer details that aren't available anywhere else, or be of a form that has an important  production value. In particular, more lengthy content such as in-depth analyses and eBooks, or downloads, can be offered as paywalled or gated materials, whereas short pieces such as blogs that are 1,000 words or less are generally better off as free or untagged content.

How to make the gate

It's an additional aspect to take into consideration in the case of content that is gated, and that's the extent to which the work itself needs to be protected. Think of the analogy of a garden gate. If you'd like to invite visitors to a particular section of your garden (perhaps an element within the garden) would it be better to allow them to go to a tiny portion of the garden first to make the attention of others, and then reveal to your guests the area they need to unlock.

It is then possible to make a sale to the private area. In this scenario it would be wise to put up the gate only after guests have had a look through the gardens of the public and not at the entry point of your garden.

In the case of digital content, the best way is to let the user take a look at a few paragraphs your material prior to the gate/paywall becoming active. The user will already be involved in the narrative and more inclined to reveal the personal information that they are able to share about themselves. Or buy an annual subscription in order for more reading.

How to gate content that is hidden behind the paywall

There are a variety of other platforms that can aid you in building your gateway'. Instead of providing the complete range keep it to the ones we are familiar with: gatekeeping content on WordPress. There are a handful of well-established WordPress plugins that can aid you with gating your website's content

  • Digital Access Pass
  • Mouse Member Mouse
  • Paid Members Pro
  • Restrict Content Pro
  • Memberpress

If you'd like more information more about our services, do not hesitate to contact us. Click the red button to get in touch with us today!

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