
Mar 11, 2023
the wonder jam

Wonder Jam Wonder Jam is "a family of brands that help small, creative businesses to expand" as per the lyrics immortalized by Daft Punk, harder, better, more speedy and more effective. One of those firms, Wonderly, builds websites that feature visual branding and also software for subscriptions to help customers "set them apart". I talked to the its managing associate Allie Lehman and developer Matt Hart for further details.

Fine art and free-lance work to be free

"My expertise is in Fine Arts. I was a child who participated in lots of art and drawing activities, as well as oil paintings" begins Allie Lehman. "At high school I had a fantastic art instructor whowas funny, and said that I could be graphic designer or illustrator even though I had no idea what the distinction was between these two professions! I chose graphic design and went to college to pursue it."

Allie left during the recession in 2009 to work in Web Hosting Support. "It was pretty stressful, but I learned lots about servers and the process of the way WordPress was installed, and all things related to websites," she remembers. "In 2013 I started The Wonder Jam, now The Wonder Jam is our parent company. I quit my job as a designer, and began the company full-time."

She'd worked with Matt Hart for a couple years by this time. Matt would write websites, and she'd create websites for them. At this point they began to work together frequently: "We've been working together since the past 10 years at first as freelancers. It was a natural partnership. Now we focus on companies offering services and the creation of WordPress web pages." Allie adds.

Matt begins: "I do primarily WordPress development. The process was taught by myself in the early 2010s. Many users were navigating the WordPress web and thinking"We have to create CSS so that this theme will use the right colors' and that quickly became boring!" He laughs. As page builder tools like Beaver Builder and Elementor came into the picture, they were able to gain some options: "We could do things with a custom approach which is geared to the specific requirements of our customers, which really pleased our creative side."

From the very beginning of their relationship, Allie and Matt have been focused on "going to the custom market in a way which is cost-effective" as Matt says: "We do only what the clients want and don't take on projects that clients do not want. The clients we serve truly care: they aren't looking to present this as a mystery. They want to be confident. By using these tools let us do that."

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Allie adds: "In 2013, I started The Wonder Jam with my husband after I had been self-employed as a freelancer on my own. We were able to employ Matt as a developer contractor. We wanted to work, we wanted to conduct things our way, and we wanted the ability to work in a way that was "free of constraint." That's how the Wonder Jam was born.

Systems, soils and support

"We live in Columbus, Ohio and it's an extremely welcoming and open-minded neighborhood for small business," she continues. "Matt came to visit us and the city after he had come in the city from Seattle and we would begin working with our local clients. We would stroll down the main street and look at each business we've collaborated with." In 2020, seven years with The Wonder Jam and as The Wonder Jam began expanding throughout the nation, they became The Wonder Jam's parent company, which now has three brands, all of which are sister brands.

Wonderly focuses on service-based businesses which include nonprofits, authors along with chefs, fitness instructors and cooks. It also owns the brand Basis that focuses on the retail sector as well as people who offer products as well as a brand named Studio Wonder, an events place and photography studio within Columbus.

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Three brands that provide an abundance of creativity flexibility: "It allows our team to concentrate on what they really desire to achieve and also the individual procedures to be followed," Allie says. "Because Matt and I started working as a team from the very beginning and we have more than the last decade of process in our backs. I have pictures from 2017 showing us whiteboarding every step of our process to ensure that our clients feel truly guided.

"The Wonder Jam operates as the 'soil' to provide everything a small-scale company needs under the hood, then every sister brand has the ability to "produce every one in its individual way and be able to do whatever they want with the possibilities that come up. This allows all of these routes to be clear and free of obstacles that make it hard to operate as a two or one-person business," Matt continues. "We are a collection of companies that can support each other."

As an example, Basis, for example, Basis brand is focused on Shopify and e-commerce. However, every once in a while clients want to start blogging and create something more powerful than the one Shopify provides. So, Wonderly comes in to help the Basis customer on procedures that are related to WordPress. "We can communicate with each other and work together, even as we each have the ability specialization and in a way that's appealing to the users," he smiles.

"The Wonder Jam sits as an enabler. No one is in the upper echelons informing us about who we should collaborate with or the amount of income to make It's up to an executive partner to decide," says Allie. The brands have shared the tools of projects management software and service for clients. Each managing partner is able to reserve a project. The members of the team then join the project, and manage all back-end administration like invoices and contracts.

"It can help people such as Matt and me focus in the task at hand," Allie smiles. "I believe that we've built the perfect environment to work in. But it is all about ensuring that our customers have excellent experience. Contact us via email, and they receive prompt replies and being assisted by our staff."

Matt is in agreement: "We say we don't create for you, but we create in partnership with you. We're not going to head away for two months to create something entirely on our own. We have a lot of meetings, and they'll see the process from start through to the end. This is not going to our individual studios and creating things all on our own!"

Contexts and Clients

Matt and Allie have been working with a variety different organizations that require the website to be available in a variety of ways. "Some of our customers are not-for-profit entities. These are very robust sites. They're likely to be too complex or exist for quite a while. We tend to reduce or consolidate the websites to make them simpler," Matt explains.

"We're also working with individuals who want membership sites for their businesses such as people who work in the food business," Allie continues. Wonderly's clients tend to be people who do human-service-oriented work: "They're fighting for equality, they're looking to talk to their audience a little differently. It's common for us to collaborate with people who have invested considerable amounts of their passion, money and time in their businesses," she adds.

Wonder Jam Wonder Jam brands collaborate with all sorts of companies including national companies as well as solo entrepreneurs making the transition to full-time jobs from side jobs. "We've attempted to create systems that can satisfy the requirements of the two. We're discovering the best scales, as well as what you need to consider differently regardless of the scale differs. That stuff's really fun to learn about!" Matt is laughing.

He continues "With nonprofit organizations, they typically already have a foundation and they've established all the legal obstacles they had to get over. That's often the way we make it feasible because we're not seeking to start afresh." The organization will reframe what they've experienced and determine the circumstances that could make someone donate and smooth out that process.

In the initial stages of the partnership , and for every customer, regardless of of company or nature of the site The Wonder Jam team talks about the customer experience methodology. "A Website is a resource that can be very effective in making a first purchase, but it could also become extremely successful in getting customers to return, or being useful. One of the questions we consider is "Is this a profit-maker, or can it be effective in attracting the loyalty of VIPs? These are the most valuable people for small-scale businesses?" Allie explains.

Matt and Allie each agree that web sites should not try to please everyone, and therefore it's important to think your website. "Whenever you're developing a membership site The most important thing we're considering is that we want our users to keep coming back continue to visit frequently, and to feel that they've had the best experience they've had," Matt adds.

Case research: Simi and Molly

Allie begins: "One of our clients, Simi Botic, has an exercise program and membership in Unmeasured which focuses on movement of the body. This is called"the Barre Method. Simi Botic holds such an understanding view of "Just move and not try to  punish the body. There are a variety of options depending on the movement and flexibility of the body."

When Simi first came to Wonderly the website, she only had the videos of a handful that were changed every week. "It helps keep things more efficient and allows her to combine what's feasible with her time schedule," Allie confirms. "After two or three years of operations, we increased the membership, to give her the chance to give an even greater service to her customers which is fantastic. We're so happy to be able to shift when our clients' objectives change. We're only reexamining our design and are making minor changes to implement during the process of development."

Another client, Molly Baz, wanted to alter her website to something more distinctive and experiential. "Her visual branding is fluid and distinct to her. Her goal was to have her followers follow her on this manner. They received recipes and updates, and everything else they are familiar with however in a manner that felt genuine and distinct to her personal style." Allie explains.

As we all know, Molly's network has become extremely important for her. "To have the ability to organize the site in a way that is in line with her aesthetic, and shifting the website from "Oh There's an image of Molly and you can buy her cookbook' to something significant both inside as well as outside the membership. The result is enormous value" Allie muses.

"Something we've attempted to do with our clients is consider what aspects could be like with them while they're not in touch with us daily. We ensure that they have adequate systems in order to make use of the software we've developed specially for clients like them. Molly's story is an excellent example of that," Matt agrees.

Further information, as well as future plans

Matt and Allie have been working with sites and companies which require "a substantial amount of accessibility" for users with disabilities. "We're working with really amazing organizations who work to have these sites as also prototypes that are approved by these group of users."

They've generally had many luck with when it comes to their clients "It's incredible to remain working with such great people. They are very thoughtful people and they always make us feel valued," Allie concludes. "We enjoy the privilege of being able to work with fascinating people who's values guide their actions. It's a pleasure that we can create things that people can appreciate," Matt smiles.

Learn more on Allie Lehman and Matt Hart along with their team. you might want to consider joining them on thewonderjam.com as well withwonderly.com.

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