
Dec 30, 2022

As we close out the year planning to discuss the events we've been able to enjoy the last couple of months . The group has completed three 6-week cycleswith our regular cool-downs in between. There's plenty to go over, so I'll jump right into.

Big Batch projects

We delivered six "big bunch" projects. They were balanced our expectations for the in the near future. periodic updates, based on feedback from customers feedback, and technological improvements.

1. A new metrics experience

There was a time when there was a "standard normal" list of SaaS metrics for customers to analyze their performance. Over the years we noticed that it was not up to par in two distinct ways. One was that it wasn't accessible to those who weren't experienced in the field of data, as well as not offering enough information and for customers with strong knowledge of data (or their internal analytics teams). These issues led to a lack of confidence in our data.

Earlier this year we rolled out a brand-new data collection API , as well as a metrics layer that laid the foundation for an opinionated measurement experience that emphasizes the importance of joining. This meant getting rid of the old metrics, introducing new metrics, as well as improving their accuracy and reliability.

Our new Trials metrics dashboard

     Our new Trials metrics dashboard    

There are still some traditional measures that are based upon orders. However, new metrics are more focused on trends and analysing the health of your business over a lengthy period of time.

The metrics are based on a design system based on an analysis of trends on a calendar-based monthly basis. This will be more suitable for the businesses that have recurring memberships that utilize . The trend lines are plotted in time using segmented columns. We also have tables that break down into segments for every month.

churn metrics dashboard

     Our new Churn metrics dashboard    

You can click each cell segment for an overview of the graphs of data that were created during the month, as well as, more importantly, see each of the data points that make up the activities (whether the activity is subscribers or members).

Simply put, it is feasible to take a path that takes you through the entire life cycle of organisms to the electron. They were designed to help those who created them to understand how things work as well as which areas are not functioning and the most effective places to look for another take a look.

The most current indicator of trends are: trends are:• MRR. See the factors the make up your monthly recurring revenue which are carried over from your previous month, the addition of renewed members, renewals upgrades, downgrades, cancellations and missed payment. You can also check the ARPM, as well as LTV. -- Payments to Members. Dead simple, see how your members' list that are able to pay you change with time. The same sorting like that you would do for MRR (upgrades, downgrades, and etc.). - Net revenue. It's a glance at the cash flow in the month that is derived from your total income less refunds. - Churn. Discover if there's problems under the surface the aid of revenue churns broken down into voluntariness (cancellations) or involuntary churn (failed the transaction). You can also see rates and counts of each segment (i.e. X missed payment with the rate of Y percent). - Trials. Check the efficiency of your paid and free trials as they progress over. In a particular month, you'll be able to find out the total number of trials which were initiated as well as the number of expiring trials as well as how many of them have been transformed into recurring memberships and also the conversion rate for your trial. - Plan comparison. Choose up to five plans to compare the other plans using one of the above metrics.

2. Likes and comments on the posts

Posts lets customers communicate with members that are paying via email as well as creating their own blogs. This is used in many different ways, as a replacement for newsletters, to offer benefits, or simply to connect and keep track of.


     The Comment feature has been upgraded.    

In order to better create the space needed to encourage dialogue and create a sense of communities, it is now possible to allow comments and likes to posts (and the ability to like comments). They can be turned either on a per-post or global basis. Also, you can lock a read-only state for when a discussion has run its course.

It is possible to deep-link comments, load recently added comments immediately without page refresh, show badges on comments posted by staff members as well as moderate abuse by malicious actors. Members are also able to enable web browser notifications to notify users when that new comments are added.

Posts remain an investment area that is active for us and we're looking forward to the possibility of new use cases this opens up for clients.

3. Improved group subscriptions

Customers have the ability to sell to customers. Customers can also sell Group Subscriptions comprising several seats which are managed and purchased through the same person. It is typically used in institutions or for corporate purposes.

It's been a subject of conversation many times through time, and we've seen a number of larger improvements in response to the use that we've seen and our customers' concerns.

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     The Interface for Group Subscription Interface    

We delivered six important upgrades for Group Subscriptions:

  • Groups of plan: Members can now upgrade themselves from individual subscriptions to a group that previously needed to be done manually by an admin.
  • Managers changing It's now possible to allow group leaders to give the running of the group to another member as well. It's a lot easier for administrators of the site too. Managers don't take a seat: Customers can specify that members of the group subscription count towards the total number of seats included within the subscription or not.
  • There is no auto-renew for subscriptions that have been paid by an external source for the time that the subscription is paid by an external source (via cheque or another) the site will no anymore offer auto-renewal on their account as it is managed by the administrator of the site.
  • Seat usage in the admin: We improved our dashboards to show more clearly how many seats are currently being used by all groups.
  • Generic link for managing members In the past, to add a user into the section of their account where they could manage the team they belong to, you needed provide their unique URL, which included the ID. It's now possible to share a general routing URL with the developers who can use to automate their customer support.

4. Changes to our Marketing Site

In the process of revamping our website to promote our business in the beginning of 2020 , we've added a ton of upgrades and added new features to our website, however we hasn't been revisited to ensure we make sure our website is up to date and to communicate our messages in the most effective way it was possible.

Qh6BWaqgriImc2tXwjGq Updates to .com

We conducted a thorough review of our content, revised our positioning for branding on the basis of details we've gathered. We then created new landing pages, and improved our images by incorporating more refined branding and also updated our Customers page in order to emphasize what functions are in use by our customers.

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     Improvements to .com    

The goal is emphasize the modularity and flexibility of the ways we be incorporated into a variety of scenarios of use.

5. Improvements in performance

It is utilized by big creators who generate millions of dollars annually, and have thousands of users. While we've been onboarding our clients, we noticed that some areas of the administration of our company were getting very intensive and slow during everyday use, which was a negative reflection on our reliability , as well as our level of expertise.

The previous period was dedicated to increasing the efficiency of a few important areas: the Dashboards and Dashboards for Activities, CSV exports, and the segmented view of members who are free. Experiences with accounts that have a huge users has been much more efficient We're also seeing dramatically shorter load times, and a decrease in worker load through our instrumentation.

6. Cancellation surveys

To give additional information to creators about the reason why they are cancelling their subscriptions, we're distributing Cancellation Surveys which will be presented to subscribers after they've cancelled. The data will be aggregated to create an updated cancellation report.

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     A new Cancellation Surveys feature    

The data does not just help creators win back those customers, but also provides an feedback loop that helps them comprehend the benefits of their program's membership in the long run, and help to align their program with their clients' needs.

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     Our new Cancellation surveys    

The updated version of this view gives creators the ability to see two different segments: cancelled subscriptions that aren't yet churned (and could be returned) or those that are fully expiring and have already been processed. You can also see the cancellation causes that are broken down in both segments. Data can be sorted and exported as a CSV similar to everything else inside .

Surveys can be enabled or disabled, but is disabled by default.

On-the-fly and small-scale batch projects

They are smaller projects that were delivered alongside more extensive work mentioned previously (not comprising bugs or support tickets). A typical timeline is two days, up to 2 weeks of work and are guided by feedback from customers and information gained from our clients' teams. We are [email protected]

  • A dedicated partners page on our website for marketing, to spotlight some of our top development partners, and to make connections with leads.
  • pagination of our blog in order for SEO improvement as well as to improve the time that people spend on our website.
  • New protection for podcast RSS feeds served from ACast.
  • The support of Hungarian as well as Czech as possible localization options
  • A new option for coupon targetting means that coupons are now able to be used on any of the above transactions, including purchases previously in the process of reactivating subscriptions that have expired, or when upgrading a subscription.
  • an API option that hides particular text links, which was hindering iOS app store approvals for certain customers.
  • creative tax handling options that offer new alternatives for tax handling Canada this means that the taxpayers are receiving the right amounts based on their revenue and the nexus
  • Cookies banners are on the site of marketing for EU as well as UK customers.

Additionally, we automated several internal applications that allow us to move customers to companies other than Substack or Pico. Additionally, we looked into and restricted the use of third-party Cookies to protect our customers' privacy.

Like every release, these really are the result of a team effort, from researching and shaping to execution as well as assisting with documentation, customer support, and marketing. We would like to thank our team for their amazing effort and heartfelt thanks to our partners and customers. We wish you a Merry Christmas!

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