Tamkara Adun and her community is changing the way African language and history are taught

Oct 5, 2022

Learn how the creator Tamkara Adun built an engaged learning community as well as an educational product line to teach the decolonized African the history of Africa and its languages.

After Tamkara along with her husband along with her young kids left Nigeria to the Netherlands, everything changed. The family was immersed in the culture of another country, Tamkara left her career in HR as well as her kids began attending a new primary school.

Tamkara noticed that in the new school curriculum, her children learned about history through a European viewpoint that didn't include the stories of Africa's cultures, and achievements.

She says "They knew a few things about African culture However, this was told in a colonized narrative that did not discuss the importance of their ancestral ancestors. I wanted them not to get so caught up by other's stories that they lost their individual. I desired them to be well-rounded and also be able to comprehend their African culture in a manner that is authentic and believed in by them."

To fill the need, Tamkara decided she would teach them herself. She started reading famous African authors, conversing with relatives, and digging into the internet's archives. "As I started teaching students, I realized that there was much I didn't know," she remembers. "In my process of instructing them, I was also in the process of educating myself."

Tamkara realized that if or her family members needed the information she had, other people might also.

"It was an adventure for me. When I got started, I was certain there was no turning around. As you learn more, the more you realize there is a lot you do not know. I wanted to keep studying and absorbing this new information, but I also wanted to pass it on. The gift of knowledge is to share it with others. It is not something you should keep only for yourself."

This notion prompted Tamkara to build an online enterprise called Odunife  that translates to "Year of Love" in Yoruba, and cultivate an environment that is based on reciprocity. Others were eager to rediscover history with the African perspective, and the more she taught and influenced her students, the more they learned from her.

Their questions and contributions, combined with her research, culminated in the creation of educational classes and eBooks. a children's book , a language school  as well as one-on-one coaching programs that broaden the global knowledge of African history.

A collaborative and supportive community for learning

The community is the core and soul of Tamkara's business It all began with a simple Instagram account . Tamkara wanted to record the things she was learning even if it was only seen by a handful of followers. "It was as if it was an echo" she remembers. "I put information out, and there was no response."

Then, slowly, Tamkara connected with others interested in African history from a decolonized, African-centered perspective. The more information Tamkara published and shared, the more people reacted in a conversation, shared, or added their own friends to the list. The followers also began sharing their own knowledge and experiences, creating a reciprocal learning space.

"It's a two-way street in which I share, but I'm also taking classes."

"I publish something  that I want to share, and the people who read the comments will expand on the idea," she explains. "It's a community of learning where we're building our knowledge about the past and what happened that happened in the past."

Tamkara gained momentum through connecting with other creators in her area, guest posting, and leading with passion.

First, Tamkara contacted thought leaders she admired through comments or direct messages. Tamkara informed them that their content resonated with her and reshared their content to amplify their voices. They would often visit her page and keep following her in the spirit of reciprocity.

Finally, audience members noticed that she was genuinely enthusiastic about what she did. "People are able to tell when you love your work. It creates trust and builds loyalty. I focused on posting good content that people are naturally inclined to share. This put me in front of more individuals," she explains.

In two years, her followers grew from just 50 to 24,000.

Tamkara's community has served as the foundation of her endeavors throughout the process. Together, she and her followers have created a positive feedback loop where all members are able to learn from one the other. With so much knowledge circulating, Tamkara knew it was time to go bigger and launch her first product.

Fill the gap with community-led solutions

"I always listen to people. A lot of times particularly on Instagram users will say what they're looking for. When something you and I are both looking for isn't readily available I'm forced to try to create that offer."

Also, she wrote a children's book called Osasu and it was titled the Great Wall of the Benin Empire . It told the story of African ingenuity she wanted her children to remember as well as she was aware that other families in her community would love a book celebrating African cultural heritage.

"It's wonderful to be able to recognize the other cultures that are part of various parts of the world But African children must know their own history as well. This builds self-esteem and self-confidence," she elaborates. "I think every tale, each and every story should be in the spotlight."

The next step was the language school.

"Many people said they wanted to learn African languages, particularly our brothers and sisters from the diaspora who's ancestors were taken away in the African Maafa and their languages stripped away."

Then she started facilitating free group language sessions for sharing her language in a casual learning environment. "Anyone could join Zoom and participate. The event was enjoyable. There was laughter. I saw the gap and an curiosity."

So Tamkara got in touch with instructors of language from around Africa in order to create an online language school .

Then, when audience members approached her asking questions that required complex responses, Tamkara created a 1:1 coaching service.

"A majority of my readers send me with questions. I'd like to find time to respond to all of them, but some require more time and thought and study. Coaching packages allow us to talk about the whole issue."

Through her work with the community, Tamkara continuously identifies need and fulfills them by providing products which spread knowledge, honesty, and joy.

: A versatile platform for multi-passionate entrepreneurs

With a variety of passions as well as a constant stream of ideas, Tamkara needed a place to store her ideas. This was the reason she chose .

"I wanted a platform that would offer flexibility," Tamkara reflects. "I awake early in the morning with numerous ideas running through my head. I was looking for a place that would allow me to have all my ideas all in one place."

"Having my team on hand when I encounter technical issues eliminates the anxiety and strain of having to solve everything on my own. I'm grateful that they have not only just supported me but partnered in building my business," she shares.

"I'm big on communicating and enjoy having multiple touchpoints with my family and friends. If I'm online, you can communicate with me instantly. If I'm not there, I'll get an email so that I'm able to reach them. It's also possible to send broadcast emails to my full viewers or to a group of people interested in one of my offerings. This has been an amazing game changer."

Simply put, creators need tools that free them up to concentrate on what they do best. Like Tamkara states, " eliminates the technical tension and frees me up to focus on my creative activities, which is the thing I excel at. Someone is there to assist and assist me. That is priceless."

Tamkara's advice: Get support and chase your dreams

When she created Odunife, Tamkara learned how essential it is to have support and make bold moves. Tamkara advises others to do the same.

Make the most of your strengths and don't go on your own.

It's common for entrepreneurs to wear ten hats, but Tamkara emphasizes to creators that nobody can be able to do everything on their own. "You can't do everything," Tamkara emphasizes. "Figure out what you are good at most effectively and focus your efforts there. When you're not so proficient, get people to help with your work."

Do not wait around for things to be flawless

Are you looking for something to share with the world? Tamkara recommends taking the leap and learning on the way.

"Don't wait for everything to be perfect, because you'll never get it," Tamkara says.

"The process of learning lies done. If you have an idea, go for it. There's no way to know what might result from it. It's likely that your original plan will alter, and you'll have iterations along the way. But if you wait to get it right, you'll likely never start."

Find out what you'd like to achieve and develop methods to get it done when you begin.

"We are taught to cut down wood by cutting it." -"African Proverb

Everything Tamkara has learned about being an artist, she acquired from her job. It's a bit daunting starting from scratch But nothing is going to occur until you take your first steps .

"A number of people did not notice my vision. However, I went on that inner belief that this was something I must do. More often than not, our intuition knows things we do not necessarily have a physical sense of. If your mind is saying to you that you should perform something, and your soul will be urging you to do an idea, look into it and follow that path."

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