Summer 2020 Update

May 30, 2024

Review of the most recent updates and features.

It's been an active summer at our virtual headquarters! Over the past few months, we've employed a plethora of engineers, designers and engineers and customer service reps to better serve you and develop features and services you need to be successful.

Without further delay We'll share the strategies that were tested to make our experiences to make it more enjoyable.

Live Lessons with Zoom

This is among the top attributes requested by our clients and we're eager to announce!

Additionally, all your information will be available in one location, providing you with complete data on the student's achievement as well as the rate at which they have completed their studies.

Stay in contact with your students by using Intercom Intercom is an online chat service that allows you to talk directly with visitors to your site and to students.

You can now view student details and manage enrollments directly with the new Intercom integration
Now you can look up student details and keep track of enrollments by using the most recent Intercom Integration

Enhanced User Experience

We recognize that these choices can be useful only if you are able to use these functions! We're constantly striving to make your experience fluid and more user-friendly. We've achieved this through a number of important improvements:

1. A better Site Builder

In addition to the classes in the course Site Builder provides users to create online private websites to advertise your class or to provide exclusive content for the users.

  • It is now possible to edit your website from within your live view. Just select the area you'd like to edit and begin editing right away.
Screen Recording 2020-06-22 at AM
Now you can make changes to your website's content using live previews, in real-time.
  • Where to place the buttons on your landing pages is now clearer and easier.
  • It is now possible to modify the order of the fields you have created in your registration page. custom fields permit you to collect vital information about your clients as they sign-up. When you completed the compulsory fields in your forms, these were not able to be altered without losing your information. You can now modify and move fields at any time you'd want!

2. An enlightened picture of the things students can expect to encounter

The preview feature has been improved and lets students see your course in their perspective. There are now three choices for viewing your course

HTML0 is the same learning instrument that your students are taught with the new toolkits for previews.
  • The lesson that you're now viewing is an overview This lesson will present the lesson that you've selected from the course builder. If the lesson is a draft that isn't finished it will be possible to search for it and see if you enjoy the content.
  • Learn all the lessons of this class The preview will display all the lessons that you've taken with the start of the software. If a course is writing, you will be capable of previewing them to use for testing for purpose.
  • The preview lesson will be provided to you using the outline of a particular pupil. the preview course will provide a summary of your classes beginning from the first lesson of the course. As with what students encounter in the class, in case any lessons take place using drafts of the lesson which you aren't able to look at and you're not ready to look over these drafts!

3. Students report on New survey and questions from students

A lot of creators opt for our powerful assessment features which consist of tests, Assignments and surveys. It wasn't easy to find all the assessments which students can take upon.

It is now possible to view answers to quizzes and survey results through the logins of users

There is now the ability to use"Quiz & Survey" "Quiz & Survey" option on the profile page of every pupil. Here you can check the scores of a student across the classes they're taking. You can now:

  • Discover all surveys and quizzes that your student completed
  • Check the scores of each test.
  • Download CSV of each answer. CSV for every answer.

4. Improvements in Coupon Management

Coupons are a dependable and flexible software that enables users to offer discounts, and in addition, B2B trades with a once-off discount to an entire group and giving coupons at the discount of 100% for redemption.

Some changes have been created that make the process of managing coupons easier.

  • Use the search bar in order to find coupons that can meet the requirements for your organization.
  • After that, you'll be able look up the amount total and the remaining coupons together in one place

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The post first appeared on this site

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