Strategies for Elearning Engagement

Dec 16, 2022

As great as elearning is, it still can be incredibly boring.

Most of us have probably been on a course that seemingly goes without end with very little (or no) engagement with the content.

It doesn't have to be that way.

Instructors can include some points of engagement in even the shortest of elearning lessons to "spice it up".

If you're developing an online class and looking for how to increase the engagement of your learners Check out this following list of suggestions.

But first be aware Don't try to apply every one of them.

The fact that something can be done doesn't mean it's always applicable. If you are too aggressive using engagement-based triggers, then the content you post could actually diminish in value.

Engagement Ideas For Your Courses

Award points for completing particular tasks. Grant learners points for completing certain elements of the course. Allow the students to "cash in" on the points (for example, unlocking the new lesson).

Request learners to share their experiences in a lesson. You can leverage a forum to allow learners to share their incident that is related to the content.

Create games that are small using flashcards or other hot-spots. Many programs allow you to design small games that relate to the subject matter. Flashcards and matching games are simple to set up and can help the student consider the material in a different way.