Start your first lead magnet in 90 minutes or less (+5 concepts) |

Jun 7, 2022

Want to grow your list of email subscribers, but are you short of time? Find out how you can create an effective lead magnet within 90 minutes or lesser.

What's interesting about lead magnets, though, is that before they're able to be used to increase the number of subscribers you have they must be created. these lead magnets.

However, you can. You can create an attractive lead magnet in no more time than what it takes to go through a full-length film. (Especially when the movie is one that is a Lord of the Rings director's cut.)

In this article we'll discuss the elements that make lead magnets successful, and also five examples of lead magnets that are easy to create in just around 90 hours or less.

What are the characteristics of a successful lead magnet?

If a potential lead decides to opt into the sales funnel, and you start to build an association with them. Then, down the line, you can convert them into a customer.

Lead magnets are a great way to build your list of email subscribers, however you must provide leads that your target audience believes are worth handing over their email address for.

People want actionable, informative material -- like whitepapers and ebooks -- as exchange for contacts.

When you provide prospective clients this content, their email signups will be worth their weight in gold. Literally. The ROI of email marketing is of $42 for every one dollar invested .

So, how do you know what a optimal lead magnet to your audience looks like?

The most effective lead magnets accomplish three things:

Address your target audience's specific problems

Establish your credibility as an authority on your niche

Make people want to learn more about you and your business

For instance, take Signature Edits  For instance. Signature Edits sells presets, templates, and online courses to photographers.

Different photographers struggle with different problems, and so Ryan offers two types of lead magnets. One is a gratuitous guide for candid poses and an free sample pack of editing tools for photos .

With two audience-specific lead magnets available, Ryan is twice as likely to attract photographers who can benefit from his products -- and more likely to turn users of his email list into clients.

It's now time to look at what you've have learned about what constitutes an effective lead magnet motion. Continue reading to learn about five kinds of lead magnets that you can make in a matter of minutes.

Five lead magnets with high value you can make in just 90 minutes or lesser

Lead magnet idea #1: Convert an article on your blog into a downloadable ebook

Lead magnets for ebooks are great, but they can take a long time to create entirely from the ground up.

eBooks and guides are two of the top-performing content formats for bloggers :

Your existing long-form blog posts could be excellent candidates for pdfs that look like ebooks. You can also combine a set of related blog posts and combine them into a single PDF.

In order to format your book, you can use the free online tools such as Reedsy and Pages .

Your ebook should be brief and simple to read. The research conducted of usability specialist Jakob Nielsen shows that 79 percent of users scan online information rather than reading the text word-for-word.

This study could be more than twenty years old, yet its findings are valid. More recent research shows that "We don't read the same way online as we read on paper. Online readers tend to browse through, scan and scan for big ideas and headlines."

For your book to be easy to scan, you can add images for breaking into the text. The brain can comprehend concepts better with text and illustrations 3x better than content without visuals.

It is possible to create simple and quick graphics using Canva or Venngage , or find free pictures from Unsplash or Burst .

Simply answer a few simple concerns about the download and we'll prepare a PDF.

(If you're looking for a location to store your digital downloads or lead magnets -- regardless of whether they're available for purchase or for free, check out . Join today for a free account today. )

(Not-so-)coincidentally, you can also make this next type of lead magnet with our Digital Download Generator: A checklist.

Lead magnet tip #2 Make a checklist that is based on your processes

The beginning is often the toughest phase of any new venture .

There are many people, your target audience included -don't know where to start with a new endeavor.

Offer them help by providing an online checklist. They've all been there, and you are equipped with the knowledge and experience to pass on.

Checklists can be fantastic lead magnets as they demonstrate your skills and can be super quick to create.

When you base the checklist you create on your personal procedures, you give people an inside look at your process of creation and expertise. It gives your lead magnet even more credibility and value which makes it well worth opting into.

Blogging experts Wake up and Blog give not three, nor one, but three blogs for free. They are lead magnets via opt-in popup.

Offering three checklists ramps up the lead magnet's perceived value and makes people more inclined to give their email addresses in exchange for a download. And the checklists really are beneficial for the Wake Up and Blog's target group of readers.

Wake up and Blog's step-by-step, printable checklists take the mystery out of blogging. They're a popular choice for readers who want to become bloggers -- can use these checklists as cheat sheets.

If you want to create a checklist that can be downloaded there are several alternatives:

Start with one of the checklist templates from Canva to create a stunning checklist, then download the checklist in PDF format.

Convert the Word or Google doc into a PDF version

Whatever method you decide to use, don't forget to include images in your schedule. Graphics and colors can help increase awareness of the brand and help retain customers .

Your checklist visuals can be easy as simply as using your company's colors as well as adding your logo. Make sure your checklist looks and feels like your brand, to ensure that once your customers download, utilize, and love it, they will know exactly where to go to see further information.

There are many kinds of list that make for an easy, quick and effective lead magnet. This brings us to the next segment . . .

Lead magnet tip #3: Make a list of your favorite things

Cue Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music .

What are some of your top things?

Make a list of your favorite books, tools, or podcasts into a free download. Similar to a check list, these lists provide your audience an inside look at your process and ideas.

And your recommendations hold weight: 91% of B2B buying decisions are influenced through word-of-mouth.

Becky Mollenkamp shares her favorite tools for business owners on the "resources" area of her website.

Becky explains: "I recommend these tools for business owners. They're the only thing I use to run my business, and I think each is worth the weight of gold for the efficiency gains I am able to enjoy."

By sharing her tools, Becky gives her audience an insight on how she manages her business.

She's not sharing these tools in the capacity of an advertising company; rather, she's sharing them because she's an individual who has firsthand knowledge of how well they worked to benefit the benefit of.

When you create your own personal list, make sure to only promote things that you actually utilize -- or else, your message will be perceived as unauthentic and miss the chance to earn trust from your target audience. Make sure to note any affiliate links or sponsored recommendations as well.

Done right, sponsored product recommendations can work: 37 percentage of customers think that if content from influencers was genuine and top-quality that it would not be a problem despite the fact that the content was paid for.

If you're short on time, list-making is a top-notch lead magnet. You already know your go-to software or favorite business books. All you have to do is type it out and make the most beautiful.

Once you have the list written down Create a PDF copy of your checklist using a tool such as the Canva .

Just like your book as well as checklist lead magnets make sure to mark the checklist with your company's colours and your logo. Studies suggest that using color in branding is more important in the recognition of your brand than just the name of your company.

Additionally, consistent branding could raise revenue by between 23% and 23%. .

When it comes to visualizing things we'll move to the next lead magnet concept -informationgraphics.

Lead magnet ideas #4: Make a helpful infographic

"I thought these were supposed to be rapid lead magnets," I hear you saying. "I don't have time master the art of graphic designing."

There's a good news: You do not need the skills of a graphic designer to create beautiful infographics. Tools such as Canva as well as Venngage allow you to whip up a quick, high-quality infographic -- without any graphic design expertise required.

Both tools have many templates available for every type of visualizing data.

This informationgraphic from Venngage about informationgraphics (so meta) offers some useful suggestions for turning the content you already have into an infographic:

Determine your content's key takeaways

Create sections and headers

Make your message short and short and to the point.

Include notes for the designers (unless you're making it yourself, which you can still accomplish quickly and quickly)

To promote your infographic, show a cropped preview on your social media accounts and on your landing page, to encourage visitors to sign up to your mailing list to receive complete infographic.

How do we know that infographics are effective?

Infographics are liked and shared through social networks at three times the rate than other types of content. They're also almost 30% more likely to be read than articles.

Consider the leadership and entrepreneurship experts at EOS to be an one example. EOS utilizes their "How to Be a Great Boss" infographic as a lead magnet:

The opt-in form gathers pertinent details about leads that go more than just email addresses.

They know that the audience they're targeting would find this informationgraphic helpful -- after all, what leadership-minded person wouldn't like to be able to determine if they're a good boss? -- they can ask for a little bit of extra info in exchange for the download.

That extra info helps them learn more about their customers, meaning they can build better relationships and convert leads into clients.

Then we'll move to our last type of (speedy) lead magnet.

Lead magnet tip #5: Share one of the most helpful templates you have.

Similar to your check-list as well as your list of things you love Sharing the template you created can be a win-win.

You already have templates that work for you. Making them available to your clients is easy and aids in addressing their pain problems.

Examples of templates include:

Email templates

Designs templates to Canva, Venngage, or Photoshop

Slide deck templates

Spreadsheet template templates (budgeting spreadsheets, content calendars, etc.)

Marketing guru and entrepreneur Vanessa Ryan offers no-cost Canva templates for a lead magnet:

On the landing page she states, "These Canva templates will allow you to design your next opt in, content upgrade or worksheet with Canva extremely simple."

This is the benefit of templates to generate leads that they can save you the time of you (easy to make) and your leads.

It's a universal benefit of templates. The process of creating a slide deck for example, takes over eight hours for almost half of the people who make their own.

24Slides offers custom-designed presentations as well as slide decks. The biggest issue for their customers point is spending hours trying to create the perfect deck.

On LinkedIn the 24Slides page, they offered a lead magnet that addressed this issue: a 20-slide template that is free to use for presentations in corporate settings. The users just needed to share the article, leave a comment, and give 24Slides their name and email.

If you've got a number of templates and tools to share, consider bundling them into a resource library.

Author and certified coach Sally Ann Miller is offering a complimentary Author Resource Library :

The bundle includes "tools, training, templates and techniques which have been tried and proved to be effective".

Sally is an expert in her field, and she's offering readers the opportunity to gain knowledge from her experiences without cost. All they have to do is sign up. Once they do, Sally can build relationships with the leads, eventually changing them into customers who purchase her books .

When you hook your leads with free, valuable material, they'll become more likely to buy your products later on. Just make sure you maintain contact with your leads throughout the process.

In the end, the most effective lead magnets are those that provide your readers with value which only you are able to provide rather than those that require the most effort to create.

Create 5 easy lead magnets your viewers will love

A great lead magnet doesn't require a complete build completely from scratch.

If you're short on time -- and most of us are, simple lead magnets can allow you to grow your email list without dedicating a full day to your digital download.

To recap, here are five lead magnet options that which you can develop within 90 minutes or less:

Turn a blog post into an ebook that can be downloaded in PDF format. Repurposing your blog content saves your time and helps you avoid the common writer's block.

Let your customers begin an exciting new venture by providing a checklist based on your own processes. A step-by-step guide makes any endeavor more approachable.

Write up a list of your favorite books, tools, blogs or podcasts . . . Anything you've learned as a creator. Offer your readers an inside look at your inspiration and toolkit.

Make use of information taken from a blog or ebook and turn it into a helpful infographic. Tools like Venngage and Canva offer templates for every sort of infographic. There are no need for graphic design expertise.

You can share a template that you've already employed to help you in your job. It'll save you and your lead time.

With these lead magnet concepts with you, you're set to create some terrific lead magnets that will attract qualified leads who are excited about the content you've created.