Seventeen years into her coaching journey, Becky Mollenkamp is honing her technique on the topics she

Dec 2, 2022

Learn how mindset expert and long-time writer Becky Mollenkamp is evolving her company's creative side to accomplish more of what she is enthusiastic about.

What happens when you let go of your "shoulds" and started believing on your own intuition?

For a trainer of the mind Becky Mollenkamp  the decision to stop following a path of "shoulds" has changed everything. Even her career path.

Becky assists people in making the shift from "small company manager" to CEO, and create sustainable enterprises without burning out. Through the help of her Gutsy Boss brand, she has assisted thousands of customers to release all their "shoulds" and measure success according to their needs.

Her experience spans nearly 20 years of experience in the field of entrepreneurship to her current job. She was the owner of a company that was six figures in terms of content marketing prior to launching her own business of coaching the year 2015.

Recently, we spoke with Becky to learn about the growth of her company over the past couple of years as well as review the journey she has taken as a creator. Her company is currently going through a change where she concentrates on working with small-sized entrepreneurs, their advisors, as well as employees.

Keep reading to find out the ways Becky has built her company through following her intuition and letting go of the 'shoulds' -she is also helping other entrepreneurs achieve the same.

Finding her calling as a coach for the mind

When Becky had been an entrepreneur for nearly 20 years, coaching was not an element of her strategies.

"What inspired me to embark on my path of coaching was that my brother's passing in 2010 as a result of an overdose of heroin that killed him. This really shaken me awake out of my dream," Becky explains.

"I had been living an existence that was filled with "shoulds" and repeating the same routine every day, doing every task a good girl's supposed to be doing. This made me realize that life is shorter than it should be to have a lifestyle that's not what you actually want."

"I didn't know what I wanted. But I knew that there was more," Becky remembers. The author shut down his business and moved back to her residence with her mom. After that came the inner process of finding out how she wouldwant the rest of her life to be like.

Becky was able building her writing business. "It was my forte and the area I excelled in. However, I realized that what I really wanted to accomplish was to help other people get over their'shoulds'."

She then began to coach.

"I discovered that I can help those who have been through what I've experienced. That's how I came across the task I'm supposed to be doing. This is my passion."

Becky's experience as the owner of an agency, as well as determination to help other people made Becky's perspective an ideal match to coach individuals' mindset.

"I'm not a strategist nor a consultant, but actually I'm a coach. So I help people come to their own decisions and their own knowledge of the things they would like to achieve in their personal life or at work. I then assist people move forward with that," Becky explains.

In order to assist others be more authentic in their lives and live their lives more fully, she incorporates her own beliefs in her work. "I'm an empathetic coach, and that means I honor lived experience as well as being aware of trauma. that my coaching is all about empathyand not about the blame and shame."

Inspired by her own experience and expertise, Becky began building her coaching online business but that included a whole lot of "shoulds" too.

Distinguishing the noise of the things that an online-based company should appear to

When asked regarding the challenges of creating her own coaching business, Becky laughs. "There was nothing I didn't have to face. It appears like I've risen to any challenge."

The battle of the "shoulds were fought out during this case, too. "I believe the most difficult issue was the noise that was made on the web area about the way businesses should be portrayed and what they should do to deal with it and the tasks that must be completed in order to succeed," she says.

When looking back, Becky finds this common misconception--that business owners who don't commit to the fullest from the start do not feel confident in their skills, and therefore privilege. "I was unaware of that at the time as I was suffocated with guilt and feeling like I wasn't doing my best job since I was still required writing [to pay the billsto surviveto survive]."

She recalled her thinking "Why could I not make my coaching more efficient and successful swiftly? Did something go that was wrong?"

In reality, the majority of us can't afford to start a start-up completely on their own, and that's perfectly acceptable! It can be a gradual method, but it doesn't mean you're not dedicated or valid as an entrepreneurial.

"I was forced to complete the job of freeing myself of that shame and guilt and recognize that advice to be all-in" wasn't practical for the vast majority of people."

"The most difficult part initially was recognizing that I had the ability to shift from running a company to a new business." She aimed to reduce her work load by 25% every year. For the first year was comprised of 75% writing and 25% percent coaching. "Honestly this is the first year that's zero write-ups" Becky tells us.

"That is a slow change. Accepting it and then being able to let go of the shame about that, to recognize that it's okay could be the best and most effective method for someone to get started with a business without feeling that they have to be all in the venture or feel that they're not sure about their abilities."

Becky was also a bit hesitant to see herself as the CEO to appreciate the importance of her work, and to think in the big within the bigger.

"You are self-employedand have becoming a sole-entrepreneur or the proprietor of a smaller-sized company through the use of a few consultants . Yet, you're the CEO, the leader, the CEO and you're the one with the vision," she emphasizes.

"It's about having the confidence to show up and say, "I'm confident in the techniques. I'm able to do this.'"

In the present, the mindset of a CEO is fundamental to the way she interacts with customers.

Focusing on a specific customer (while offering her wider customer base)

Becky's professional life is experiencing an evolution she's now focusing her efforts to the coaching of mid-sized entrepreneurs and team members .

There are several factors that led to this shift.

Her work is a step more closely to her own personal experiences as a company proprietor.

Her time and talents to be exchanged for a price earns Becky the most income.

She is the one who does her job that she loves the most.

Based on her personal experience, Becky wants her clients to be able to experience "the transformation that happens internal when you begin treating your business like a corporation and treating yourself as the CEO."

"I have worked with people, and still do, but I'm now looking to work more with women, mostlywomen, with mid-sized businesses" she says. "It's about creating a positive life/work balance for them, and also cooperating with their employees and advisors to offer them coaching so that they can enhance their balance between work and life."

The change will create a change in Becky's bottom line too.

"You charge more to coach," therefore you'll only need to find one individual to achieve the same amounts of cash using these guides for $7, or perhaps a $200-$200 course. I have to sell a lot more [courses and books], that means I must be able to have more customers to choose from my list because only a small percentage of people turn into items." Coaches' clients tend to refer their friends, which leads to greater opportunities for earning money from coaches later on the line.

However, Becky plans to continue providing her services to an even wider range of people even though they're not the ideal fit to her new coach one-on-one.

"I'm maintaining my business in the same way I've run it. It's Gutsy Boss, and helping people as well as firms," Becky explains. "I would rather not be the only one to leave them to fend for themselves. I've worked with people for quite a while, and lots of them listen to my podcast or have been added to my list of email addresses."

With those individuals in mind, Becky has repurposed a significant portion of her earlier content to create Gutsy Guides that help tackle specific issues like setting boundaries , creating large-scale demands, in addition to getting over imposter's disorder.

"Generally the individuals who fall within this category are mid-career professionals and rather than doing lots of one-on one with them, I offer them a lot of resources that they could employ to coach themselves around these things," she says.

Now, when someone discovers Becky's work they will fall in one of two types:

Clients who coach are interested in becoming potential coaches

People who could benefit of Becky's self-guided mini-course , self-study program , and Gutsy guidebooks  which are all run by Becky on

What does she do to figure out what segment a potential customer can be placed into?

Automated segmentation, automation and a little ideas from Golden Girls. Golden Girls.

Making use of automation, segmentation, as well as a fun test to connect potential customers with the right product

Becky offers a test on her website: "Which business owner is you? " The test is six questions long (built using Interact ) provides users with information about the Golden Girls-inspired business owners they are: Newbie (Rose), Flirt (Blanche), Pro (Dorothy) and Sage (Sophia).

Each person is a unique stage of ownership in business, starting at the beginning and progressing to experienced professional.

"To make it clear that the opt-in is advanced emails," Becky cautions fellow creators. "I would not recommend starting with something similar to this, especially if you do not yet already have an opt-in... My experience was that I started by downloading a single file. It's the most straightforward method to get started."

If you're seeking to target your audience, a more complex opt-in form like Becky's can aid you in this process. It can be utilized to make it easier for you to contacting them with targeted offers to meet their particular needs or level of expertise.

Automated email campaigns are created through ConvertKit. This means she doesn't have to devote time to making sure that the correct products are sent to the right people.

"It all happens in the late at night," she describes. "They're receiving the email newsletters also in the event that they want to buy these books, they'll find them extremely inexpensive. So it makes it a no-brainer, and it's an extremely easy system."

Becky knows that her business is set to grow and her company will grow too.

Becky's company has changed and evolved, so has her approach to using .

Becky introduced (and frequently she eliminated) various products over time as her business expanded with the introduction of digital downloads, further training courses and groups of coaches.

In the moment, she's gearing up to launch the 2023 Gutsy Accountability program which includes group coaching, downloadable resources, 1:1 coaching sessions with Becky in addition to live sessions or on-line, depending on the program clients choose.

"I am in awe of the capability to coach groups since everything I'd like to offer are available. Clients are able to get the tools. It is possible to make assets I have already readily available. This makes it much easier. They can also be able to pay for their entire purchase . You don't have to contemplate anything."

The buy buttons that can be embedded and the checkout feature makes it easier for users to buy programs such as Gutsy Accountability without leaving the website's homepage.

Over the course of the creation process, it's given Becky the ability to investigate the different types of products available and find what works best for her and her customers.

"Almost every single week I get someone to reach me out and ask, 'I'm aware that you're using it, please inform me of it,' which I'm always happy to answer," she says.

"I think it's good to let people know that you can create your own content using platforms like... There's everything you require here for an affordable price."

Believe in your skills and build a company that is true to your values

Becky's final advice for creators is exactly the same guidance she gives her customers: Trust your gut.

"Listen to your own inner voice. A majority of those that come to me... There are a lot of doubts, and they don't believe in themselves, and this causes them to feel trapped and then they feel like they're not making progress on their venture. It's downright demoralizing. That's what I feel," she says.

"In early on, doing your best to become self-confident is essential for any success."

Becky's coaching business has grown considerably since her beginning of her coaching program in in the year. However, the core in her teaching help others get rid of those'shoulds' that's'shoulds' -- has remained constant. We can't wait to find out what the next four years (and perhaps further!) will lead Becky and her company.

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