Secrets of the Member Community - Start an online business which is six figures or greater in the size

Jun 20, 2024

Membership communities have changed and vanish over the last 10 years. They have also seen those that were founded with just a little money, and then changed into six, seven and even eight-figure businesses. There are countless examples of membership in a community However, here are couple of the best one we've observed in recent times:

  • The entrepreneur-focused organization earned $35,000 in two and a quarter weeks, and boasted 5000 members.
  • The membership focusing on health has just been added to the membership, with 100 high-end customers (and the ARR is at $40,000. ).
  • A speaker and author, who earned $30,000 for their clients after the completion of an advertising campaign that lasted for four weeks.

Although we're all about celebrations of these achievements, there's a plethora of incredible stories about membership and communities that come from a variety of dimensions and shapes.

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In this post in this blog, we'll discuss the benefits of joining the community. This blog can help you establish an online community with paying members. In addition, we'll give you an outline of how to take you from wherever you're at to a business which is valued at six figures.

Although there is no assurance this is the case, these proven and tested strategies have proved to be efficient repeatedly and continuously.

This is our guideline on the best way to be a part of a group that is worth six figures.


1. Get a razor-sharp niche

This could be an old-fashioned cliché but we'll keep repeating it time and again. The most lucrative opportunities are found in certain areas.

Community groups that are over-sized in the struggle they face.

As a host novice to the business it is possible that you are enticed to contact. Do you not want to attract the highest number of potential guests from the neighborhood?


With a population of non-related people it's impossible to engage everyone. It's also highly likely that they'll be in contact with each other in some way.

The community is all around the world.

The specific niche that it is in allows it to thrive. Communities of members can be built on anything that is related to German ballet to anime. The range of topics includes public speaking designed by finance professionals, to newsletters sent out by electronic mail to anyone who is not professionals.

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The area of expertise you specialize in is among your top assets. When you're constructing an online community that has members, you can look around the world for individuals who are experts in your field.

Begin with an overall notion of creating a community that is open to members before beginning to focus on a specific niche the manner that you think you ought to.

Make use of the Community Name Generator

The AI engine that we use helps you create the image of your community which is like magic. Simply write a few words about what your community stands to serve Then we'll go working. Please enter maxlength="60" name="idealMember" placeholder="Who would you like to connect?" type="text" value=""/>


Examples: coaching clients, meditation novices, vegan chefs, dog lovers, aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.

Find out about other's experience.

The names of the Mighty Co-Host(tm) can give are only illustrations that are available to be used by any other company, or subject to third-party rights. For more information, check our Terms.

2. They can be used for a variety of uses.

There are classes on The community Design(tm) on Mighty It is it is always best to start with a goal.

A Large objective is often the principal motivation behind the reason why the group's membership is in place.

The typical company is characterized by an objective statement. A membership group that is well-established can be an excellent option for reaching a higher objective.

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We're so excited to help communities achieve a massive purpose that we've integrated it into the engine of community. Each community we are a part of is required to select a Big Purpose.

Test it!

     Take your Free Trial

3. Find that ideal family member

The key is to be specific. However, you must start with the ideal person. It should be the individual whom you collaborate with who has a particular issue or goal.

Are you interested in knowing the best way to identify the ideal individual to collaborate with? Make contact with them!

If you have a clear idea of the goals you'd like to accomplish, set it as your top priority to get connected with most suitable individuals. You might be scared, but it will be a great feeling knowing that you made it.

Have them ask questions, for example:


  • What can you do about this?
  • What kind of help do you require?
  • What is the price you are willing to pay for desired outcomes?

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Involving them in conversations is a first step to creating a successful members' circle. This can help you remove the notion from your mind and bring it into the discussion.

It is nevertheless vital to keep an eye on the members you like best.


  • If the whole world is curious however, nobody wants to spend money on it. may be forced to change your thoughts.
  • If the issue you've identified isn't the one you'd like your group to talk about You may have to shift the focus.

Research in the market is essential so it's essential to adhere to the guidelines.

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4. Starting with the basics

Many members of membership communities who sign up. There are stories about the year-long membership of $50,000 for the group. There is also two stories in the middle of this blog piece.

We're not trying to steer you in the right direction. However, we do would like to see you succeed!

If you're just beginning but still want to enjoy the beauty of starting at a smaller size.

Communities with smaller populations tend to be more relaxed when it comes to getting connected. They are able to be connected to everyone, something that would be nearly impossible to do in cities with thousands of inhabitants.

When you've a solid understanding of the needs for 10, 20, or even 20 individuals within the initial group, you'll have the ability to scale to hundreds.

     However, keep in mind that there's no need for hundreds of users to create an active group. The size of the average community is 173. Mighty is priced at $48, per month. It is possible to have an entire six-figure community of members which has a membership of 173. This is not even including the features many communities provide as additional services such as masterminds, private coaching along with classes. You can make six figures when you've at least 30 participants. If you're doing it right.

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5. Make money by selling an item

If this is your first time you've created your own website to join the membership provide something for sale.

Make yourself cool, then take off the band-aid. Make your landing pages, before inviting your first attendees. The event could be live or an event which has doors. Making an announcement or getting an offer that is ready for selling is a good way to test the concept that a community of members is formed.

6. Take a look at the display

Your overall health will depend on the overall well-being of the people who are part of it. The screening process will guarantee that you get only top quality members.

This is a bit strange. Are you planning to shut off members who don't want to be a part of your community? This will make it more challenging for new members to sign up? Stress?

In certain situations, certain situations "negatives" could be countered by a single positive factor that is evident: people within your locality would like to be part of the group. in.

If you're unable to disqualify potential members. Screening may increase the appeal for those who sign up. It's also worthwhile to weigh the gold in.

Screening can mean:


  • Automating a questionnaire on your checkout process.
  • The process of preparing the criteria that members need to satisfy in order to be members.
  • Interviews live one-on-one, or in groups with members who are interested in joining.

It could be as simple as refusing to work with people that aren't suitable for the position. If you've established a strong community, you'll be grateful for being a part of.

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7. Make sure you know the numbers

If you wish to fully take part in a group that is part of it, then you need to be aware of what is important about certain numbers.

There isn't a community with an unwavering dedication to its members all duration of.

None. Zilch.

Every community has those we refer to as super-members or "supers". They represent between 5 and 10 percentage of members who are highly active and give everything they can to the organizations they're involved with.

50percent of members could go to and depart frequently. Some aren't noticed, regardless of price.

The numbers above are fairly typical. Don't let this deter you. Don't let yourself become taken advantage of!

If your members have opted in to your membership group and enjoy the benefits. Particularly, if they're paying for the monthly membership fee.

The group you belong to could be a part of something you've heard of although they're probably yet to be fully committed to implementing the program in the present. Your group may offer them incentives to make small progress every month.

Be careful not to offend anyone. Meet on time and perform the job you have. You have work to complete. Don't get caught up in all other matters.

     It is important to recognize that groups that are designed for people who work may have low levels of participation. In the group for CEOs it is possible to have a slight titch however it does not make the people who are in the group less efficient. They'll be present and take part whenever they're in a position to.

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8. Find out the true value of the cost

It's simple to evaluate the costs for membership from a financial standpoint. The cash flow is at the end of the day.

It is crucial to consider the benefits of having an annual membership fee to members too. The cost of membership helps people remain more devoted. Members who pay are more committed. They keep track of what they're taking note of.

These numbers reveal that fees for membership don't stop buyers from wanting to purchase more upsells. 70% of the free sites are selling upsells on paid goods. But, 90% of paywalled sites provide the possibility of selling upsells!

This is an indication that it is not only those paying that are responsible for the cost however, the people are also paying to enjoy benefits. Make sure to consider this when pricing your membership site.

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9. Don't bother with the free trial

A majority of online retailers offer free trial trials. However, it's not necessary. Only 27 percent from our top 250 businesses make money. Additionally, the company has the opportunity to try their products.

Testing isn't a problem. But, they could alter the dynamic of communities. If you have members who constantly move about and get out from the group or engage in discussions, however, they don't remain for long periods of time they could be affecting the unity of your group.

There are many instances, you should finish the work before the date for ensuring that the ideal person has been selected. Conduct the inspection and ensure that everyone are able to be on time for all the fun of the day.

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10. You can create many more opportunities

The community membership is the most effective and is the most reliable income source for those already active in their community.

The normal thing to do is think "I'm already charging them but shouldn't I charge for another task," we find that people who are actively involved want more. This may be a thriving mastermind group, personal coaching or live events or online live.

We're not saying that it's not a good idea to increase your rates in order that it is simpler for you to charge higher.

Do make sure to take an in-depth look at the customers you have already and make sure you're offering them the best value that you're in a position to provide, regardless of the introduction of a different product!

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11. Check that you are connected to users

We research successful communities. They all have something they all share.

The communities that have been prosperous include those who have become acquaintances (that's not the sole person hosting). People who belong to the community to get information about as well as special events and events, but remain in the community due to their friendships.

This is a sign to be aware that one of the most important responsibilities of hosts is to provide an opportunity for their members to get together and form friendships. It can be done in asynchronous ways, for example, calls to discuss or even through a blog. Furthermore, it could be synchronous in part, for instance during office hours in effect, during the event is live or in scheduled break-out groups as well as during networking sessions.

Remove them from the block and allow them to be member with the rest of us.

It will make your community strengthen due to it.

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12. Incorporate your "supers" to help you.

Super Members can be an excellent source of information. Most hosts don't utilize the full power that their Super Members provide. Engaged people are looking to become more social. They might also wish to be more involved through different ways than your normal membership:


  • You can ask them to help in discussion
  • The members should be asked to act as moderators of the group and their content
  • Ask them to share their experiences or about your experiences.
  • Invite members to touch out to greet new members      

Certain supers might disagree with each other. But, we've discovered that many supers await your emails. Be sure to inquire for the help of your supers.

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13. Choose the most suitable platform

A significant increase in the number of members could be due to the platform you select to utilize for creating your community. Choose a platform which allows you to mix all kinds of gatherings or classes which focus on community. If you choose an efficient online platform that is suitable for businesses, and you'll get all the elements needed to run a successful community-based company.

While developing the community platform, created by us and then created, we considered all the elements it would take to create a vibrant membership group.

This signifies:


  • You can create all kinds of content. These could including articles, longer content like discussion, polls, and streams live .
  • Offer memberships and live and pre-recorded masterminds online and live or virtual events, group coaching or bundle them all using any currency you choose.
  • Unlock Connection tools like no other Chat tools, discussions and messages, AI profiles and the ability to enhance text. There are also professional directories of profiles for members and member directories. Conversations seamlessly integrate to each step of your.
  • Create your personal branding style by selecting the color and layouts, or even areas can be personalized and modify your own software .
  • Design your very own selling engine with auto-landing pages that include customized screening questions as well as various other options for welcome.

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Are you prepared to start? Join us to build your community with Mighty! The platform is rated the best to engage with communities by G2 and is equipped with all the features you need to make a successful transition from zero up to 6 figures. Test it out for at no cost for 14 days. There's no need to use credit cards.

This post was originally published on this blog.

This article was originally posted this website.

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