Passive is Passe: Making Online Courses requires Active Participation

Sep 3, 2024

In the majority of service-based companies that generate income through leveraged and passive products can be a wonderful concept, however there's a myriad of psychological and mental concerns that may arise while making the leap into this area. First, there's the false belief that passive income is the best type of income. Sure, you get to earn money while you sleep and go to the beach. You're right, but you don't have to market it to me.

But what if you ACTUALLY care about the people who are purchasing your program? If, for instance, you didn't WANT to go on a trip to the beach but instead you would prefer to stick around, hold a few hands, respond to questions, and genuinely SUPPORT the people who purchase your program?

Do you think that makes you an unprofessional businessperson?

Is that a sign that you're simplyleveraging however you're not creating a true passive income, and therefore it's a failure?

Not at ALL.

We're here to inform you that leveraged is the new black.

Additionally that, passive income has been a major source of income in 2014.

  Online course creators who are successful keep in touch with their students  

Beautiful, heart-centered entrepreneurs are putting together BRILLIANT leveraged programs and staying CONNECTED to their tribe which is loving them for it.

In a time where customers have ALREADY joined dozens of online programs, never to complete their studies, a self-study programme is just white noise.

In this day and age, people are fed up with being forced through automated funnels, lead generators, and generally forced to leap through hoops to find out how much cash you'd like, and how to pay it to you the online buyer is pushing back. Refusing. Delaying the decision until they can work on a one-on-one basis or participate in an intensive group that requires lots of face-to-face time.

Connected course creators This can be GREAT news.

Personally, I do not even think it's in my DNA to earn a true passive income. My very first truly passive income item was a year-long planner designed for entrepreneurs and was just $19.98. At the time of my first launch it I was able to sell 170 copies. It was amazing. Then, I began communicating with people who had bought it to make sure they were filling it in for the first time, and find out if they found it helpful and to offer tips on how to maintain it all year long.

This was not a passive income product. It was a fact that I was chastising the people who bought it to discover their thoughts and to help them use it!

Then, one year later, I launched my Heart and Soul planner again in the latter half of 2015. This time, it included two workshops for groups one in which I led people through the pages by page, answering questions and giving suggestions, and a second workshop where I helped individuals develop their own implementation strategy to make sure the planner did not be a mere dust collector.

By turning my passive product into a leveraged one I found several advantages for seller and buyer alike:

  1. I felt closer to those who bought I was able to ensure people were getting great value - felt good to me, and also good for them.
  2. I came up with a TRIBE. we were all on the live chat together. people were connecting with each others, cheering one another for each other and offering thoughts and suggestions. It was not a battle to take over - the focus was to unite and make connections.
  3. People became familiar with me - and therefore, my KLT (know and trust) rating soared.
  4. The conversion to higher-end product was awe-inspiring - of the 256 women who bought at this point, three of them are now VIP clients fourteen have joined one of my programs, and at least twenty have signed up to my business academy only in six short months. The process of conversion will continue to happen throughout the year, I am sure.

So the next time you're planning and scheming your next course, program or product, give a consideration of creating something that is more connected, and less passive. Sure, you might have to show up to work a bit more consistently.

You never know that you may discover that you enjoy the idea.

Tash Corbin is an expert business coach and mentor for soul-centered, heart-centered entrepreneurs. She is a lean start-up expert and assists women in establishing their own businesses to build passive and leveraged income. The Heart-Centred Facebook group, which she founded, Soul-Driven Entrepreneurs is now over 10,000 active members and growing rapidly.