Organizing your Video Library? Utilize these top practices

Dec 23, 2022

What is the secret to running a successful Video Library? Your organization needs to be brutal.

If you're not organized, every interconnectivity comes with drawbacks...because nobody wants to hunt for a video for the duration of just a quarter-hour. It's not a great utilization of time (or the company's dime). Because every company's mission, workflow, and internal organisation are completely different and there's no universal solution.


The most efficient methods to handle your company's Video Library

1. Take note of your responsibilities

It's easy to divide all members of your team in distinct roles such as:

  • Contributors produce the content
  • Viewers can watch and assess the content

Be aware of the roles that exist that your library has will allow the Video Library easier to use in addition to providing an additional layer of security. For instance, you can allow recordings of Town Halls open to the public, however, you should keep the internal folders of the projects that are restricted to certain groups or contributors.

Being aware of the exact what kind of material you want to keep inside your library aids in the creation of folders and subfolders that are easy for both you and your employees.

When you're making your folders prepare a spreadsheet or table for every type of content you'll be making. It will outline which teams or individuals are accountable to produce the content, those who contribute and who have access to the content as well as the connection between the each type of content. Let's look at an example.

Content Responsible Contributes Views related
Social advertising (Work-in-progress) Growth Marketing Creative Team All Marketing Internal
Town Hall Comms Production Services All Company Internal
How-To-Video Training Production Services Support Public

2. Simpler folder structure for faster navigation

The way to organize the content of the library's video Video Library is up to the individual.

It is important to remember that content is what makes library users visit. Because the working memory of most people can hold up to three to four pieces of data every day You must ensure that your library isn't too large and that the resources can be easily located.

What is the best way to go about it? Keep the folders at the top , as well as the subfolders with a minimum of nine folders.

3. Customize who sees what, safely

Utilising Single Sign On (SSO) allows you to log into faster and safer. Users' identity is centralized within the cloud-hosted identity provider (IdP) such as Azure as well as Okta.

SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) allows you to automatically provision and remove users in line with when they are able to leave or join the organisation, so that the team's seats are constantly up-to-date with your current employees.

In addition, SCIM lets you send groups of people , and later instantly update the information to share to each individual member; you can distribute it to everyone in the "Marketing" group at once. simultaneously.

4. Organise your business in the same way it thinks

If you're in the process to create your own organizational structure, you'll have to pick between two options: (1) organize by your company's departments (2) or based on the tasks that your team members work on. This decision is purely dependent on your personal preferences, however there is no requirement to be a one-way or neither.

from Team

The structure of your folders by team is an intuitive call particularly for companies who are focused on selling products. Here's an example of how to structure you Video Library by team:

Organizing Video Library by team


Another approach to organizing the folder structure is by the topic. This is common for companies that provide services or organisations including those who deal with healthcare, non-profitsand religious institutions, schools and financial institutions. It could look like:

5. Create specific folders to use for your job.

Once top-level folders have been established and subfolders established, determining them should be the sole duty of a user near to the content who will be able to identify all the possible scenarios for the subfolders.

In the case of marketing, for instance, an employee in marketing could decide to set up subfolders to market, but it is essential to know the entire of the department. Administrator rights for certain Folders are available to contributors, allowing them to create subfolders inside the designated folder. This can free account admins from the need to supervise the library.

6. Incorporate a splash of color into your folders

If you're an expert at managing your most important folders, odds are you'll still find yourself with an enormous assortment to handle.

The colors assigned to folders can make parsing libraries significantly easier. The settings for folders allow you to provide your library with folders colors that you can later match according to department or topic. For instance, published videos might be bluewhile work in progress could be red. The result is a vast collection that is easily accessed at a glance.

7. Tag your videos in order to show them to the appropriate content quicker.

Sorting out videos by similarities seems simple enough, however many videos come in various types of. Metadata tags may assist similar videos in finding each other without having to split the files into different folders.

Each video that you upload to the library includes the capability to search for transcription hashtags (tags that are shorter hashtags) could enhance the discoverability by finding other words that aren't included in the transcriptions. To help manage the process, you must create a reference guide people are able to use when developing hashtags.

If you're adding tags, be thinking of these three primary types:

  1. Description tagsare most well-known since they describe the contents of the video. The people in the video, places of recording as well as the right of use are common descriptive tags.
  2. Structural tags are the names that describe how the video is organized. It is usually used with Chapter markers that identify different segments of the video.

A few examples of tags that work and aren't normally part of transcriptions are:

  • Video types (Social advertisement, meeting, Internal Communication, Interview, What to)
  • Name of client
  • Department name
  • Work order
  • The brand's name
  • Location
  • Version

8. Make sure that the most important information is at the top of the line.

Videos that feature video content

To the left of the Video Library homepage is the category titled Featured Video where you can display the videos that you want the entire group to see.

     The team's owners as well as the administrators can set the featured video on the Video Library homepage by clicking the button for Featured Content in the lower right corner of the featured video area.    

An example of a prominent video in the firm's Video Library

Live events

Owners, Administrators and Contributor Plus Members are able to arrange live events in Video Library folders, (instead of keeping them within the Live Events page) so you can find the live broadcasts faster.

It allows you to stream events, and then automatically archive the recorded events in folders which will make it easier for them to be found by your entire team or just the Viewers and Contributors who are able to access folders.

Reduce time and stress about the legal requirements with Video Library's tools for keeping records.

Maybe you have videos that were recorded during executive meetings that you want to get taken down after one month. Perhaps you also have older corporate video footage which should not be removed.

Instead of making manual adjustments for each asset manually, Admins are able to define policies regarding the lifecycle of media. The process is generally performed in a sequential manner to conform with regulations or legal rulings and general media management.

It is possible to set up the rules for each folder. When a file is deleted accidentally, the history log lets you retrieve videos for at least 30 days after deletion.

10. Search titles, tags along with Talking things

Search is a crucial part of each Video Library. We all know that to find tags within your videos, however, there's no doubt that we are always busy and at times tags aren't included. (We highlyrecommend it but it's not necessary! There's only a couple of hours of work for every video, yet it's a long-term strategy for organizational payoff. )

There is no need to look:

  1. Input the words or phrases that you're searching for.
  2. To start the video, click the exact time when the word was said.
  3. Click on the "Results" page. Here, you'll have the ability to filter the results by the date, video's title or the user who uploaded the video

The whole thing

It's your turn now! Pick a few of them to test them.

It will be clear how a well-organized Video Library will improve team effectiveness, and 10 times the benefit everyone can benefit from your video resources.

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