Omnichannel Ecommerce: Brick-and-Mortar Not Required

Feb 8, 2023

Remote work, Zoom classrooms These digital opportunities are now part of our daily lives. Humanity is now more connected than ever, and now seems to understand the potential of what that means. Doing things online doesn't feel "weird." The internet is normal. And it's no different in the retail space. The concept of omnichannel e-commerce.

There is no need for a brick and mortar storefront to have a thriving company. If you've got a great concept for a product or service, all you require is a strong attitude and determination, the ability to change, and an internet connection.

What is Omnichannel eCommerce?

Omnichannel eCommerce is a multi-pronged selling plan that is focused on creating an unmatched customer experience regardless of whether the point of sale is via mobile devices such as a laptop or even a physical shop. That experience should also be consistent across every channel including your store's online and even Facebook Marketplace, Amazon, Etsy as well as other.

There are many people who shop at one place. Also, wherever they're you must be there.

While the purpose of a sale is the end goal, you also need to consider what the customer's experience is like on the way to purchase. What can you do to be component of the process?

The Harvard Business Review reports that 73% of clients use multiple channels throughout their purchase journey. This means that when a person chooses to purchase something, there's a solid chance they've performed a great deal of study to make sure they're making the right decision.

Your business can't just be the provider of the service your customer is seeking, but also provide the context and details?

Concentrate on the complete user experience. Not just the moment they put something in their carts or make a purchase order. Instead, you should consider: How could your company be an information source as well as items, or services? And how can you do this everywhere you sell online?

The more channels your customer makes use of, the more valuable the customer is to your company by allowing 23% more return purchases , and up to 13% higher mean order value.

Omnichannel ecommerce works.

What is the reason it's important that e-commerce retailers use different channels than their own websites?

Let's do an experiment. Check out your feed when you open the social network. What kinds of brands and stores are shown to you?

The answer is probably way too many to count. Modern algorithms are so robust that your feed could bring back things that you forgot you were keen on. You may not remember when you looked up the most recent skincare trends waiting to see the doctor however, your feed will. The feed will inform you which brands are offering the most affordable prices in skincare products at the moment.

Imagine your business is the aforementioned skincare company. You might post the link on Facebook on a website entry detailing the best skincare products in 2023. Someone who's interested might follow the link and go through the article, and then proceed to the next page. But later, they may run across an ad of your cream to treat eczema and click through to purchase it from Amazon. And the next time they are looking to purchase something, they go to your website directly and sign up for a subscription.

That's three different channels the customer may have used: Facebook, your website as well as Amazon. They all function to create an effective omnichannel E-commerce strategy.

It is more difficult to develop an effective omnichannel plan without an actual retail store?

No and yes. As we've outlined, the world lives online, so a retail location isn't required to offer customers the ability to purchase at any number of touchpoints.

There are a number of benefits to having a physical space - even if it does come at a fairly hefty expense and commitment.

But the point is this it's not necessary to feel that the absence of a physical store is a reason to not be omnichannel focused. Even if you possess a physical presence with an online shop You shouldn't simply declare it to be a day. There are many other locations to interact with your customers to make sure you're present on the platform of their choice whenever they're ready to place an order.

woman shopping at a clothing retail store

The benefits of having the benefit of having a storefront

There are many advantages to having a physical location. For example, you can connect more personally with customers through having a space in which they are able to interact with your employees and products.

If your store is situated in an area that receives a lot of foot traffic it is possible to persuade customers to visit and purchase something. It is possible to physically contact people while they're already in a shopping mentality. You can demonstrate products and provide answers right there.

Moreover, there's opportunity for marketingopportunities, like in-person events and product demonstrations. The hosting of a reception at your location could be an excellent way to launch a new product.

It has become an option of the many options for people to buy. There are benefits to a physical location just as there are benefits to having presence on another marketplace. However, this avenue comes with some disadvantages as well as expenses.

The advantages of the absence of a storefront

In reality, there are numerous benefits to nothaving an actual retail store. There's no overhead cost of rent or utilities, nor are there any of the headaches that come with a physical space. There's no need to worry with staffing or schedules.

It is possible to narrow your search and budget to online channels that are already proven. You can also remain nimble so if something changes, you can adapt quickly. A physical location is expensive and which you're not able to grab and relocate on the spot.

In short, we come back to our initial answer"yes and no!" Retail locations (or absence of it) is both useful and troublesome for the omnichannel strategy of e-commerce. Everything depends on the products you sell and your target audience.

Tips for an effective omnichannel strategy

If you've figured out the importance of omnichannel ecommerce and necessary, let's take a look at the tips for a successful strategy. This isn't necessarily a step-by-step guide, but more of a checklist to build the most effective omnichannel strategy feasible.

Maintain your brand's image and voice uniform across every channel

Consider a company with a name as well-known as Coca-Cola. If it's a spot on TV that features the polar bears or a vending machine at a highway rest area or an advertisement inside a restaurant, the glimmering white and red says that one thing: Coca-Cola.

Develop a brand name and voice guideline for your business that includes items like specific colors, images, fonts, logos, and languages. If your company expands and you have a million different things to think about, your future self will appreciate it.

Carefully select selling channels

There are a variety of marketing channels that offer various types of targeted audience. There are many different approaches needed to be successful, but you must choose the channels that fit your business and make sure you give each of them the respect that it merits.

You should select several to pursue, but don't be reluctant to reject the ones that don't really fit your brand or your target market.

Social shopping

Mobile phone social media feed for omnichannel ecommerce


Utilizing marketplaces like Amazon can also provide opportunities to access other options. Amazon's Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) will handle all of the processes that are involved in warehousing as well as shipping and the customer with service on orders.

It's likely that you're putting in a significant amount of work into the search engine optimization. In the ideal world that someone searches for something you sell the site you sell and your website is likely to be listed immediately.

In reality, however, consumers are often conducting much more broad searches and navigating various options for the ideal match. Google Shopping presents searchers with choices that's easy to quickly scan and evaluate.

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly

While every individual and their dog as well as their canine has a smartphone, a shocking number of websites still don't prioritize being mobile-friendly.

Seriously. Over 50% of the internet's usage is on mobile devices.

Imagine not catering to these users! This is a quarter of the web!

Users expect a simple mobile user experience. Giving them this experience can be the opportunity to leapfrog other competitors and enhance people's perception of your brand.

Also, you should take a a look at your site across all devices: desktops, phones, and tablets. Tools such as BrowserStack will help you accomplish this electronically, and without needing users to be physically connected to all sorts of devices.

Make sure that images aren't cut, buttons and links are easily clicked on or navigated to access, etc. In essence, you want your user experience to be stellar regardless of the device your visitors have in their pockets.

Use customer journey mapping

A customer journey map represents the actions that a customer takes when they interact to interact with your brand or product. This begins when they start communicating with you - maybe through an Instagram advertisement, blog postor influencer until they decide to purchase something or stop paying to your brand.

There are many motives why an understanding of the customer's journey is an important part of developing an omnichannel ecommerce strategy. This allows you to:

  • Learn to understand the time, place, and the way customers interact with your company
  • Identify investment opportunities for different marketing points
  • Know the strengths and weaknesses of the buying process
  • Provide information for future decisions on marketing

Customer journey mapping also gives the information you need about your customers' preferences, the people who are buying your products, and why they're choosing the brand you. These details are crucial to continued success and growth in the retail industry and can help you decide on the future strategies for omnichannel ecommerce.

Learn how to create an interactive customer journey map.

Provide seamless customer service throughout every channel

A good customer experience is an investment in the future of your business. Happy customers write great reviews, tell their friends they are happy, and also make purchases repeatedly. In addition, the positive vibe can help keep internal morale high. All of this is part of a long-term strategy to create a positive, healthy enterprise.

However, when selling through a variety of platforms, it's difficult to offer top-quality customer service to each customer. It's essential that you respond promptly to questions, messages, or requests for refunds on your website, on third-party selling platforms as well as social media platforms, and more.

customer profile in Jetpack CRM

Optimize the checkout experience

People prefer certain markets or platforms as they are familiar and simple to use. Sometimes it's because they don't need to visit an extra website or application. Other times it's because their payment methods are saved or the checkout process is simple.

Creating a valuable Omnichannel experience is also about allowing users to choose the method of payment they prefer and making the payment process so simple that it is.

Conversions can be improved during checkout by doing few items:

Organize your email marketing into a single, smart tool

Regardless of where someone purchased the product or heard about your business, if you have them on your list of email addresses, you can follow up with the person. Invite them to join your list, send welcome emails, reach out with special offers, or request reviews that will help you generate more sales.

MailPoet drag-and-drop builder

MailPoet can be an excellent tool for retailers. You can create and modify emails, automate offers based on past purchasing history, or send abandoned cart emails to recapture lost sales, and many more. In addition, as with PayPal, MailPoet brings everything right to your WordPress dashboard. It's a time-saving, ingenious advertising tool via email.

Continually review and revise your strategy for omnichannel

What are successful companies' traits in the common? They are constantly striving on improving. There are many platforms that will not prove to be a perfect fit. Strategies that do not work for others will prove to provide a significant boost to the person who is using them. Don't be afraid of change and try not to be too attached to any single aspect.

From there, explore the available data on your platforms and spend time learning how analytics tools operate. This is a wise investment in your future.

And remember, long-term growth requires patience. Do not spend too much time comparing yourself to other vendors. It's ok to know the strategies others have been using successfully, but then work to make your own improvements. Keep revising and improving and you'll go pretty far.

Omnichanneling without physical place

A good omnichannel ecommerce strategy does not require the presence of a physical store. There are a huge variety of platforms to offer your products, from your shop and even Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Facebook, Google Shopping, and more.

Work towards creating an omnichannel presence that is consistent across every selling channel, connect with your customers, make sure that they feel appreciated as well as do the effort to market and you'll be in the process of achieving omnichannel sales!