New Built-In Course Content Dripping Feature for Courses

Sep 5, 2024

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In the last few months, we've released some exciting new features to enhance your online course. efficient and easy to use.

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From innovative assignments, to a highly organized gradebook, we've spent the last few months working on the necessary instruments to deliver an extraordinary learning experience.

After the initial jitters of first day are over and your students are beginning to settle down, it's now time to focus on the essentials of your course. We've just the option to ensure that everything is running smoothly and on schedule.

The most up-to-date Update for Courses: built-in content dripping!

Like a well-planned program, our new course content dripping feature ensures your students receive their lessons exactly when they require them and exactly at the time they need the lessons.

Don't overwhelm your students by imposing all of the course content all at once, or letting students run away. Dripping lets you deliver your course content in smaller portions, which keeps your learners engaged and excited to see what's next.

This new feature is constantly changing to satisfy your requirements making it easier than ever before to arrange and arrange your course's online content.

What is Course Content Dripping?

There's been a few times we've had these moments... watching all the TV shows in one weekend, being all night looking through pages after pages of a new book, and then realizing you've eaten a whole bag of biscuits... entirely on your own ().

Though a sweet can feel satisfying, the experience may leave us with the feeling that we are not satisfied.

Learning could be done in the same way. If students absorb excessive amounts of information in short time, it could lead to:

  • Belief: Worrying they missed an important thing or made a mistake.
  • Remorse: Wishing they had the time to thoroughly grasp the subject.
  • Questions: Questioning if they truly grasped the content.
  • The Overwhelm Feel overwhelmed by all the information you need at one time.

It's not the kind of emotion you'd like your students to experience after the completion of your course.

This is the place where it drips content!

Instead of giving all the information all at once to students teaching content drips let you to release material in timed intervals. This technique allows them to gain knowledge more slowly in each class, remain active and retain information more effectively.

     What Do Content Dripping's Differences Mean for your Course?    

1. Build Knowledge by taking one step at a time

Instead of providing students with access to the entire material in one go, Dripping allows students to access students access each lesson or module be taught in a specific arrangement, which helps students develop their understanding gradually.

The step-by-step approach helps students to feel proud of their success and improvement as they complete the course.

Think about your education as a staircase with each step being the start of the next learning adventure. The students must master the fundamentals before they can move on to the next. It is important to are capable of grasping the basics before moving on to more sophisticated concepts.

2. Maintain Students' Interest and Engaged

Students are aware they'll receive regular updates, it builds anticipation and interest. It keeps them active as they are always looking forward to the next lesson or class.

They have a habit of setting an aside of time every lesson, which increases the likelihood of them staying in the program from beginning to the end.

3. Create Content Just at the Right Moment

Dripping of course content gives students complete control over the timing and manner in which lessons are released to ensure they are in perfect alignment with your schedule.

Whether you're introducing a tricky concept that demands a bit additional attention, or you're preparing for an task that takes longer, Content Dripping allows users to modify the content of your content to satisfy the needs of the students you teach as well as your own course objectives.

4. Let Everyone Learn at the Same Speed

Dripping course material is an effective method of helping students learn at the same pace and ensuring that no one is ahead too rapidly or gets caught behind.

When you publish content in regular intervals, you can create the environment for learning that is cohesive and in which everybody is moving forward with a coordinated effort.

Welcome student discussions 
 in  Courses

Additionally to that, when all students are studying together, you can quickly spot and tackle those areas where students could require additional help, and ensure that no student gets lost.

5. Learn to be meaningful and Manageable

Learning should be one that students are able to appreciate and not a stressful procedure. When all course material is presented simultaneously the students may experience an excessive quantity of anxiety and stress.

The course content is distributed in a drip format, which provides students a more efficient learning experience learners by creating smaller, manageable pieces.

Instead of being pressured to take everything in one go, students can take in knowledge at their own pace and make the learning process more personal and accessible.

When you separate the material, you also create feelings of satisfaction for your students as they master each stage. This steady progression helps maintain their interest and keeps students interested in their the process of learning.

In short, course drips are an efficient method of helping keep students engaged as well as focused and focused. It's an easy and powerful technique to alter the way you present your courses and makes learning a pleasurable and enjoyable experience for all who take part.

NEW SPREADING of Course Content: Simplifying the Regulations of Courses

The procedure of setting the course's content drip was once somewhat of an issue, with a number of stages and configurations. It was a good solution, but let's be honest that it was not the most efficient method to accomplish the job.

We recognized that there was the need for a more effective solution and we've incorporated our Rules feature into the Courses Add-on. Setting up your drip schedules is far more easy and simple.

With the drip feature built in, you can create drip schedules without leaving the program creator. This not only saves time, but also helps ensure that your course materials are secure and are distributed according to the schedule.

Furthermore, you are able to alter drip notifications within the settings. This will make it easier to alert your students about when the next release of content will become accessible. This can help keep everyone in the same location.

In taking control of all the technical issues, we've freed you up to focus on what's important making top-quality course content.

How do I Set-Up the Course Content Dripping feature in the Courses

If you have students who are racing to catch up, think about organizing the course material in a way that keeps students on track and involved in the lesson plans that are being taught in the class.

It was mentioned a few years ago, Courses make use of Rules in order to manage the flow of information.

     But, any drip settings applied via Rules could conflict with integrated dripping settings in your course settings.    


  • to provide an easy and simple experience For those who want your courses to distribute content according to a set schedule (like the release of fresh lessons weekly) the new built-in drip feature is the ideal and most practical alternative. It simplifies the process and ensures a consistent supply of content without the need for any extra setting.
  • for more personal control: If you need the capability to post regularly or in highly customized time intervals, Rules allow you to manage this. But, it takes some more time and effort to create the Rules.

Make it Simple: Let's Get Your Drip Content Flowing Smoothly!

For setting up course Dripping of contents, start by switching on the "Enable Dripping" option in the course setting.

In the next step, you'll have to define how content will drip - by section or by individual elements. Also, you can choose the time frame (daily, weekly, or even every month) as well as the beginning date as well as the time zone of each publication of content:

Enable Course Content Dripping in  Courses curriculum

Ready to set up Dripping of course content? Take a look at the video below to get the complete guide to getting started.

What's the next step for courses? What do we need to say? What's New...

Course Dripping could be the most recent and best feature that we've added to Courses, but it's not the only new feature we've added recently.

Before we dive into the dripping water, let's take just time to review other interesting adjustments you've seen in the plugin.

While we work to improve the tools we offer for online courses we came to the conclusion that the growing number of tools - such as lessons, quizzes, assignments as well as the Gradebook require space on their own.

We've also made Courses their own menu item within the WordPress dashboard.

 Courses WordPress dashboard view

Now, everything related to your course, whether that's making a course new and creating your own curriculum or altering the course's configuration - is easily managed through the Courses menu on the dashboard.

The capability to organize courses into a distinct menu item will help you create courses and management of membership tasks separate This is particularly useful for companies that depend on both.

If you're an active user, you've likely observed this small change. We're sure you'll appreciate the layout to be much more efficient and cleaner!

If you're just beginning to discover the realm of learning and are eager to begin creating your own courses Perhaps you're wondering how to locate all the tools that are so powerful.

Just hop into the plugin, navigate into the Add-Ons section, perform just a search on "course" in order to narrow down your options. You'll find all the educational tools available today that go beyond than the capabilities of the main plugin:

 Courses add-on

Stay tuned for even more new features and enhancements to come soon. At present, you'll enjoy the recently added course content drip feature and look into the new enhancements that we've made to make the process of creating courses easier than ever!

Katelyn Gillis Meet Katelyn running an online membership website or classes can be a challenge which is exactly what Katelyn is able to help. An educated professional in the area of education and her role as Content Manager, she has a knack for delving into the details and providing tips that are as if having a conversation with someone who is able to understand. If you're seeking fresh ideas or just some reassurance you can count on Katelyn's blog posts to assist.

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