Meet the people who think outside the box! Gutenberg Membership Blocks for

Sep 29, 2023

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    With the release of 1.11.7 All widgets now serve in Gutenberg's membership block. It's amazing to think that thinking outside the box' would bring the same benefits?

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Widgets against. Blocks: The SloooowMeets the Fasssst

At the time when widgets were the most popular tools for adding expanded functions to a WordPress site.

And today, depending on the theme you choose You can add any number of widgets (having any number of functions) to approximately 3 places on your website:

  1. Your Sidebar
  2. Your Footer, or
  3. Your Header

Simple - however limiting.

In the present, widgets are the rotary phones of WordPress - reliable and efficient however, they are not built to be used in our ultra-modern digital environment.

Enter Gutenberg Blocks.

Watch this complete tutorial will show you how to make use of gutenberg's membership blocks

If a widget's function is to turn a phone, a Gutenberg block is the new iPhone.

That's because blocks aren't caged-in unlike widgets. Blocks are able to go wherever your content will go. And this freedom allows you to be in complete creative and operational control.

To avoid making a mess of metaphors, we can describe it in a different way: Going from a widget to a block is kind of like switching your trainer skates to an electric skateboard.

If that's the case that it's the perfect time to get rolling! Let's see what Gutenberg Membership Blocks for could propel your business into high gear!

First, read 5 reasons why...

You're Gonna LOVE These Blocks

1. The Drag-and-Drop Easy

Similar to gluing puzzle pieces, anyonecan drag blocks about to make pages. It's so easy, even your pet can do this (that could be, provided he had hands).

Dog working on a laptop

2. They can save you time on Design

By using blocks, you won't need to worry about the back-and-forth between your display and backend to check how things are looking.

What you see is the result you get. It is easy to design your layout in real-time and then watch the changes appear instantly on the page.

3. They allow for incredible layout flexibility

With blocks, you can include text sections and multimedia next to each other, above or below each other, or however your mind thinks of it.

In reality, everyone can unleash their creative side and design stunning pages with Gutenberg's membership blocks. It doesn't matter if you're seasoned pro or totally novice to design.

4. 4. Have Amazing Adaptability

Blocks are able to seamlessly adapt to mobile and desktop layouts. You don't have to mess with settings or code. The magic happens by itself!

With blocks, you'll be the most understated underling imaginable, and your website will look fancy and oh-so pro.

Gutenberg Membership Blocks for  fancy dog

LEARN MORE >> Gutenberg Membership Blocks Help Docs

5. You'll Future-Proof Your Presentation

Gutenberg will be the next generation for WordPress. Because of that its blocks, they are regularly upgraded with brand new options.

So when you use blocks to design your site, you're making sure your hard work evolves in line with current trends. Not only are you staying relevant and up to date, you're ahead of the curve.

The Gutenberg Membership Blocks are now available. Gutenberg Membership Blocks for

Gutenberg Membership Blocks for  interface

The reason for the popularity of this product is twofold:

  1. is incredibly easy to use and requires zero coding ability.
  2. In spite of this, it's the most robust and fullest-featuredplugin that's available.

All that was true in the days before widgets became a thing of the past prior to the time blocks were invented.

Now that we've widened all widgets to function like Gutenberg Blocks making using them simpler.

Through our Gutenberg membership blocks, you can do all the following things anyplaceon your website...

  • Memberships can be sold
  • Display a clickable list of digital downloads
  • Allow your members to log in or log in to access their account pages
  • And more!

Then, to find the bolts and nuts...

LEARN MORE >> Gutenberg Membership Blocks Help Docs

Sell Memberships Anywhere

 Registration Block pull out
Include your sign-up form wherever on your website using the block for registration

Registration Block Register Block will give your sales strategies the boost it needs by letting you catch your customers when they're fascinated.

In lieu of trying to pitch your membership or service on some tucked-away widget, you can put your CTA in a place where the public can see it:

  • Within the middle of a super-engaging story
  • In a moving testimony

With the registration block, you are able to embed a simple-to-use registration form where your website's content is most popular and your audience is most active.

The option of buying specifically where interest from the user is the highest...

  • Enhances sign-ups for impulses,
  • makes the user experience smooth, and
  • skyrockets your conversion rates

That's an impressive trio.

Create Clickable Lists for Digital Downloads

 Download Block single and multiple
Enhance your download experience and ensure that they are at the forefront of your mind by using the Download block

If you're a digital media seller, you'll need the Download Block is the Swiss Army knife - compact yet versatile and extremely useful.

This Gutenberg Membership Block, you'll be able to put lists of downloadable resources directly in the places where readers are covered within your material.

Imagine things that are similar to...

  • eBooks
  • checklists
  • reports
  • digital courses
  • Videos
  • You can name it!

It's not necessary to restrict your downloadable content to some dusty corner of your site.

Instead, you can make use of the download block in order to display it alongside the most popular articles, or on your most gripping webpages.

Paywall Paradise

 Protected Block screenshots
Protect your content from unpaying eyes with the protected block

Looking for an angel of protection? Well, you just got one! Your content certainly did. And it's known as the Protected Block.

The quality of content produced isn't to be the same. Some of it may be worth the money. Plain and simple.

The Protected Block can help you protect valuable content from prying eyeballs by putting the paywallor action gate(e.g., an email address restriction) precisely where you'll need it.

Wall Street Journal lead-in paywall
A story was a lead to The Wall Street Journal website

Offer your visitors on your website the opportunity to see a captivating sneak peek through in-paywalls that lead to paywalls (like the ones you can find in major pubs on the internet).

It is possible to cover professional tips or exclusive downloadables in a secure block.

The sky is the limit.

It's not about guarding your the content. You're making a feeling of exclusivity and urgency.

The best thing about using this Protected Block is that...

  1. You boost the value perception of your top-quality products and
  2. While doing so, you (A) receive important details about your users or (B) make a sale

The deal is 2-for-1.

Roll Out Your Customers the Red Carpet for Your Customers

 Account Info and Login Blocks screenshots
You can give them the royal treatment of comfort with your block for login to your account

The following group of four Gutenberg membership blocks let you lay the red carpet right in front of the customers' digital door. These are...

  •   Block Account Form  
  •   Account Links Block  
  • Account Info Block and
  •   Login Block  

With these blocks, you never have to disrupt the experience of your clients by sending them hunting for important functions such as login or account access.

You can instead place access literally anywhere on your site. It is possible to ensure that important functions are always a an easy click away in the areas your users need them most.

Happy  customer leaving positive reviews

The more simple it becomes for users to login to or log out of their accounts, they'll be happier and more active they'll become.

In the world of online membership, these two factors are your ticket to continuous growth and income.

Since happy, engaged customers tend to remain loyal.

ReadyLaunch(tm) Blocks

learn how you can auto-style your pages in just 1 minute

In the realm of designing online, ReadyLaunch(tm) is where the Gutenberg magical occurs. It's like your membership site's Narnia clothing.

Lucy opening the wardrobe in Chronicles of Narnia
Check out Peter's ready launch

In just a couple of actions in the ReadyLaunch(tm) interface it is possible to make your website looking as if that it was created by an expert.

Here are some of the advantages these Gutenberg blocks offer:

 Uniform appearance. Simple to put together.

With ReadyLaunch(tm), your configurations are already set. The only thing you have to do is change your images and colors.

So every block you add to your site is professionally branded and has a professional design - there is no effort required.

Always Ready to Sell.

The blocks can be put anywhere - in articles in testimonials, on the side of articles, or on dedicated pages.

They're also not only visually appealing; they're designed to increase sales. The layout of each block is planned, and based on best practices.

User-Friendliness that Keeps users happy.

ReadyLaunch(tm) blocks help keep your site organized and easy to navigate by simplifying user interaction.

ReadyLaunch™ by  screenshot and features montage

This kind of irresistible convenience makes new customers come back and re-invigorates andinspires older customers to make the switch.

No Coding Required.

There's no need to be an expert in technology to utilize ReadyLaunch(tm). The Gutenberg blocks empower you to develop your site like an expert, even if you thought CSS was a killer television show.

Fast Setup. Rapid Earnings.

Do not waste your time on complicated configurations. By using ReadyLaunch(tm) blocks, you're just minutes away becoming one that generates revenue.

They're incredibly easy to use and they make creating a pro membership site extremely simple to create. If we tell you that ReadyLaunch(tm) lets you go from to no-site to selling-ready within just a few hours and we're certainly not exaggerating.

Wrapping It Up: Unleash the Powerful Potential of Gutenberg Membership Blocks. Gutenberg Membership Blocks

woman pointing at Gutenberg Membership Blocks for

There you go - the incredible line-up of Gutenberg membership blocks . All designed to supercharge your website and simplify your life.

From the transforming Registration Block to the steadfast paywalling capability of the secured block, we've covered how these small blocks could give an enormous boost to your online marketing game.

There's a most delicious part and that's ReadyLaunch(tm) Blocks.

For the non-techie and the speed-crunched, and really, anyonewho wants a gorgeous website that is high-converting without breaking a sweat, ReadyLaunch(tm) is your go-to powerful player.

More than just more than just Legos to build websites, these blocks are strategic devices that help you bring your website's product and goals for sales to life.

Each block is unique and has distinct revenue-raising specialties that can be used to boost revenue, regardless of...

  • Driving impulse sign-ups
  • Protecting exclusive content
  • making the essential features of a bank account simple to gain access
  • And more!

The greatest feature? Blocks are all wrapped with the brand-name armor of ReadyLaunch(tm). This means that your site is not just workslike an ideal, but it appearslike one as well.

cta character

Take Action Now!

Begin to earn money for the content you produce.

With these blocks, you can transform your site into more than a digital space. You can make it an active marketplace or an online community, hub for community as well as your best assets for your business.

Why are you sitting around for? Get out there and get set to roar with a vengeance using Gutenberg Membership Blocks the upcoming day!