Make sure to follow the 14 experts in digital marketing today.

Nov 2, 2022

For today's busy marketer producing content and enhancing algorithms is an all-day job. Whether you work as a designer, content marketer or even a marketing generalist the day is busy that it's difficult to find time to get motivated and keep your mind up to date.

Since the wisdom of others is usually condensed into a 280-character Tweet, the one-minute Instagram Reel, or quick LinkedIn post, you can stay inspired for the entire day. (No work hours required.)

14 influential marketing personalities you should be following

In this article

  1.    Video marketing experts we are awestruck by
  2.    Content marketing gurus to study from
  3.    Social media marketing professionals who motivate us
  4.    SEO and Web design experts to watch
  5.    Marketing strategists doin' cool stuff

Marketing experts on video that we love

Danielle Diamond

Danielle Diamond is the founder of Epiq Media, a video agency that produces videos for customers like Adidas, Lyft, Calm, Bumble, TikTok, and Exit Five.

On LinkedIn Danielle's motto is "Don't just be an ad. Make yourself the television show" and she shows her followers how exactly to accomplish this. She shares engaging ads, (short) video marketing guides, and also the actual results that their creative campaigns yield.

This is a glimpse of some of her creative work for Exit Five:

Kim Gehrig

Here's an advertising campaign she created for Apple:

Kevin Anson

Kevin Anson is a video marketer who works with companies like ClickFunnels, IBM, and Mercedes Benz. According Kevin Kevin Anson, he's made more than 10,000 videos and advertisements in the last 16 years. He's also teaching others his ways on his popular YouTube channel.

Kevin's videos typically run less than 10 minutes. they are focused on practical and practical tips like how to make an app video to be added to the App Store and how to smooth out audio and add subtitles in YouTube videos.

You can catch Kevin's videos through YouTube as well as Instagram.

Content marketing gurus to take lessons from

Ross Simmonds

The CEO of Foundation Foundation, an agency for content marketing, Ross Simmonds is a go-to follow for anything related to content marketing as well as development. Simmonds is well-known in the field of content marketing for interacting with other marketers , and for making Twitter threads full of actionable guidance.

It's an error to believe that all people who would like to check out your blog just happen to be on the internet at the same time as you tweeted it.

Reshare. Retweet. Repost.

Make it once. Distribute forever.

Watch this:

-- Ross Simmonds (@TheCoolestCool) October 1, 2022

Ross's success on social channels also serves as a masterclass in content reuse. He doesn't only posts tweets to his 60,000 followers Ross also provides digestible business advice via Instagram, YouTube as well as LinkedIn.

Amanda Natividad

Amanda Natividad is vice-president of marketing at SparkToro which is an company that conducts research on audiences. Through Twitter she often offers advice on content marketing to her 16,000 followers. In addition, her weekly newsletter, The Menu is a deep dive into her opinions on marketing. She also speaks with founders, marketing professionals, as well as content creators via her YouTube channel The Menu Show.

Old way of marketing tease value in order to get users to click on the link and later make a purchase.

A new way to market: Freely give away value such as insights, tools, templates. Be confident that the people who receive it will buy.

This is known as creating Zero-Click Content.

If you do not do it, you'll get left behind.

-- Amanda Natividad (@amandanat) September 19 2022

Kaleigh Moore

Kaleigh Moore is a writer on freelance marketer, consultant and co-founder of Content Remix an audio repurposing podcast agency. On both Twitter and LinkedIn, she shares useful tips on how to improve the quality of your writing, and to repurpose every type of content- including written, audio videos and written contentto maximize impact.

Remember that the web is in its early days and the content we're adding to it today in terms of content will shape what it is in the future.

The present generation of online writers, makers and artists are shaping the web in ways we don't even think about.

Media is the word used to describe the message.

-" Kaleigh Moore (@kaleighf) September 12, 2022

Social media marketing experts who inspire us

Lauren Thomas

Lauren Thomas has quite a stellar profile on LinkedIn The resume includes: In the past, she's been in partnership with AT&T, The Coca-Cola Company and Macy's She now is the head of social for Intuit. The best advice for content creators?

"Do something you are proud of, and also have a little enjoyment throughout the process."    Lauren Thomas, social media guru

Through LinkedIn, Lauren shares her methods for reaching 100,000 users on TikTok and getting the support of leadership for social strategies, and coming up with new social ideas.

Christopher Tompkins

Christopher Tompkins is the CEO and chief strategist of The Go! Agency, which is a social media marketing company. In addition to sharing his thoughts regarding the future of marketing via social media via LinkedIn and Twitter In addition, he hosts the podcast The Bulletproof Marketing in which he regularly interview experts in growth and marketing.

Christopher is particularly bullish on the future of video marketing in social media marketing, telling Forbes:

"If you look at the current trending digital channels (social and paid channels, as well as email) take note of the volume of change you're watching on each channel. Notice how much more prevalent this is as compared to before...My suggestion is to get out of your comfort zone; you will need video soon."

Experts in SEO and Web design to watch

Andy Crestodina

Andy Crestodina is co-founder, chief marketing officer of Orbit Media Studios Web Design and development company. He and his team are laser-focused on helping clients create functional, engaging sites that boost sales. Of course Andy is the one who has it. Andy an important part of creating story-driven websites is using video strategically. According to him, TechSmith:

"In research we discover that people's faces are magnetic and we can't help but take a look and pay attention to them. Therefore, video offers a significant benefit over podcasts and blogs for connectivity."  Tweet

Connect with Andy on LinkedIn and Twitter for strategic as well as technical guidance on analytics, SEO, and website development.

Oli Gardner

Oli Gardner is CEO of Be The Keynote, a company that coaches individuals to become more effective communicators. Oli was also the founder of Unbounce, a no-code landing page platform.

Oli's passions for marketing tools and communication are clear through the content of his tweets as well as LinkedIn posts, where he frequently shares advice on becoming a better virtual communicator -for webinars, landing pages, or videos on social media.

Neil Patel

Neil Patel is one of the most prominent known names in SEO and online marketing. This is not surprising, as it's the right thing to do. Every couple of days He shares his latest tips for marketing via YouTube with short, less than five minutes videos. He tackles the subject of digital marketing broadly providing tips on how to rank on Google, how to find trends before they're too popular, and how to automate your marketing.

Together with Eric Siu, a founder, investor, and advisor, Neil also hosts the show Marketing School..

In addition to Neil's podcast and YouTube channel You can also follow Neil on Instagram as well as LinkedIn..

Marketing strategists doin' cool stuff

Amrita Mathur

Amrita Mathur is the Vice Director of marketing at Superside, a renowned design agency. In social media, such as LinkedIn and Twitter frequently, she talks about her approach to marketing and what's going on behind-the-scenes at Superside.

Her posts are candid and candid, and while you read them, you'll often feel like you're experimenting alongside the Superside team. For instance, in February, Amrita shared on LinkedIn that she and her team were investing into "a lot of moonshots" since, she explained,

"I'm calling it COMO. Similar to FOMO, COMO is the cost of being left out which is why we'll put our money in areas we believe to be where the COMO is very high."

Just a few months later she released the results of those investments, like taking a chance on video and the way that designing a user-centric, interactive ad increased their link click-through rates by 48%, reduced their cost-per-click to 62% and cut their cost-per-thousand to 30 percent.

Dylan Kohlstadt

Dylan Kohlstadt is the founder and CEO of Shift One, a B2B digital marketing agency. The majority of his blog posts concentrate on the ways that marketers can help move the needle simply by offering the community with value. As Dylan tells Peer to Peer Marketing:

"I believe the most important fields in digital marketing right now to be explored is community marketing. Work out how you can build a physical and digital community that you can provide value, and also where you can build loyal and committed customers who are also likely to shop with you."

Dylan is on Dylan on twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. It is also possible to follow her show, The Dylan Kohlstadt Show available on Spotify as well as Apple Podcasts.

Rand Fishkin

Rand Fishkin is the co-founder and CEO of SparkToro, an instrument for analyzing the audience that can help businesses better understand their clients. Fishkin is widely known on Twitter for his efforts to assist followers understand how to better utilize data and analysis in order to optimize their marketing strategies.

Q: How can you know which is the most popular social network(s) your target audience/community members use?

Pure assumption (e.g. B2B is usually LinkedIn, Twitter is where games crowd hangs, Insta & TikTok are for B2C in fitness/fashion/food, etc, FB for conservative news)?

Or do you do actual research?

--- Rand Fishkin (@randfish) September 19, 2022

While Rand advocates for the use of data and customer research across all forms of marketing He's witnessed firsthand the power that video advertising can bring to the table.:

"Video is a powerful medium with unique powers. One that I've discovered is the memorability of video and the ability for it to make a lasting impression that lingers and sits with an individual is unparalleled."    Rand Fishkin

Rand is also available on LinkedIn. Rand also on LinkedIn.

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