
Dec 30, 2022

Intent on attracting clients via an online portfolio website

" My website allows me to showcase to potential customers what I have to provide as an artist" Wednesday writes. "At the time of writing, I've got around two years' worth of work for customers accessible on my site. It's to provide potential customers with an appreciation of the services I offer."

"When I take on any project," Wednesday says, "I must ensure that my work is in line with my artistic style as well as my core views on the role of an artist. I'm passionate about making work that makes people specifically LGBT or lesbians and are comfortable. When I'm invited to speak with a client, I'd like to feel that my client knows the fact and want to create that sense of partnership."

Connecting to a an ever-growing community of people through social media

"I am really enjoying managing my Social Media profiles," Wednesday writes. "My profession as a whole has been growing during this time. I produced 100 pieces of art over 100 days. This was the first work to be produced through the foundation of an Instagram account. So, I've maintained my ability to stay on top of my news and content."

As they've showcased their work and gained a following in time, it's important to every Wednesday, keep in mind the three essential lessons to remember:

"Not every work of art are able to make the top 10 but that's fine."

"Sometimes you'll get it wrong--and this is fine."

"Not everyone will appreciate your way of presenting you. That's okay."

Have you considered the possibility of having your own independent job?

Are you a professional artist? Here are some terms for you to consider:

Sleep quality is essential. Human bodies aren't just a instrument. The art is driven by the desire to create and not because of feeding it.

Most important is to remain congruous. Choose a style and design which you like and stick to the same design for a prolonged duration.

Connect to musicians via the internet Find your tribe.

The original article appeared on this site. is available here.

The original article was published on this website.

The article was published on this site

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