Innovative strategies for structuring structures that draw inspiration from an incredible director and actor duo

Dec 3, 2023

Its annual conference on video marketing, called Outside the Frame, is a gathering of creators and experts of all kinds in the world of making video content to share their knowledge and experience. This year we were privileged to have the honor of hosting New York-based director team rubberband consisting by Jason Sondock and Simon Davis on the stage to record a video. The following article will examine the way their cutting-edge frameworks create video content which is utilized by companies like Air Jordan, Apple, Chanel as well as other companies.

Three fundamental principles to create your most productive work

Three kinds of rubberband are available. Three important things to remember before you embark on major growth.

1. Simple is always best.

Whatever the size of your project, make sure you return to the fundamental principle. Sticking to the basic notion and tone you will be able to allow you to make the most out of your promotional videos.
  That means you'll be able to convey the message that is the basis of your film even if your script and visuals are more complex. The majority of people will be drawn to things that are simple to grasp.

2. Discuss how you'd prefer to be treated

No matter what the topic is, don't talk down to your guests or show disrespect to them.
  Instead, observe the way people respond to being addressed and follow your gut. The data and reports will only give you a glimpse of contextual information.

3. Make work that you want to see.

It is important to create works that are interesting to you. Just because advertising is a part of your job doesn't suggest that it isn't lacking in creativity.

Do not be afraid to test your limits and do something a little snarky if that's the way your gut is telling you to follow that intuition.

Work outside your comfort zone

It is easy for people to become exhausted watching content similar to other content in the world. However, a stream of well-channeled unorthodox energy will get them moving time.

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