Information: A Proposed Settlement in the Antitrust Litigation with Google Play. Google Play. The Litigation is published in the media.

Sep 17, 2023

In the. the 6th day of June the first agreement was reached via an appeal filed by the legislatures of state governments in the state legislatures of 37 U.S. states to stop Google's Google.

This is the latest information on the issue and its implications for businesses that sell digital goods through Google's U.S. Play Store.

 What exactly is Google antitrust lawsuit?

In Utah In Utah. Google, 37 attorneys general maintain that Google employs anticompetitive, illegal or otherwise illegal practice that hinder competition. increase costs, and make it hard to make a choice which harms customers purchasing games or other products in Google Play. Google Play store.

The lawsuit was brought by Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes, the lawsuit focuses on "exclusionary measures relating to Google Play Store to Android," with actions like shutting down different distribution channels for applications and requiring the use of Google Billing (with up to 30 percent of the revenue transferred to Google).

The suit is led by AGs of New York, North Carolina, and Tennessee as well as The 37 AGs are 21 million individuals who are affected by the suit.

What's the latest news of the Google antitrust trial?

Settlement was officially announced. However, the details of the settlement aren't publicized. The settlement is not finalized. the court to approve the settlement. But, those who are in the agreement (including the Utah's AG) have requested for the November. 6 trial be cancelled. place.

Google claims that it is not responsible and is awaiting to respond regarding this matter.

There's no timeframe for the date when information is expected to be made public. However, since this is a collective legal action, the details will become public once the case has been resolved.

What is it to game developers and application creators who are from the US or other countries?

If the conditions of the agreement include easing the existing Play Store restrictions and the obligation to utilize Google Billing which is a payment service, it will be an enormous win for game and app developers seeking to broaden the way they present their app using less costly direct-to-consumer techniques including .

According to an announcement posted via Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes' website, the 30 percent Google commission "is greater than the percentage that people would have to be paying if they had option of choosing the Google rival." The lawsuit states that Google isn't keeping its promise to make Android "open and free of charge" to allow device makers and app developers could create and design apps without restrictions.

The effect of the settlement is not known until details of the settlement are official made public.

What's the deal about Apple?

It is likely that you have heard about the story about Epic Games' case against Apple concerning similar issues. After the announcement Epic Games' decision that Epic gave Fortnite players the option to pay via its own payment method which gave them discounts and extra advantages as well, both Apple as well as Google have removed Fortnite from their app stores. Epic later sued both Apple as well as Google with two suits.

In April of this year, the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals made a decision on an appeal involving Apple appeal. The judge came to conflicting conclusion. The court decided in favor of Apple and found that Apple's App Store isn't violating Federal Antitrust Laws. The court also supported an earlier decision by the lower court, which been in favor of Epic and decided that Apple's restriction on developers to direct customers to different payment methods other than the App Store did not violate the law of the state. Unfair Competition Law.

Epic has submitted a request to Epic filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme court to permit the injunction to take effect and to require Apple to alter its App Store policies even if Apple has not yet decided to appeal against the decision. However, in August the SCOTUS rejected Epic's request and warned that the new policy may not be applied until the appeals process has been concluded.

Epic isn't in the Utah v. Google case, because they're in their own legal fight (with Match Group) against Google. Chief executive of Epic Tim Sweeney posted on social media just before the trial "If Google is ending its payments monopoly, it doesn't have to implement the Google Tax on third party transactions. We'll later resolve and be joined by Google to begin their new Phase of."

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 More Info

The Utah Attorney General's website has more resources related to this issue.

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