
Dec 23, 2022

To help get the new hires on the right track It is essential to include various ways to get them involved and learning from learning materials. By leveraging shorter training videos along with including interactive questions in the training trainers and facilitators can set up new employees ready for the accomplishments they're entitled to. This piece, we'll examine the effect that quizzes on video can have, the impact they might help and what you can do to begin using Interactive videos.

What is a video quiz?

Video-based quizzes offer the chance to provide engaging and engaging learning experience for employees. While employees complete courses of learning and training and learning, an overlay which has a test question connected to the content, can assist them to comprehend their knowledge. Interactive videos allow workers to take a break to reflect on what they've seen and interact with the video in real time. This is also a great method to break up long sections of content that aids increase the understanding and stimulates engagement.

Video quizzes can fold into diverse instructional instruments. Imagine the company's orientation programs and all the way up to role-specific training for sales, retail, engineering, product, marketing and many other departments.

The four elements of interactive videos to aid in training and onboarding

Hotspots using HTML0: Clickable hotspots are able to be placed in any spot on the video to lead viewers to additional material such as quizzes, questions or other training videos. Think of hotspots as the primary feature which initiates the process when someone presses them.

overlays Overlays let the user to include additional interactive material. They can be completely customized and are created using an iframe or a video a PDF, an image. They are an excellent option to present quiz questions as well as call-to-actions, polls and additional videos that add dimension to your regular learning or onboarding experiences.
  branching The branching function allows viewers to switch across different areas of a video or even pause the movie to let the viewer to take their own course. If you're designing an onboarding video, branching can be an excellent way to showcase different teams, or highlight the work of employees or the products of the company or even make multiple trips through a single clip. In the case of branching a quiz using video, it's excellent for going through different scenarios and playing out correctly and incorrectly answered answers for specific questions.
  Time Triggers:Drive higher engagement for your content by trigger events in a video anytime, with no need for a user to actions. Hotspots trigger actions when they are clicked, triggers for time initiate the action at a specified period of time.

Four reasons why you should include an Interactive video into your training and onboarding

Layers that provide greater context

One of the most effective methods of adding interactivity to videos is to add the option to select components of existing educational materials. If you already have training or content for onboarding, you could create clickable hotspots, overlays and clickable hotspots for your employees to get more context. This could include additional information about specific teams, products or processes along with topics and people, or any other pertinent information.

Participation and interactivity in the driving

Interactive videos enable companies to create engaging experiences for onboarding that provide an extensive knowledge of the situation and also insights into various learning paths all in one clip.

These overlays, as well as games, aid viewers to retain information and make video content more digestible. Time triggers and branching provide scenarios-based questions and answers that enhance learning. Studies have shown that video with interactive elements can increase by 32 percent in recall than videos that are passive and has 5X higher interactions with viewers.

Assist in reinforcement of the learning material

For employees to retain the details, try to find fun and engaging strategies to make the training enjoyable for employees. For instance you can break your instruction into several parts and then ask questions throughout the training.
  Repetition of content throughout or following an instructional video, students can remember crucial facts. Furthermore, it allows you to make learning more enjoyable as well as adds fun.

Collect important training insights

The creation of interactive videos can do more than help in creating the right amount of engagement. They also provide the data needed to identify your onboarding strategy, development and learning strategy. Interactive videos can be adapted and allow instructors to give scores, or correct and incorrectly answer specific questions and then present a report card that permits viewers to keep track of their progression.
  Through managing your questions and polls in your video clips that are interactive, you can monitor important data including:

  • Total score
  • Total correct score
  • Completely correct answers
  • Scores for individuals in terms of an amount of percentages from the maximum
  • Number of questions that were the answers
  • Answer all questions in the correct order
  • It's time to get back to you

Note:You can aggregate quiz information for the entire video, either by question or by session. Since it does not track personally identifiable data, specific data about an employee or user cannot be identified or divided.
  Get real-time feedback using polls. Record more comprehensive reports on the level of engagement and retention, as well as track the preferences of your users for information.

What is the best way to design an interactive quiz using video?

Allows creators to assign answer by applying an overlay or hotspot element. It also lets you manage a range of responses and test questions that differ from multiple choice to false or true, or this or that scenarios. The display of the results of the test towards the end of the video can help the viewers comprehend the results and encourage them to work harder in order to get better marks and help them recall important training knowledge.
  There are a few methods to design quiz questions. This article will break down each procedure needed to make an engaging learning experience using videos.

Make sure you have your video content ready as well as quiz questions

Before you start to work, you'll need the following items:

  • The video you have already uploaded or uploaded footage, that's now waiting to be transformed into an interactive video
  • A list of questions, and possible solutions which you would like to quiz your viewer on.

A hotspot or any other clickable component of an overlay (shapes pictures, shapes, or buttons) may be considered a quiz answer.

Create a hotspot, and the next step is to take actions

When you first start you are able to add your video , choose the right spot for the video, and then create an internet hotspot. These are the questions that are likely to pop up as you view the video.

  1. For adding your hotspot, search for the place or the person in your video that you'd like to add your hotspot.
       Click on the (+) icon in the left-hand side of the screen , in the Hotspot section. Make your own hotspot by choosing or designing a layout
  2. Decide where the clickable part of your hotspot will be by altering the location and size of the grade net. It is important to place your hotspot design relative to the object you'd want to work with in the exam.

The next step is to give your hotspot a move. This will inform the viewer that they have responded to the query. Below are some ways that a hotspot could take:

  • Create an overlaythat tells the user if they answered the correct answer or not.
  • After that, they leap to a point on the screen where they are able to see their answer playing out.
  • The payload is an individual onethat will trigger an action in within the webpage or records the result to inform that the user.

Toggle on your quiz question hotspot when you've decided what actions make sense.

Create multiple-choice questions by linking hotspots

Let's say your question will contain a range of answers or results. Connecting multiple hotspots make questions more dynamic as they offer an array of possible responses as well as their corresponding responses.
  The ability to connect to several hotspots is excellent to track click rate and engagement.

  1. To connect hotspots to , head to the question manager for creating, editing questions or erase them in the order that they can be linked back to your hotspot. The data you pull from quiz results.
  2. When you've linked your question to the hotspot, you can provide details about the answers as well as score, and determine if the response is accurate.
  3. Be sure to save your choices by clicking "Add".

Pro Tip: Choose from a large selection of hotspot quiz designs to get started or design your own.

You can create a hotspot by using an interactive overlay

It's possible to utilize overlays inside your interactive video to pose a question and the answer can be accessed via clickable elements within the overlay, including buttons, shapes, or images.

  1. In the beginning, make your hotspot. You can also create a set a timer.
  2. From the Action dropdown menu, choose Open overlay.
  3. Click Create overlayto be displayed in the editor for overlays.
  4. Then, go to the menu to the left Then, choose " Is an answer to a quiz question" to extend the menu.
  5. Select Question Manager and create your own question, or choose a previously created question.
  6. If you've picked the answer, you'll be asked to enter the title of the answer and the amount for that answer (ex. 10 points) and whether you're correct or wrong.
  7. Repeat this for all possible answers on your overlay. Be sure to select the right answer to monitor your quiz's success.

You can jump into the video and watch how the results unfold

Sometimes, the display of a question can really help viewers understand the issue.

For this to happen you must select the method of jumping into a specific moment of the video within the hotspot settings panel. Or move the line of flow on the timeline towards the exact frame that you'd like to.

You can track the quiz's results by using the screen to see the outcomes of your test

There wouldn't be a test without a score! If you're training your employees using video that is interactive, it's possible to give a score to the test at the final portion of the video, in order that viewers are able to review the test's performance.

For a panel of results in mid-section of your video, you'll need to build an overlay that has the help of a timer.

  • Begin by navigating towards the interactive editor and then clean the timeline in the conclusion of the video.
  • Create a trigger for a time after which you can select it to reveal an overlay and then click the "Create overlay" option..
  • The overlay editor allows you to build your own result panel to match your preference.

Include quiz results in the overlay by clicking the Results in the drop-down menu to the left.

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