However, what is exactly video marketing, and what can you do to use it to your advantage?

Jul 8, 2023

In order to develop an effective digital marketing plan team, marketing teams and even video specialists need to bring videos in the mix. While the phrase "video marketing" may seem simple (essentially adding videos in the strategies for marketing you are operating) but it's far from obvious how you can go about effectively implementing it.

What is the importance of video marketing?

With the development of websites like YouTube as well as other social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter which are now including video and huge improvements in streaming's quality (bye bye, buffering, that dreaded issue) video streaming is an integral part of all stages of what's referred to as the marketing funnel. The funnel that is traditional looks like this: you intro someone to your business (awareness stage) to educate them about it (consideration stage), justify your offering (decision stage) and then keep them (delight phase).

So how do you do video marketing right?

Let's make a standard video-marketing funnel by employing the real world (but in reality, a fictional) instance. WebThyme is an (imaginary) software company that assists people in creating and hosting websites. Jenn is an aspiring customer.

  • A perfect opportunity: Jenn is set to begin a health and wellness site. The intended users of WebThyme are entrepreneurs working in small businesses.
  • The right channel Jenn seeks out advice on starting a new business and comes across one of WebThyme's video clips in an article on their blog which describes the story of an entrepreneur. In awe, she signs up for WebThyme's newsletters that send Jenn a weekly newsletter that contains helpful information.
  • The right action:Jenn clicks on a email link, which takes readers to an online landing page with a short video, which delves into the newest features of WebThyme to small-scale business owners. When she presses the button, it will lead her to a no-cost trialcalling to make a move, and she decides to give it a try.

This is only one of the examples of a possible video-marketing scenario. How does it play out at a more specific and actionable scale? What are the most efficient videos for marketing channels such as email, social media and even your own web site? Let's dig in...

Social media exploration

What makes social media so effective in growing your business? When your existing followers are happy to comment, like or share your content and recommend your content to contacts and acquaintances Some of them could begin following your profile. A different way to boost the amount of leads you could get from this audience is to include the email capture form, which is that are available in Business software, which allows you to collect your viewers" contact info directly within the embedded player. Then, you'll be in a position to effortlessly import these contacts into marketing email providers including MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, along with Constant Contact.

Perhaps you'd like to direct your visitors to a landing page where they can learn more. It's possible! Business allows you to add clickable CTAs that allow you to show people exactly in the direction you'd like them.

You can also increase your reach and gain many more followers with the help of paid social media. Based on the platform you are using it is possible to target specific groups, and promote your content through pre-roll placement or content that is promoted.

Let your email campaigns flourish

In the case of emails videos play an important part. In the course of. They could boost click-throughs of 200 to 300 percent (that's many numbers or individuals), and reduce the amount of people who don't subscribe. Although, the majority of email software still cannot handle videos integrated directly into emailshowever. It is possible to overcome this issue by placing a play button over the still images from your video, that will take you to a landing site that includes the entire thing.

It's a simple task to complete through the email marketing platforms that we have discussed in the past as well as in marketing automation systems such as HubSpot. It's an ideal way to test whether a specific thumbnail video gets you the highest rate of clicks. And as a general rule to follow, you can boost your campaign" efficiency by customizing your design and contents to the landing pages they lead to.

Your site is loaded with stunning videos


Most businesses make videos for their homepage which explain what your brand's purpose is, what your accomplish is crucial, as well as the is the issue that you're trying to address. This is a major factor in what your business's reputation is to people who just look at your company's name. Consider the example of Canary..

Pages that land

Your homepage can serve numerous functions to provide a broad public, and your landing pages can be used to educate specific sections of your audience about the wonderful things you provide and convince them to make a intended decision. Marketing professionals drive the traffic to their landing pages by using online ads and social media sites, blogs, and websites. Search engines as well as videos aid in turning those leads into clients. For an example, take a a look at our Business pages.


It's one of the major sources of traffic inbound to your site especially if your content contains helpful info, industry news as well as thought-leadership on issues that people care about, since they'll look up the subjects they're interested in on Google. Also, it's a fantastic platform to post product or business news, updates along with guidelines to communicate with the community you serve. Need some examples? What you're reading will be (hopefully) more enjoyable with the help of video clips scattered around.

Pages for FAQ and Product pages

And then putting it all together

If your plan for video marketing is implemented well it can create an incredible platform that could help boost your company's growth: Your social media videos attract prospective customers, and they are interacting with users who are already following you and your blog articles with video content rank highly in results for the search engines. Your email marketing campaigns that feature gorgeous video thumbnails - will lead visitors to your landing pages, which include relevant videos with clear CTAs and clear CTAs. Each of them has been developed to increase prospects and increase conversion. Each of these can be tracked, measured, and adapted in the course of time. Within the context of...

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