How Valeria Hernandez built a mindful health coach business, while also avoiding creative burnout

Aug 1, 2022

Learn how Wellness trainer as well as Creator Fellowship winner Valeria Hernandez is building a successful online business encouraging women to adopt plants-based diets that honor their heritage.

In the time that Valeria Hernandez encountered challenges with her body, she discovered the value of intuitive eating and plants-based nutrition. In a bid to bring this information to traditional recipes, Valeria started crafting authentic Mexican dishes with vegan ingredients.

Today, Valeria shares those discoveries via VegiVale  the company that offers a plant-based health coach business. It aids clients in eating more tasty fruit and vegetables, savor their favorite foods from the culture they love, and live energized lives.

The creator's path was not always easy.

In the process, Valeria faced a toxic hustle culture in the online sector and felt pressured by the pressure to follow the crowds regardless of her own instincts that pulled her in a different direction. She also learned how to change her mindset from employee to decision-making entrepreneur while balancing the growth of her enterprise with the regular 9-5 timetable.

By tackling these issues, Valeria was able to sculpt her dream business, create an environment that is sustainable for her work and life, and discover her unique way to go.

Here's how Valeria is inspiring women to embrace the plant-based diet which honor their roots -- and building the business of coaching based on authentic values along the way.

The first steps to get started with wellness

In the beginning the time, she was in a town that was a place where no one knew her. After graduating from college and moving into a full-time job, Valeria was lonely. She wasn't feeling great physically either. Valeria had been following a vegan diet for a few years but struggled to find satisfying and satisfying food options.

"I just kind of winged it with my vegan journey. I was having french fries and salad at the dining hall at college, and it was not allowing me to get the full nutritional needs. So it was no wonder I didn't feel great."

Finding a way to tackle both problems at once, Valeria found connections within the vegan community. She hired a health coach who was a specialist in veganism and learned about the types of food items she should eat to stay healthy, satisfy her nutritional needs as well as have a better overall experience all over .

The lessons her coach given her resulted in a 180deg transformation. Motivated, Valeria become a health coach to help other people lead their lives to the best possible standard.

Valeria was a coach with an organization that was a part of a network marketing, but she didn't like the fact that the focus of the program was on weight loss and dieting. The program was limiting for her due to the one-to-many coaching approach and was stressed due to the pressure of constantly acquiring additional clients.

Valeria was aspired to provide an experience that was personalized and hands-on for her clients that gave the client more flexibility. Then, 2020 happened.

With the world in chaos, Valeria decided that she was finally ready to tackle things the way she wanted to.

First few clients to be found

However, Valeria discovered she could reach out to her existing connections for experience, and then flesh out her business concept.

In the beginning, Valeria leveraged contacts she'd made in networking marketing. They already knew about and appreciated Valeria's style of coaching and were keen on an intimate, personal experience.

Then, Valeria reached out to the circle of people she met in her school, community connections, family connections, and mutual friends.

At first, it was a bit nerve-racking to discuss the business plan she had in mind in front of "real-life" acquaintances and beloved ones. But, they proved to be the biggest supporters of her.

The business grew. "I began doing one-on-one coaching and really liked it" she tells us.

"I've switched around a few various ways within my company however my primary desire is helping others eat more plants. It's not my intention to force people to switch to veganism. A majority of my clients are not even vegetarian, but I focus on helping people eat more vegetables and to listen to their bodies."

The option of niche-seating

After a few customers to her credit, Valeria had a better idea of how she wanted her company to look like. Next, she needed to identify her audience. But the thought of narrowing her target audience- - and the potential pool of customers -- seemed daunting initially.

"It's tempting to want to create something that will benefit everyone to help as many people as possible."

Now, Valeria believes that serving the needs of a particular segment is part of what distinguishes her business. She decided to focus on servicing women of color as she noticed these clients often had the same problems she had to face in her own experience.

"I realized this could be an extremely cool group of the people I work with as a Latina, I understand what they're going through. I'm able to address certain issues that they're having difficulty with, that other people would not."

Valeria customized her programs to assist women from different backgrounds to incorporate the cuisines of their culture in their food choices.

"I aid people to reconnect with their food traditions because it is often believed that cultural foods are not healthy, which is not necessarily accurate," Valeria elaborates. "That mindset comes from eating habits and white supremacy. getting rid of it by aiding people in their health is the goal I'm pursuing."

"There seven billion people living on earth. If you want to aid everyone, and reach out to everyone, you're really speaking to nobody. It's much more effective in the event that you concentrate on a smaller segment of people with whom you've built a community around... as they are aware that you're speaking directly to them."

Utilizing for a more efficient simple business

After having a clear idea of her business plan and pinpointing her ideal customer, Valeria turned to to build her own virtual home base. Her current offerings include fitness coaching sessions and a online cookbook that features plant-based Mexican dishes on her site.

Being a customer, Valeria knew making different logins for several platforms to get access to one creator's content was frustrating. She was not willing to put clients through the exact experience.

" makes it easier both on the side of the entrepreneur and on the client's side. "Customers only need one login and can use it to access all the products they bought directly from me."

Valeria also emphasizes that you do not need to employ the same equipment as entrepreneurs earning six or seven figures at the beginning of your journey. The cost of these programs does not assure you of the same results, and having to pay for huge monthly bills can add excessive pressure.

" is a great way to streamline the process. I'm all for simplicity in particular at this time in my business."

Help for fellow creators and entrepreneurs!

When asked what tips she would give to aspiring entrepreneurs, Valeria stated how crucial it is to listen to your intuition, find the balance between work and life, make a decision, and prioritize physical and mental health.

Pay attention to the voice in your head and follow what feels natural

After building the company VegiVale , Valeria learned that being your own person makes your business unique.

"Put your blinders in because it's easy to take a look at what everybody else is doing. If you see one hundred individuals doing something similar to this, you're going to be tempted to follow suit," she remarks. "It's completely normal to make comparisons. .... But the beautiful thing about being a creator is the fact that you're one of a kind. There is no one else who can achieve what you do in the manner you do it."

"The amazing thing about being a creator is that you are one of a one of a kind. No one can do what you do, in the way you do it."
"Even although there are thousands of health coaches out there, I know what I am saying, it will land differently than when someone else says exactly the same thing. Our messages will speak to different groups of people. If you are trying to be part of the norm, you'll lose that unique voice."

This, Valeria explains, is your special sauce when you are a writer.

Valeria advises entrepreneurs to accept what they feel comfortable with even if it means doing things differently from others within your industry. "Everyone's connected to TikTok at the moment," she points out, "There are so many health coaches there, and I felt as if I was not being seen. Then I joined the platform, and it was not my vibe."

For Valeria This format seemed more real and fun.

"I am unable to say everything that I have to say in just 15 or 60 seconds. But newsletters have stood up to the test of time. I'm looking for something lasting if I'm willing spend time and energy on it. If I were to follow the masses I'd do TikTok and ignore the fact that it's hard for me and I'm not a fan of it."

It's not that it's a good idea to ignore eachchallenge within your company, but if something makes you feel like you're dragging your feet you should think about alternatives.

Establish a healthy work-life balance

However, many entrepreneurs are caught in the mistake of working too hard.

    Sometimes, toxic hustle culture is at fault.    

When she was a network marketer, Valeria always felt pressured to grind and get clients. She would work until dark each night after working a full-time job and lose quality time with her family and friends.

However, hustling around the clock didn't yield results, and Valeria's mental health deteriorated because she missed the people she loved and her family.

    Sometimes, the creators are able to work for hours because they're enthused.    

"Creators have a higher risk of being harmed since we enjoy what we do. We tend to blur the lines between overwork and passion, life and content creation. When you are really passionate about what you do and what you want to achieve is clear, it's hard to turn off."

Valeria's suggestion: Take control of your schedule and structure your company to ensure you have the work-life balance you deserve.

"I have seen numerous creators and entrepreneurs leaving their nine to five just to duplicate that model within their businesses," Valeria says. "Why would you do that? Why do you take only two days off a week, on Sunday and Saturday? Doesn't this defeat the point?"

You're the boss, therefore you're able to:

Use your days off as needed.

Reduce your hours and not feel guilty.

Decide to take less clients, so that you can are able to have more time.

Set attainable goals for yourself on a realistic timeline.

Do not follow the tradition simply because you're familiar with it.

"Don't forget the things that matter," Valeria reminds fellow creators. "You can live a full life beyond the web."

Be confident when you make big decisions

In the beginning of her career, Valeria struggled to make important choices. Today, she is aware that listening to her intuition and committing is critical for moving forward.

"The way you function during your nine-to-five-day job is quite different than how you work as an entrepreneur" she explains.

"In an ordinary job, there are deadlines, tasks as well as steps. But you have someone guiding you. For entrepreneurship, it's entirely you. It's your turn to make the calls and making decisions, and you have to feel confident about the decisions you make."

It's an enormous amount of stress for someone who is a novice creator. When she's stuck and struggling, Valeria reminds herself that "not making a decision is inherently a deliberation." This helps her make up her thoughts and implement the program.

It is important to prioritize your physical and mental wellbeing

Then, Valeria emphasizes how important it is to take care of yourself. In her travels, Valeria noticed that when she didn't feel well emotionally or physically the business was affected. When she felt great the business thrived.

To keep wellness at the forefront, Valeria follows the same advice she gives clients she coaches. "How can I instruct my clients to sleep eight hours a night, drink their water, and eat their veggies if I'm not?" she says.

"I often think about if I was my own customer, what would I tell myself to do in this situation?'"

What's coming up for VegiVale?

Valeria has helped numerous women from diverse backgrounds live more healthy lives with her VegiVale contents  program, publications as well as her newsletter  as well as through her newsletter, and we are sure it's only the beginning.

"With the assistance from my assistant virtual, we're currently developing an educational program that's scheduled to launch at the end of this year. The course is in its early stage at present, however I would not be able to complete it if it weren't for her assistance," Valeria notes.

By leaning into her unique voice, keeping an appropriate balance between work and life taking tough choices, as well as putting wellness first, Valeria built a freeing and exciting online company. By establishing a solid foundation there is no limit to what she can do. We're excited for what else she does next!