How to write AI prompts to create excellent content, and also some examples

Mar 23, 2023

Many creators have shared that artificial intelligence is speeding up the process of creating content and increasing their output. Some are touting the hours they've saved, like Hero Douglas Boyce III, declaring that this is the time to end writers block once and all. You're sold.

When you turn on your content generator, prompt it to "write an article on how to forage for mushrooms" then the computer gets to work. Within a few seconds it will produce the content it thinks is the best article. However, it's far from perfect. There's a lack of important details The tone isn't right It also wrote 500 words instead of 1000 words. It could be written better yourself. One click and you close the tab and erase artificial intelligence for ever.

It's not difficult to get disillusioned with content generators as their outputs fall short of the mark.

While we'd love to blame the low-quality content on the AI , the actual problem might be your fault (hi I'm me. I'm the problem.). Specifically, the instruction you're feeding to the AI program to generate your ideal outcome. Or that is, the command you send to the AI algorithm to produce its output.

The fact of the matter is that the responses of a content generator can only be as effective as the prompt you ask it to answer. That's why we're covering how to write the perfect AI prompt, complete with formulas and examples which you can begin using now!

How can you create effective AI prompts

These are the best ways to remember whenever you work with an artificial intelligence program that demands an alert-spoiler, which most will.

  Define the goal or goal.  

Before writing an AI prompt, clarify what you're writing about and the reason you're making the prompt.

Ask yourself: What goal do you want to accomplish with the content? Who should the audience you are targeting learn after having read the material? Do you want them to perform a specific action, such as click a link or making purchases?

  Specific, clear instructions.  

As would be expected, giving vague or unclear prompts can lead to a misaligned response.

As an example, "Explain the meaning of life." It won't get as useful of a response in the same way as "Explain various popular philosophical theories about the meaning of living."

For you to make sure you've provided clear instructions for using the AI tool, you must first ask yourself, what is my ideal outcome?

When you have that question clarified, you need to describe the task that should be accomplished. This includes specifying whether the answer should have of a specific length or format (bullet list of 280 characters, for example. ) and what actions you would like for your audience to take as well as the tone and style that you'd like to the AI to compose the text in.

Tips for Pros: The longer and more detailed the question or assignment, the better the output!

  Ask open-ended questions.  

The practice of asking "yes or"no" questions tends to result in smaller-sized responses than open-ended questions.

As an example, instead of asking "Is coffee unhealthy for you?" (impossible) try asking "What are the biggest advantages and dangers of drinking coffee?".

The open-ended nature of questions allows the liberty and flexibility for the program to respond with as much depth as it'd want.

  Check your grammar and spelling.

Similar to a human mistakes in spelling or grammar mistakes could confuse artificial intelligence.

Thus, always proofread the prompt you are given to make sure the spelling and grammar are accurate and your language is easy to understand. This should be a no-brainer, but avoid the use of abbreviations and slang words.

  Include contextual information.  

However advanced AI tools may be however, they are unable to understand the meaning behind your query unless you define the request.

To help them understand the topic, give them background information and context information that relates to your subject and the nature of your desired output.

In this case, for example, who is the AI content writer acting as? What is the intended readership for your material? Include the answers to these questions within your prompt.

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A perfect AI prompting formula

We've created the perfect AI prompt formula to suit the vast majority of Content creators! Make sure to bookmark this page to keep the formula for prompts at hand.

  "Act as" + "write the word" + "define an goal" + "define your best format"  

Let's take an example. Act like an expert who's writing copy for  a specific use  to achieve an outcome that is specific.

Here's an example of the formula that has the empty spaces filled in.

Prompt Example: Act like a"digital copywriter" and digital marketer who has written copy for 3 video headlines and descriptions for each based on the video transcript I'll provide to achieve teaching my viewers how to hunt for mushrooms. Video transcript

The prompt can be made much more precise by adding specifics about the formatting (how many words, phrases, etc.) or sentences, etc. ), tone, and the style.

Great examples of prompts for employing AI tools

All you have to supply is the topic of your class or the main idea to your class. However, there are some best practices on how to format short prompts. Let's review!

Online course prompts

If you're using the topic of your course as a prompt, it must be broad enough to capture the breadth of information you'll present during your class, however it should be still specific enough to make sure your course is relevant to the audience you want.

  Here is a simple format to follow when making your topic prompt for your course:  

  (brief description of what the course will be covering] + [target audience for your course]  

  Great examples of topics:  

  • Social media marketing for small-sized business owners
  • Paint with watercolors for beginners
  • Yoga teacher training for advanced levels

  Examples of bad behavior of course topic prompts:  

  • Marketing
  • Painting
  • Yoga

Lesson content prompts

Lessons are the building blocks of your overall course. If you are writing the subject of your lesson the focus should be on one specific idea that the audience will take away from your course.

Imagine that you're creating your own course about "Social media marketing for entrepreneurs with small businesses".

  Here is a simple format to follow when designing your prompts for content in your lesson:  

  [Brief about what the lesson will be covering] 2-3 learning outcomes you want to achieve of the lessonThe lesson should achieve  

  Great examples of prompts for lesson content:  

  • What is a good social media plan, including delineating a target audience as well as setting objectives and tracking your success
  • The benefits of working with social media influencers, including how to identify and approach potential collaborators.
  • Tips for creating compelling Twitter posts including length, format, and frequency

  Bad examples of lesson content prompts:  

  • Marketing via social media
  • Creating content on social
  • Twitter-related ideas

Social media prompts

When it comes to creating great social posts with AI Be sure to be specific! Is it a 'how-to' article, a motivational statement, or even a promotion article? What's the message you want to get across within your article?

By providing these details, your first draft will be filled with important information. Then, you can adjust the tone or length of your post with our software.

  Here is a simple template to use when you are creating your social media post prompt:  

  [Type of the post you'd like to make] + [the audience for your post] + [a short description of what message you want to convey within your article]  

  Great examples of social media prompts:  

  • Motivational quotes about running that can assist first-time marathoners to stay motivated.
  • A step-by-step guide on how novices can make bread with sourdough
  • Tips to entrepreneurs in need of support in starting their own business

  Negative Examples of social media-related prompts:  

  • Marathon running
  • Bread made from sourdough
  • Business

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Last word on how you can write great AI prompts

Artificial intelligence is making impossible things possible, allowing the creation of material in a matter of seconds, and lots of it, without the extra work. To reap the benefits, it is essential to master the art of "communicate" to AI via your voice.

When you've perfected the AI prompt, you'll be well on the right track to creating excellent content from the beginning!

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