How to Use Link Building to Increase Traffic to your site

Oct 10, 2024

In this post, I'm going to demonstrate how you can use an effective SEO method for increasing the ranking of search engines to your site. It's known as linking If done properly, it can help to create a wave of prospective clients who visit your web-based course that you provide.

You've completed some research and you've got an idea of which keywords you'd like your website to rank for. You may have written articles about your most popular keywords, however you're not getting your site to appear on result pages. What's wrong with it not ranking?

This can refer to the links

Links make up one of the primary ranking factors that are taken into consideration by the search engines. It is not solely how many links are there and their quality and whether they're 'followed' (the site instructs Google to take hyperlinks into account when determining the making a ranking).

However, Google does not specify how valuable a link from each website is, as well as the number of links your site is able to get. So how can you effectively benefit from this ranking factor even though Google tells you so little about it and the importance it has for every website? There are many tools on the web to help. The one I personally prefer is Moz. Moz. It is a tool that blends several different SEO tools together in one.

Regarding link building, and those unknowns that I mentioned earlier one of the best methods Moz could use is to scan the internet for sites with links to your site (or websites belonging to your competitors). This information is then used in conjunction with other algorithms along with other factors for assigning the Domain Authority value from 100 for every website (this is a specific Moz metric that is not a officially accepted Google measure).

If you examine your site's Domain Authority, you can start to build a picture of the worth your website can provide in terms of the quantity and quality of the links you have. Because we aren't certain of the way in how the Google algorithm is actually working and how it is working, we aren't able to determine how accurate scores given by Moz can be compared to actual data. However, Moz is still a useful reference.

Which are motives to give away part of your application to the public free of charge?

Linking is crucial to the rank of your website. How do you find other websites to hyperlink to your website?

People will also link to your website if they feel that your site deserves their time to explore. If you give away some of your material for free, you are increasing the chance that your site will be viewed as fascinating, increasing chances of other sites linking to your website.

If you're a school provider, you're in a very unique situation. There is plenty of useful material that students will want to study. That's why I recommend to offer a small amount of your course at no cost. Make a mini-course or create several classes within your primary course available for an initial trial like. When you offer content that is freely available to everyone, you are more likely to have someone sharing your content.

Select a phrase that has no brand to focus on

In advance of publishing your own web-based content for free or requesting others to hyperlink to yours, you'll need select a keyword you want to rank for. It should not be a one that is brand-named, such as 'cookery class' because these types of terms are those which will attract new visitors to your website.

After you have chosen the most valuable non-branded keyword to your organization and you have decided to implement the strategy for building hyperlinks. In this blog I'll make use of the "cookery course" to illustrate.

  • URL:
  • Title Tag: Cookery

The next step is to determine what content will include in the content of your website. If you include your gratis lessons on your site then you're providing an incentive to other websites to join your website. Be sure to ensure that your instructional video is located at the top of your page (if it isn't the highest level) to ensure that potential visitors can view the information immediately.

Another thing to keep to keep in mind is that Google places a greater weightage to pages with more text on their pages. This is because they consider that having more content on the page will be better for people who visit it. Even though we have put a video on top of the webpage, Google is unable to crawl the video's content of the video. Therefore need to include more words on the webpage to prove to Google that this site is worth a look.

According to my experiences I have found it useful to put between 1000 and 2000 words of text on the webpage. One easy way to do this is to include an explanation of the video at the end on the page. In the event that you require additional words to write about, you may want to add more about the advantages that result from following the course like eating healthily as well as enjoying cooking more.

The first thing you should do is make a list of sites that have a good Domain Authority that might be open to linking to you.

Do the Google search for 'cookery' websites'. Make a list of the blogs with an Domain Authority above 30. Also, you can search for 'cookery course comparison as well as other keywords related to cookery classes to make a list of the sites you find.

This is an image of the top few websites that show up in the Google search results, which comprise "cookery blogs" together with their domain Authory (DA) as a result of Moz:

How to Use Link Building to Increase Traffic to Your Website

It is also possible to use Moz to find websites that are linked to any other website. Another strategy you can employ is to make a list of the competitions you are competing against and then see which sites link to them. If the site you're linking to is connected to a specific cookery school you can be sure that they are going to be open to the idea linking to different cooking programs, especially when you offer an attractive offer that includes a complimentary cookery lesson. There is also the option of registering on Moz to get a no-cost 30 day trial and download all of the profile links that you'll require in the time.

Once you have created the list of websites which are open to linking to you, do some background research about the site and then try to locate an email address for the blogger's owner or site administrator. Hunter is a great tool to do this.

If you want to increase your chances to receive a reply I suggest you send an email that is personalized to every owner of a website or blogger. It is your goal to give the website owner or blogger a reason to add a link to your site by providing a message that makes sense for them as well as provides value for their customers.

Here is an example of the kind of email you could send:

HTML1Hey [name"Hello [name]

     I've been a follower of your blog for a while and have come up with an amazing resource! I am really impressed by the article [insert link here ].

     I've recently created a cooking class online, which you could be interested in. Do you have a desire of exploring it, and maybe re-posting a review of the lessons in your own blog (if you feel people who follow you would enjoy the lesson too)? )?

     Please let me know whether this is something that you are looking to learn more about. I'd love to send you the course.

     Thank you very much, and please keep up your amazing work!

Jack Saville

It's not necessary to make a request or mention of the hyperlink immediately, however, it is important to try to draw their enthusiasm for your course. If they advertise your course on their website They are likely to provide you with a link, most likely without having to ask. It is possible to provide discounts or a incentive to the visitors of their website.

Add your keyword in the anchor text which links to your site

The last thing you need to be mindful of while building links is the anchor text that appears on the hyperlinks you get. When you do get to the point of requesting the addition of a link (or needing them to alter an existing link that they provided to you) it's crucial to ask that the link directs to the website you're hoping to rank for your chosen keyword, as well as ensure that the anchor text on that link refers to the exact keyword that you're aiming for.

So in our cookery course example, we would ask for a link to from the anchor text 'cookery course'.

When linking to the top ranking page, using anchor text that's targeted. The site endorses this page specifically for specifically the phrase 'cookery class'.

How to Use Link Building to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Links from other websites to your site, especially ones with a good Domain Authority, will help you to rank higher on search engines for your selected keyword. This means that people who are searching for that phrase are more likely discover your site and online classes.

It can take an amount of time to apply the method properly and start to rank in search results for the keyword you have chosen. However, what you get is a constant stream of prospective clients coming to your classes. That's pretty good value for me!

     Jack Saville is an SEO Specialist for Bynder an online provider of asset management.

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