How to Market Digital Products

Sep 14, 2023

You've put in the effort to develop your first (or newest) digital product, congrats! Next obviously is to promote the product and make it visible to of the people you created the product for.

Promoting digital products and making sales isn't easy, but there are some tactics you can employ to make contact with the most possible customers and make a good income. In this guide we'll teach you some marketing techniques you can use to start the ball rolling.

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First, let's define digital goods?

Considering how many people consume information online -- 5.18 billion, to be exact -- Many entrepreneurs put their skills, whatever it may be, into digital products which they sell to interested individuals. The digital goods include:

  • eBooks
  • Video courses
  • Music files, audio files
  • Graphic templates and website
  • Videos and photos from stock
  • Software applications
  • Mobile applications
  • Coaching tools
  • Podcasts
  • Memberships

12 ways to advertise digital products and make sales

to promote your digital products and make sales, follow these ways to go about it:

    Make an online retail store, or web site    

The first step to advertising your digital item is to build a virtual online storefront or website you'll direct people to so they can buy from you.

There are many ways to achieve this. You can use online store builders like Shopify as well as Gumroad. These platforms are feature-rich and permit you to create online stores completely from scratch, without any technical knowledge required. These store builders allow you are able to sell all sorts of digital products, including:

  • eBooks
  • Online video courses
  • Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
  • Audio and music documents
  • Memberships
  • Digital art
  • Stock photos and videos
  • Website templates
  • Event tickets, etc.

Gumroad is a great option for complete beginners according to their headline, "Go from zero to $1". Shopify, on the contrary hand, caters to people at all levels of experience.

Both tools offer a wide variety of templates for online stores as well as a drag-and-drop editor for websites that allows you to customize templates to meet your requirements for branding. The tools also provide resources to assist you in driving traffic to your store. Shopify, in particular, allows you to download add-on software to increase the efficiency of your store and integrate with third-party apps to simplify processes.

Another platform which can be used to construct an online storefront, website or even a web-based shop are:

Contrary to Shopify or Gumroad  other platforms, they are cost-free to use. They're hosted by self, so you'll need to pay for:

  • A domain name ($10-20/year)
  • Hosting for Web ($3-30/month, based on the hosting platform and plan)
  • Premium Theme ($100-200 one-time payment)

They allow you to create any kind of website you want, and you can add eCommerce functionality by downloading plugins like WooCommerce, EasyDigitalDownloads, and MemberPress.

    Join an online marketplace    

If you're just beginning your journey to designing and selling digital items it is a good idea to first join a marketplace before creating your own website or store. A few marketplaces online that you can be a part of include:

  • Amazon is used for eBooks as well as audiobooks
  • eBay to sell various digital items
  • iTunes to play music, podcasts, as well as videos
  • Envato - for template designs for websites and graphics as well as stock images and videos and royalty-free songs
  • Udemy is a platform for online classes generally
  • Creative Market  includes fonts as well as graphics and templates to create creative ideas

However, the downsides the downsides of markets are:

  • The majority of them take a commission from every sale you achieve
  • The products you sell are placed in between similar products from other creators. It reduces the chances of selling as many units as you want to.

    Create a compelling sales page for your product    

This is a factual aspect of selling digital items: At the start you'll be unable to tell your clients the name of your company, and they're less likely to buy from you until you explain to your customers why they should. This is the case especially if you offer eBooks or online courses.

Contrary to popular opinion there is no need to be an expert copywriter in order to write a convincing sales page. What you need to do is answer this question in relation to your prospective audience: Is this item right for me?

It is not necessary to provide every aspect of the digital item. You should instead focus on

  • What can your product do to aid them to solve their problems
  • The reason why they should select it (instead of other similar products out there)

Here's an example of a sale page designed for an instructional design course. Notice how the copy on the top of the page clearly identifies the target audience the creator of the course is trying to reach, i.e. teachers looking for opportunities to apply their skills as educators at the highest level of establishments.

Showing prospects that other real-life customers have used the product and gained from it is among the best ways to convert them to paying customers.

Why? Because you're not alone one telling them of your product's worth; other people are confirming the same. They think: "If this can work with others, surely it will also work for me".

    Optimize your website to be search engine friendly    

If you're looking to create a strategy for promotion which is so effective that you'll be making sales on autopilot for months ( or even for years) following the implementation Try search engines optimization (SEO)

There are three kinds of SEO: on-page off-page, and technological.

On-page SEO is the use of specific keywords that are related to products or niches in web content. To figure out the right keywords to use in your sales and product pages Ask yourself: If someone wanted to find my product, what term(s) would they search for in Google?

The terms you use are the keywords. It is possible to use keywords or SEO tools such Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Ubersuggest to identify relevant keywords as well as their search volumes. When you've found your keywords, use them in your titles, subheadings, body copy URLs, meta descriptions, image alt texts, etc. If Google's crawlers find that page, they'll know the content of the webpage and then rank it in the appropriate way.

In the end, it is about making a site or server more efficient so that search engines are able to crawl and index your website effectively. This involves increasing page speed as well as improving the user experience and structuring web data.

    Create a content marketing funnel    

If you're selling a digital product via a website (as instead of market place), you can create informative blog posts video, blog posts, or social media content to inform people about your area of expertise and your product(s).

Like the pages for your products, you can optimize the blog posts for search engines with keywords, too. Even if your pages for products don't rank but your intended audience could be able to find you with your blog posts that rank.

Alongside driving traffic and leads to your website, pertinent content also helps you build credibility and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

    Develop an organic media presence    

"You are able to record your message in TikTok but it does not need to be perfect," she says "It's authentic and real, and people know me to be a transparent and honest person."

To grow your following on social media sites Create and share content (images or carousels, brief videos, lengthy videos infographics such as infographics, images, etc.) that educate people on your field or niche, explain your reasons for starting to create products within that area and promote the benefits of those products. If you have reviews from customers you can share them with the social media sites you use.

The growth rate may be slow at first, but if you publish content consistently, people will start to flock to your page. As they do, interact with them, and establish friendships by liking and responding to their comments, sharing their posts, and giving shoutouts to people who purchased your item.

    Run pay-per-click ads    

Building an organic social media presence will take a while before you begin reaping the rewards. If you want to have your business visible to a wide audience within a brief time, try pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements. You've probably guessed that paying per click (PPC) is a marketing model that requires you to only pay to advertise on websites that people click on.

There are two types of PPC ads: paid social media ads as well as paid search ads.

When you pay for social media advertisements it is possible to run ad campaigns across the social networks that your intended audience is using. Before you start your campaigns you'll define the behaviour, demographic, and interests of your audience, so your ads appear on the feeds of people who may purchase from you.

Paid search ads however, allow your ads to show up on Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) whenever your intended users conducts commercial searcheswhich means they're searching for something to purchase.

In order to increase the chance of your PPC ads being hit, try the following:

  • Utilize high-quality, visually appealing visuals in the adverts
  • Make sure you use compelling but succinct copy to describe the benefits from your service
  • Create a clear call-to action that shows people the next action to take after viewing the advertisement

    Create an email list    

Content marketing, SEO, as well as paid ads are great promotion methods for digital products, but what happens if Google and other social media platforms are deemed obsolete (or crash)?

The idea may sound a little flimsy, however, look at what has happened to popular platforms such as MySpace, Friendster, Tumblr and Vine. I bet you haven't considered any of these websites for the past few years. If this happens to any of the principal networks you use to promote your product the business you run will soon become obsolete, too. The audience you've built will disappear and you'll need to begin from scratch to build your base of customers.

It doesn't end when individuals give them their email addresses. It's important to keep up with relationships with your customers and keep your business top of mind by regularly emailing relevant, useful messages to your customers. For this to be easier, you can use email marketing tools such as MailerLite, ConvertKit, and ActiveCampaign to streamline your email marketing. It is also possible to segment your email list by the subscribers' behavior as well as their interests and preferences -- and send personalized mailers to every group.

These emails that are automated should:

  • Give your subscribers information about why you do what you do.
  • Show them the way your product could help them solve their problems
  • Help them learn more about your industry
  • Inform them about discounts, freebies, or special offers they could benefit from.

    Use an influencer as a partner    

Since influencers already have established audiences, working with them can make a fantastic marketing strategy for your business. Depending on the kind of influencer you're working with, their size as well as the result you're hoping to achieve You could pay them a fee or give them freebies in exchange in exchange for their featuring your brand on their posts.

Another possibility is to set up an affiliate program where influencers can sign up to help promote your products to their audiences as a way of earning a percentage for any purchases made using their special affiliate links.

Whatever route you choose to take -- whether directly influencer marketing or affiliate marketing- working with reputable influential people in your field can help you tap into audiences you mightn't have had access to previously. The positive impact of this also affects your own brand and increases the likelihood of conversions and sales.

    Create and implement the pre-launch strategy for promotion    

What's more effective than advertising your digital product after launching it?

Promotion of your digital product prior to launching it!

Building and executing an initial campaign can help you create buzz about your product prior to its introduction into the marketplace. Through this method it will help you build an audience of people who are ready to purchase your product the minute it's launched. Not only does this help in avoiding the negative sensation of not having sales in the first few days, but it also teaches the basics of promotion which means that the whole process becomes simpler as you promote your item.

There are many ways to generate interest in your product pre-launch. There are several ways to do this:

  • Provide clues via social media regarding the type of product you'll introduce.
  • Post posters and images of your upcoming product on your website to let people know that there's a new product coming
  • If the product is an eBook then you may mail your subscribers an email link that will allow them to browse the first few pages
  • Organise a contest online with the winner's prize being the first access to your latest product after it launches

Not only does a pre-launch campaign aid in the promotion of the product but it also provides you with a rough idea of how much sales to be expecting from customers who've expressed intent to purchase your product post-launch. It also helps you build a loyal customer base to who you'll be able promote new product launches with ease.

    Discounts as well as freebies    

Similar to physical products, offering discounts and freebies when you advertise your digital products could attract potential customers and encourage them to buy.

When it comes to digital goods, discounts may come as $X off on your first purchase or up to X% discount on Black Friday, while freebies can be a free email course, extended content, as well as bonus chapters. It is also possible to include smaller digital items that can be purchased in bulk for you to sell more the units you sell of your digital product.

Alongside encouraging others to take a look at your products Discounts, freebies, and discounts will also build your credibility and trust with your customers, increasing the likelihood of word-of-mouth marketing as well as repeated purchases. It is also possible to make use of discounts and freebies in order to boost sales on other digital items you make.

    Host a contest online    

Hosting contests and challenges on the internet is not just a fantastic opportunity to interact with your existing customers, but they're excellent at preparing prospective customers to buy your digital product provided that the contest assists them in achieving a goal they're working towards.

One great illustration to illustrate this concept is the Avocadu's 21-day fat loss challenge, posted in front of the public on the website.

Avocadu offers recipe eBooks as well as a weight loss program called"the Yoga Fat Loss Bible. Although Avocadu boasts a lot of favorable customers' reviews on its sales pages, it knows that customers will be more receptive to the paid products if they try the product for free. This is what the challenge to lose fat is for.

If someone takes the test without cost and gains weight is likely to purchase the Fat Loss Bible program than those who read only reviews on the program.

To set a successful challenge or competition, make sure three things:

  • Participants are required to participate for a certain amount of time. In the case of Avocadu, that's 21 days. In your case, it could be five.
  • The players play by making use of (or getting a push to make use of) your digital items or lead magnets.
  • The challenge gives you the opportunity to sell your paid digital product (or your complete version of your lead magnet) in the end.

Market your digital products and get more sales

Making digital goods is a lucrative side hustle. But, the product you sell won't magically sell just by existing. You have to make conscious efforts to sell the product to your intended audience.

These strategies to promote your product in this post can assist you sell your product, but you'll need to work hard. You don't have to try all 12 tips at once; pick one or two at first and experiment. It can take some time to see if they're effective, but if you're consistent and consistent, you'll see the results as you figure out the advertising strategies that work best for your product.

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