How to Keep Students Engaged In Your Online Classes

May 19, 2022

Courses online are extremely flexible and can be a powerful tool for a variety of companies. Bloggers can offer courses regarding cooking, organization craft, interior design. Accounting firms might offer courses about budgeting, taxes and other topics. Music stores online could offer guitar-related lessons online as well as their own sheets of music as well as other instruments.

But, no matter what type of program you provide the importance of student participation is paramount. Interested, invested learners complete the courses, register for other courses, post positive reviews, and then suggest your business to their friends.

Here we'll discuss some practical ways to make your classes more enjoyable.

1. Break your courses into digestible pieces

Our attention spans aren't very lengthy. There's a myriad of studies that report various lengths of attention spans and the majority of them have agreed that our attention span is somewhere between 20 to 30 minutes.

You may have excellent, high-quality content with which you could create hours of curriculum -- that's great! But, the students may not be engaged for that long at a period of.

A great method to address this issue is to break down your classes into digestible pieces using subcategories and categorizes. If, for instance, you're selling a course on starting solids for babies, you can break it into groups such as:

  • Introduction to Solids
  • When is the ideal time to start introducing solid food?
  • Signs of readiness
  • Gear and equipment that you need
  • First feeding schedule
  • Delicious food options to sample
  • What are the best ways to cut and prepare?
  • Recipes with examples
  • Introducing allergens
  • Common food allergens
  • Warning signs to watch for
  • Strategies for serving allergens

Each grouping might contain sections of text, images video or any other source. Students may complete each section at their own pace regardless of whether they prefer to go through one at a given time, or simply just sit and work through the entire set simultaneously.

Sensei LMS refers to these categories as Courses Modules, Lessons and Courses. It is possible to break every Course into Modules that are of any size. Then, divide each Module into lessons.

modules set up with Sensei

This makes the navigation process extremely simple for students and allows them to quickly understand how the lessons are going.

2. Create strong graphics

Graphics can be a great method of connecting with your students. Approximately 65% of the general population are visual learners, so not only do images add interest to your courses, they can also help convey concepts more effectively.

There are lots of ways to include images in your classes. If you're presenting numbers, you can add charts or graphs for the information. If you're looking to compare the differences between two different ingredients, you should include photos of them side-by-side. If you're discussing some specific type of houseplant, you should include photos.

In creating graphics, or selecting pictures, keep in mind a few basics:

  • Select high-quality images. While you don't necessarily need to engage a skilled photographer, ensure that the photos you create or purchase are professional. The subject matter should be clear and clear. No blurry pictures! Also, the lighting needs to help the photograph be digestible.
  • Consider the white space. White space is the empty space around what's in the image. If you're using one of the lines or a pie chart, you'll need be sure to give enough space surrounding it for your image's contents to air. It will allow people to digest the content of your graphic and appreciate its significance.
  • Include photos of individuals whenever it is appropriate. We are naturally drawn to facial expressions, and our attention naturally shifts to the faces. Adding photos that include an attractive face will aid in connecting people to your brand and topic.
  • Do not get too complicated. Avoid adding tons of busy photos that are in conflict against one another, and also with information that you are teaching within your class. Make sure you are aware that the pictures that you choose to use are likely to grab attention, create the subject more intriguing as well as aid in the process of learning. Sometimes, it is better to keep things simple.

3. Learners are attracted by a variety of learners

Everyone learns in a different way. There are many different learning styles that you can employ, and if wish to reach as many learners as possible, you should find a way to engage them all when you can. Here are some of the more commonly used, and how to meet the requirements for each kind of student:

  • Write/read Students who master in this style learn best via written words. Writing down the instructions on paper and provide information for them in the course, whether within the pages of the course or as pdf files that can be downloaded.
  • Visual Images, graphics as well as video clips work with this kind of learner. In a study the participants retained 95% of the message while watching videos in comparison to only 10% of the text. Video is a great method of educating through the internet.
  • Auditory  The Auditory students are more inclined to acquire knowledge through speaking and listening. Therefore, you could include videos of you presenting ideas which students are able to be able to. You could also give access to podcasts for your students and have a weekly Zoom meetings that allow one-on one discussions, or include songs in your lessons.
  • Kinesthetic students are taught through activities that are hands-on and are able to figure things out themselves. While this can be challenging to learn online Let your imagination go free! Offer students patterns for sewing to play with, or give students a list of images that they must take in the following week, or even challenge them to design their own logos.

Imagine that you provide an online class on cooking. If you could target all four of the learning styles in one module there could be several paragraphs on the principles of making bread rise. Include an infographic detailing the scientific basis behind it. include a video of you showing how to present the fundamental principles, as well as assigning students the responsibility of making their bread loaf.

4. Use a compelling Narrator

When you're filming videos to educate your students, having a good Narrator can create a huge amount of impact. If you're fond of audiobooks, you know this idea. A boring, uninteresting voiceover could send listeners to doze off. On the other hand the voiceover that has personality that is interesting and engaging has an opposite effect.

Your narration must be clear and is in tune with the overall mood of the lesson. Does your subject sound fun and quirky? Sensitive yet serious? Effective and reliable? The content you upload must reflect that.

Be sure to get your narration's pace right as well. It is simple to talk too fast in your voiceoversand create the challenge for your viewers to follow your directions. Check your recordings. If your voice is too rapid, try again.

Try not to try and imitate your favorite voiceover artists. It's not possible to make yourself sound as good as Morgan Freeman no matter how hard you try. This is not the kind of sound students are looking for. You are who you are!

If you feel like that's not your forte, you're fine. Professional voiceover talents available which don't cost you more than one pound and a half.

5. Include quizzes, polls, and additional questions.

Polls and questions are an ideal way to assess how much information students are taking in and learn more about them and get them involved with a greater degree of quality. They can also help make your content more interesting by introducing things that are fun and interesting.

The best way to start every lesson by asking a question. This could be used to ask questions that will help you teach students, or just inspire them to talk about some of their favorite things about themselves. What are they hoping to learn from your course? What is their most difficult aspect of accounting? What's their favorite song? What number of cakes have they prepared?

There is the possibility of mixing quizzes throughout your course. With Sensei LMS it is possible to design quizzes tied to the lessons. This means you can design questions based on lessons the student recently completed. Making questions that mix different kinds of question -- like multiple choice, True/False and fill-in the empty space, short answer etc. -- can also create a more thrilling experience.

quiz created with Sensei LMS

There is the option of making question types like multi-choice and true/false that can be automatically graded, and then marking open-ended question you. This gives you the opportunity to discover areas that could be improved in your classes, and help any student who might need a little additional help.

6. Make a community

One major distinction in the online and the physical learning areas is the degree of people who are involved in community. Online students do not have the privilege of being able to sit with fellow students of the same class, discussing subjects, or answering questions directly to the class.

Inspire a similar vibe by building an online community, either via a social network such as Facebook or with the WordPress plugin, such as BbPress. It is possible to divide subjects into modules or lessons, or base them off certain characteristics of students (like the students' age and their locations and the instrument they're learning). Students are given the chance to debate subjects with each other think of ideas, brainstorm, asking questions to clarify the topic, or even build friendships which encourage students to study.

7. Incorporate gamification

Gamification applies the principles of games for example, points scoring or competition- - to different mediums such as online education. It is an excellent location to experiment with your ideas! Here are some ideas:

  • Incorporate quizzes, challenges and other activities into your lessons
  • Points awarded for achievement based on actions like completing work and scoring high on tests, etc. The prize will be a prize for the student who earns the highest number of points.
  • Reward students for their participation within your community by awarding them badges
  • Include an progress bar for your class so that students are motivated to complete a module
  • Allow students to post their marks on social media

Gaming can help make learning more engaging and promotes healthy competitiveness. The result is that your classes are more interesting for students.

8. Find out what customers are looking for.

The most efficient way to make your courses enjoyable for students is to give them all the details they're looking for. If you can answer their queries and help students in achieving their goals They'll be more inclined to finish the course, leave an outstanding evaluation, and perhaps suggest it to family members and acquaintances.

Then, you can alter your programme's content and structure to conform to what the students expect from you.

In the end, when it comes to it, your students online are the core of what you produce. If you have their demands to heart when you are creating the content of your courses and organizing your course, it'll ensure that they are interested in the process, and engaged. They will be committed to buying more.

Want more tips? Take a look at the article by Sensei LMS regarding designing effective online courses.

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