How to increase the effect of Charitable Causes using the power of online education

Sep 26, 2024

Since the outbreak started numerous groups have needed to think about ways they could increase the efficacy of their efforts and maintain their presence within the community through on-line channels.

The charitable sector isn't a field that is considered to be an early adopter of technological advances, however that's the view of Thrive For Good's director of operation James Woller. "Charities are more conventional and cautious in regards to their efforts to grow. This is why it was vital to Thrive to adopt a different strategy for growth. This required a decision to bet on the house. While also revealing the potential for online education ," He explains.

Online learning has helped businesses to expand their perspectives. "Before the advent of online-based learning, we had impacted approximately 30000 students. Now, we're affecting thousands of students. The number of people who we've assisted grew from 550 people to nearly 800. The number of countries we've assisted has increased from seven up to 47, and we're expanding to areas that were previously unimaginable," says Woller.

Another organization that's been seeking new strategies to address the challenges that result from the covid-19 epidemic is Vayu Global Health Foundation. Prior to the outbreak, Burke was traveling every week to train medical professionals on the spot. Since traveling was not possible due to the outbreak the Vayu team has designed an online system that permits the training and education of medical professionals and also to connect across the world with people around the world.

"We use the facilities only for education purposes," says Vayu's executive director Thomas Burke. "Without our intervention, it could have spread to an enormous amount as a result of the spreading of the virus ."

We spoke to the staff of the Thrive For Good's James Woller and Vayu Global Health Foundations' Thomas Burke to get a better understanding of their strategies to increase their effectiveness during this tumultuous time across the globe. We found that they were able to do this in two ways that included online education and by examining their charitable activities in the context of an evolving one. This is the way they boosted the effectiveness of their charitable activities:

1. Online Teaching

Thrive For Good

2. billion people aren't getting the nutrition they require. Thrive For Good supplies the communities and individuals all over the world with resources and tools to help ensure sustainable farming of organic, healthy foods suitable for our modern world by offering education for all those seeking to know how to plant food and provide their families with food, and those who want to integrate the fundamental principles of Thrive within their own programmes. The company generates more than one million Canadian dollars per month by selling vegetable and fruit grown in their communal gardens dependent upon the 50 cents per person for meals.

Collaboration with other partners in Europe, South America, Africa as well as Asia, Woller says they cannot expand their reach across all regions of the world without advent of online classes to aid in the education process.

It's not just resulted in a more conducive environment for company and employees, but it has also made it much simpler to deal these issues. "Just this past week I got an email message from an acquaintance from Uganda located in a nation that has its borders shut down, and mobility extremely limited... It's very difficult to locate anyone who can train in person at the moment. That's why online learning could be useful ."

Woller claims that the business has saved a lot of money through the switch to the Internet. "We're saving thousands of dollars through the assistance of . If we had to employ skilled and experienced teachers from Thrive across our community partners for a month, we wouldn't be able to scale as far as we did," he says.

Vayu Global Health

Thomas Burke, emergency doctor and professor at The Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health He is also the director of two companies are under his supervision : Vayu Global Health Foundation and Vayu Global Health Innovations.

The Vayu Global Health Foundations is an charitable trust focusing on assisting and identifying innovative solutions to enhance newborn, maternal and children's health. Vayu Global Health Innovations Vayu Global Health Innovations that can also be referred to by Vayu Global Health Innovations, also known as Vayu Global Health Innovations arm of the trust, is an official business, which is recognized with the World Health Organization as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and are fully committed towards global communities as well as the cause of positive change.

In Vayu they've created medical devices to help relieve CPAP that Burke states is one of the most common causes of deaths for children younger than 5 years old. at the age of five. The equipment used to treat this disease can to reduce the risk of death by as much as 65 percent. As most respirators consume power to run, and this could be costly, they're not suited to be used in countries which are resource-poor. The Vayu team can offer an option that is priced at $300, which is a mere fraction of the cost of the standard CPAP machine that costs $12,000, and that provides comparable quality. It doesn't need energy or support from bioengineering, that makes it affordable for those with few resources to use. Through this device users can educate the local medical professional on how to utilize the gadget.

Since this time since then, it has been an enormous success. CPAP training has proved to be extremely efficient, and the team is currently designing a different training course which will teach medical professionals the operation of their innovative equipment called the oxygen mixer. It is typically priced at $1200. The equipment is available at a cost of just $50 for children with respiratory problems or pneumonia.

Additionally, the online platform provides greater accessibility to the users. It helps in standardizing the instruction for medical equipment. "We have master instructors from every country, but there's not enough. Our program of training allows us to enhance the level of training that we offer and also to assess. The program is available for everyone." The man says.

2. Utilizing lenses that incorporate advanced technology

Thrive For Good

Woller states that conventional methods might not be the ideal method to increase the charity's impact. "The foundation's performance is dependent on the generosity of donors and donations. The traditional relationship between a donor, philanthropist or the foundation responsible for the program could cause problems when trying to determine the right size," he describes. "Donors tend to be reluctant about spending money on technological improvements... They prefer to spend their cash on programs... Actually, improving capabilities through technology, there is an opportunity to improve ."

Ingenious ideas from the business originate from studies of companies that are currently focusing on organic agriculture as well as nutrition. The business is expanding its operations. "We did not have to increase the amount we invest to boost our performance. Our business has shifted away from a model which is B2C-based. It has now become B2B. It's great to think of ourselves as Java inside your laptop. There is no need for us to transform into Dell or Apple. The white-labeling process helps us label what we offer. This is an important step within the realm of giving to charity ."

The company was capable of expanding their business following the switch to online, Woller explains. "We were approached by an organization located in India that has several schools, staff of over 8,000 and members of the community as well as hundreds of individuals that are the beneficiaries. They contacted us concerning their concerns over the food security situation in India and also Covid-19 as well as their request to incorporate all their training to be incorporated into the"Thrive" program. That's scale."

Woller believes that charitable organizations can be a crucial source of new ideas, and also taking risks. The online training offered by the organization was a gamble that paid good results. "I consider that the benefits of creativity and innovation in the charitable sector is sought-after. To make a good impression it is necessary to take a risk. We are extremely pleased that we took the initiative to investigate the possibility of online learning." he declares.

Although, Woller recognizes that taking risks could be scary, He thinks that the results cannot be predicted and that risk management is a crucial aspect of any business. Woller declares that "Ninety percent of firms fail. Not successful, but entrepreneurs continue to strive for improvement ."

Vayu Global Health

This can be described as this is Vayu Global Health Innovations approach which is founded on the creation of a reliable source of income to expand the business on their own without having depend on donor support. "This is an innovative method of charitable giving" Vayu Global Health Innovations CEO says.

With a new lens using the web, they've made use of it for education online. They're now able to communicate with a larger number of people than they'd could have if limited only to in-person instruction. "We are able to examine the whole picture when it comes to both the individuals and health systems better than the methods that demonstrate ."

If you're considering the possibility of online education, Burke believes that the outcomes are as great in the effort you've invest in. "You must be aware of that it is difficult to create top-quality tools for education," he says. "Teaching is a process that requires pleasure as you attempt to attract the attention of students. This is not only about creating a compelling display. You must think out of the box and to be amazed by the work you have done ."

Burke recommends that charitable organizations work together with locals of the areas they're educating in order to create their own courses. "It's an excellent concept for organisations to work with local people instead of using an Americanized instrument, which seeks to transmute across oceans. It's unlikely to be successful," he says.

In summary, establishing an online course can be a thrilling step towards charitable giving that can greatly improve the chance for an organization to grow. There is always a chance to take the chance of experimenting, innovating and challenging conventional wisdom will allow charities to grow their reach and efficiency.

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