How To Improve Digital Customer Experience

Jan 27, 2023
Image of Angela Bucher, Senior Director, Customer Enablement at Unbounce

For Angela Bucher, customer enablement is all about what you can create through the combination of. With over a decade of expertise in evolving areas like customer experience as well as the achievement of customers, she's worked with all phases of SaaS starting from growth in the early stages (wearing many hats) to investment in huge number of (driving the scaling). Now, as the Senior Director of Customer Support at Unbounce Angela's teams monitor throughout the entire journey of a customer, starting with the prospect, to the moment of acceptance and onwards.

In this discussion Learn:

  1. What can you improve your client experience? By paying attention to personality traits, communication preferences and the use of multiple ways to communicate with customers?
  2. How to measure the experience of your clients and the work
  3. How can you reduce the amount of churn by creating a customer onboarding process
  4. What can be done to provide a sustainable, personalized onboarding experience

Creating a customer experience plan which will benefit your company

Amber: A large number of companies are looking for a universal approach to creating the most successful customer service program that usually is started with a website. With the ease of accessing information has changed the expectations of customers and expectations, it is important to offer an optimal experience to customers across every platform as an element of your branding. Can companies extend their reach beyond their website?

Angela A: In the case of certain firms that are not doing very well, your customers will only be interacting through your website. They might not know about all channels or sources accessible to their customers. The expectations have changed-think about the kind of service we've used to receive from companies that offered internet or phone services (and often don't). Nowadays, we expect fast efficient, professional and prompt solutions. Customers today require many ways of communicating with us. We must be able to adapt to their demands. Furthermore, we need to be conscious of their personality in the best way possible. Are they chatty? Are they bored by details? What can we do to adjust to adapt the environment of our service, our language, and transfer of information in order to provide them with the most enjoyable service user experience?

Amber It seems that Unbounce has done a fantastic job in establishing methods to let customers communicate with employees. Through the years, Unbounce has created a range of channels for the engagement of customers like the CTA Conference and knowledge-base blog, video content, and an online academy. While you've grown your programs, what impact has your experience had on clients' experiences?

Angela can accomplish this by creating a number of channels ranging from online to offline and by making sure that our content is focused to offer relevant information that can help clients build their businessesand boost their conversion rates We've managed to create a brand that is popular with marketers, and is loved by, and an engaged the marketing community across the globe.

Our aim is to not only provide the most efficient creating tool for landing pages. However we strive to be the best when it comes to Marketing and Conversion Intelligence, and that is the reason our clients depend on us to get industry-specific best practices as well as AI-powered tools to help our customers to optimize their websites and boost converts.

Amber: So , with this plan to become the leader within Marketing and Conversion Intelligence, how can you make compelling content that your customers will love on the different channels you utilize? How can you determine the impact of your content?

Angela This is at the top of the funnel as it can be. This includes having a solid online presence, a tangible evidence of your knowledge within your area, or something that is similar to the community we provide on Unbounce which marketers can access for assistance and guidance about optimizing conversion.

One way to gauge the effectiveness of certain campaigns or contents is to measure the number of New Trial Starts (NTS) that the campaign generates NTS are the measure we take of those who have accepted to an absolutely free trial. These can be linked to any campaign or even our blog, or even the community.

For determining the level of quality, we have the ability to evaluate these leads also. We can then make use of this data to enhance the future marketing campaigns, as well as the information we utilize to identify high-quality. Also the data we gather from this leads us to improve our understanding.

We also collect the feedback of our customers through a myriad of ways (NPS as an example), such as request for new features and, more recently, market-fit surveys for products along with other types of survey conducted through our team of Product Marketing team. This is another way to be sure the content that we distribute is centered to the correct target market.

Amber I'm awestruck by that. It's easy to fall into, wherein the content that we create is created in a silo and I'd say the last part is crucial in ensuring that your team is listening to the needs of the client through a range of types of forms in order to identify the kind of data they need.

     If you are analysing the efficiency of software, what goals must a business consider when deciding to improve the customer experience they provide on the internet? Have you used any benchmarks in the past? you have previously utilized?

Angela Customer Efficiency Score commonly referred to as CES is an important one for benchmarking. What it means to Unbounce could be that it allows us to establish targets that will make customers' experience much more enjoyable.

We think that simple interactions with our customers result in loyal customers, and this has the biggest impact on retention as well as expansion. We're currently reading "Effortless Experience" written by Matt Dixon and are working to apply the strategies that are outlined in this book across Customer Success.

The main goal of this strategy is the need the reduction of customer effort as the most successful way to avoid disloyalty. The early days of the Unbounce plan, but we have achieved impressive progress during the year 2020. And we have some excited plans to keep the momentum until 2021.

HTML0Amber: Could you send me the illustration of a CES symbol?

It's quite similar to NPS However, it's not based on the NPS product but instead it is based on the conversation a client interacts with someone using Unbounce. Unbounce is activated upon the conversation and will request whether the user exerted the necessary effort in the exchange and will tell you when the issue has been resolved.

Implementing a scalable digital onboarding program

Amber: Let's move into a new mode. The world is in a state of uncertainty due to the pandemic that is sweeping the globe. How have COVID-19 as well remote work impact your customer's satisfaction?

Angela: Super strange times. Unbounce Unbounce are very fortunate to be in the position of being part of a digital business that has remained solid in these times. But our first move was to ensure that we were able to assist the businesses suffering the most. Our goal was to relieve some of the burden and anxiety off their shoulders.

We also created a strike group that brought everyone all together to help these clients, and our team was able to do an amazing job with the task. We went through the changes fast, managed to get coupons and deals distributed to firms that had the greatest impact; made choices about free accounts for sectors like healthcare to ensure they can keep helping, and designed specific plans to inform other struggling industries using the lessons we gained. As an example that the gym went to the internet and began offering virtual fitness and training classes and we discussed what other companies could use to do similar goals. Our team came together and ended in retaining the vast majority of our customers  and growing.

Over the course of time we refocused our strategy of action, which is focused on driving the most effective customer behavior for our products that give our customers long-lasting and reliable customers, and advancing our product's worth using things such as AI and machine learning. Indeed, in the height of COVID-19 we got our first significant financing round of $52 million. We're now in better position to continue to expand and speed up our strategy.

Amber  We will now discuss one of the crucial components of an education curriculum Onboarding.

With the growth of companies the capacity of personal training and onboarding could become difficult to maintain. In the Preact study on Churn, ineffective onboarding contributes to 22.9 percent of which is within an organization's reach. It is therefore crucial to devise a plan to grow and deliver consistently high outcomes. What has Unbounce dealt with the challenge of growing your onboarding program? Which are your most effective strategies you've used?

Angela This percentage isn't surprising to me. This is sometimes called "failure to start" and usually results in an impact of some sort on the churn. This is particularly the case for the first in the process of churn.

The most effective strategy is one with some variation and is also willing to experiment with new strategies. However there isn't a single strategy that is perfect. In the past, I've said that there are many ways and channels to communicate which work for all people, or at the right timing, and we must have many methods of communicating with our diverse customers.

In previous companies I've tried different "nurture" techniques, such as personalized contact within a certain time-frame, an increase in the number of emails. Email, for example.

Additionally, in the past, as a way to manage onboarding on a larger the scale of business I've also implemented "one to many" or group training . This can mimic 1:1 onboarding while keeping the turnaround time as well as the amount of people required to deliver the training cost-effective and sustainable. One of the benefits that came of implementing this approach was the fact that customers were given an opportunity to learn by sharing what problems they faced or what queries they had and received answers to, and on.

In Unbounce, we frequently conduct webinars that concentrate on particular actions or workflows. This is a tactic we utilize, which we get really great participation from. This is something we'll keep doing to complement our onboarding courses. Instead of having the sessions be one-to-one, the way we can aid in the size of webinars is to invite several clients at the same at the same time. This may seem obvious, but this is a proven technique.

It is, in essence, possible to discover a range ways to deal with this issue, and I would always suggest testing out new concepts in addition to being able to determine if they've worked well or not.

     Amber You are asked to share your thoughts about self-paced education to help onboarding? Is it a substitute for the in-person learning experience?

Angela My experience is that what I am seeing increasingly is the need to find a compromise between services that are self-serve and in-person. Reverting back to the basic customers' experience by offering options for customers (as so long as there's not too many , or difficult to locate) is the ideal compromise we're trying to find.

There are customers who would like a white glove treatment with personalized service and support in addition to having the time to keep up-to-date with the latest technology advancements. It is usually seen in the larger, more enterprise type of customer who understands and understands the significance of a good relationship management.

However, there's an important part of the clients that like the straightforward and simple training. They are more inclined to learn on their own and are looking for the lowest cost of training that it usually has.

We are Unbounce we offer a range of educational options that can be private and self-guided learning:

  • We manage education and advertising campaigns that are specific to the features required to improve your landing page for users, for example, our study of landing page content and the copy analyzer
  • We set targets to ensure that the new users who sign up for a trial receive an email within 15 mins to reduce the risk of failing to launch
  • We create targeted email nurturing campaigns that can lead to a 1:1 session with an CSM or Sales representative.
  • We also have in-app help for self-serving users.

And I can't overlook one of the main reasons for this: the outstanding support team, who be willing to go that extra mile in order to assist customers.

Amber: Striking the right equilibrium between interactive and self-paced in-person training is the most effective method for your customers to seek assistance whenever they need it. However, with scalability being so dependent on technology, how do you establish the feeling of a personalized customer experience in a mass scale?

Angela The idea behind online training for groups and webinars I've discussed is an effective method to increase the number of customized onboarding sessions. But, they should not replace a really excellent online process for onboarding. It's similar to an "choose your own adventure!"! We create all the different options available for onboarding and you're able to pick the option that is most suitable for you -- what's highly personal and scalable in this case is that each client has an option to choose the number and duration!

Impacting your customers for longer-term growth

Amber: The top courses for customer training result in clients being able to successfully stay in touch with your company for a long time. While building out these onboarding programs what are the most important elements for creating this?

Angela As I envision myself in these kinds of scenarios, I would like that the software to function from the beginning. I'd like it to be easy-to-use and when I need assistance, I'll need it fast and in a way that is understandable.

If you're selling products similar to ours, then on top of all other things, the results that our clients receive are the most reliable indicator of happiness and health. There is a way to affect this in a few ways. One is that we are moving away beyond purely time-based objectives for the frontline personnel and making staff focus on educating our clients on how to most effectively optimize their page's landing pages.

We think that the next generation of marketing optimization really relies on conversion intelligence. The term "conversion" refers to an amalgamation of the experience of our clients combined with AI-powered data that take part of the burden involved in optimization off our clients and providing them with assistance in creating effective material that can convert.

Amber When we understand the nuances of what constitutes an effective customer onboarding what are the most efficient methods to measure the efficiency?

Angela: Most likely Customer Satisfaction, or CES...the effect of who have a healthy and stable company is clearly retention and expansion. While one of these factors isn't enough to ensure that you're in possession of a panacea. it's essential to make use of every input into your measurement as well as your decisions. If you observe fluctuations in your measurement, it helps to discover what caused it. determine what is the reason for it, and attempt to solve the issue.

Although NPS is an crucial metric at a high level however I think it is best to serve as a metric to monitor for your business overall, but when NPS drops, you can use all these other ways to slice data into smaller pieces, as well as going further to analyze.

It is also my opinion that personal KPIs provide another way to assess the efficacy of specific aspects of onboarding, especially in the event that any type of experiment takes place. Also, it's important for me to provide our employees with the results from their hard work too.

Amber: Angela, thank to you so much for sharing your expertise this morning. Before we end things we'd like to know what you can learn from this interview. If you've got a tip or tip that you'd love to pass on to those who are trying to improve the experience of their customers online, what would it be?

Angela: Just one?

  • Keep listening to your clients.
  • Data access is set to permit you to access data for free.
  • Employees who are happy is the basis for satisfied customers.

About Unbounce: Unbounce is the world leading company in the field of marketing and the software that optimizes landing pages. It allows marketers to design and develop landing pages with no need for a web developer. Its platform for landing pages can help marketers dramatically increase conversion rates leveraging the unbounce Conversion Intelligence(tm) technology. The company was established in Vancouver, B.C., Unbounce is a people-first business and is one of Canada's best valued corporate cultures. Unbounce has helped facilitate more than one billion conversions across the globe.

Do you wish to enhance customers' experience at your firm? Take advantage of our cost-free Ultimate Customer Success Guide right now.

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