How to Grow Your Personal Online Training Business |

Aug 4, 2023

If you're eager to increase the size of your business through personal training, we're living in a period of unlimited possibilities. In the wake of U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expecting a massive rise in personal trainers (19% from 2021-2031) as well as the worldwide market for training expected to hit $65 billion by 2033, it's an industry with tons of potential.

In addition, taking your company to the Internet will open the door to a whole new world of opportunities and potential.

If you're ready to grow your online personal training business This article will show you what you need to know. This article will discuss how you can accomplish this and guide you to the best way to deliver personalized training online.

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    In this post...

    What exactly is a business for online personal training?

    What is the reason your online personal training business must expand

      Stage 1: Need to launch

      Second Stage: Must have stable revenues

      Phase 3 We need systems

      Stage 4: You need to scale

    Growing an online training company for personal trainers (8 techniques)

      1. Niche down

      2. Build flywheels, not funnels

      3. Start a community

      4. Select an all-in-one

      5. Build scalable offers

      6. Offer more

      7. Consider ad spending

      8. Concentrate on the best social

    How do you get clients for an online personal trainer

    Do you want to increase your growth?

What exactly is an online training company?

A business offering online personal training is a business in which a trainer uses an online platform or program to provide digital products and services. Virtually, online personal training is offered and can be done by using synchronous or Asynchronous methods. Personal trainers online can be incorporated into fitness apps or digitally branded products.

How to build a fitness app

Here are a few of the common features of great online personal training businesses:


  •         Community    
  • Forums for discussion        
  • Webinars        
  • Video content        
  • Written content and posts        
  • Live events        
  • Coaching 1:1        
  •         Coach group    
  • Live courses        
  • Pre-recorded course        
  • Programs        
  • Digital downloads (e.g. training programs)      

Personal online training companies start from a small business to six, seven, and even eight figures.

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What is the reason your online personal training business must expand

Personal training companies online have the potential to reach many diverse points in which they're at a halt and have to grow.

Here are some of the most common areas where we see personal trainers get stuck and what they need for moving on the right track to get there.

Which one best suits your company?

Phase 1: Must to Launch

If this is you, you need to start your personal online training business up and running. It is possible that you have some ideas and some interest for initial clients, but you have to develop an enticing value proposition and learn how to acquire clients.

    Solution: You need to define the product or service you offer and then find the perfect buyer.

 - Graphics - Build a Fitness App

Second Stage: You need stable income

You've got some customers but are struggling to balance everything. You've figured out how to market and provide an item, however your business isn't strong enough yet to be stable.

    Solutions Concentrate on your best clients and work out ways to locate more of them.

3. Need systems

You're able to sustain your business's revenues, yet you're struggling to keep all the balls in the space. You're exhausted and facing burnout and feel the effects of the loss of money because your services or technology aren't as well-defined.

It is essential to have systems in place to allow you to step back and run your own business. After all, you did not set off to just make yourself an additional full-time occupation.

    Solutions Reduce the process, make it more efficient, and streamline your technology and business.

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Stage 4: Need scaling

Your company is growing and you've got some enthusiastic customers, but you have to move it to the next level and learn how you can serve more people. Your company is developing better technology or using a team to expand.

    Solution: Make use of new technology and/or team members in order to support individuals at large. Stop 1:1, and make more products.

Pro Testimonial Slider Kula - DeviceDemo

How to grow an online personal training business (8 strategies)

1. Niche down

Hard to believe, but trying to serve too many people can result in your demise. So many personal trainers building online must find a niche.

When you can identify the ideal clients and are able to meet their needs and how to serve them, you're ready to start a business that is profitable.

One of the most impressive examples of this Mighty is Martinus Evans's Slow AF Run Club. It is a place for "back to the back of pack runners," teaching them to start running for first time. This ideal member helped Martinus the community make $140,000 in the first year of his existence - and that's not even including features on Men's Health and the New York Times.

Finding your ideal client tells them that you are the right person to help them. Below are some strategies to locate your ideal customer.


  • Search your tale. Most of the time, you're in a position to aid the person who you used to be. If you're aware of who this person is... Talk with them.      
  • Interview ideal clients to find what they are looking for and how much they're willing to pay.        
  • Make a targeted trial offer (e.g. the webinar or an event) to see if there is interest.      


2. Create flywheels, not funnels.

A common sense approach to marketing has you believe that your task is to design a funnel. It's not difficult to figure out. It starts with an overwhelming number of people, filtering through a step-by-step process until you create a selling opportunity for the small percentage who are interested.

Funnels can be used for a variety of reasons.

However, we're experiencing a different type of business pop up that is extremely profitable... with no funnel.

This is also known as a flywheel.

When you produce the content you want to share, get your ideal customers into the conversation, assist them grow and learn in their understanding, and then easily make sales to them, then you've got yourself a flywheel.

It is seen with community-based personal training businesses all the time. Members join for the benefits of membership. But once they're in your ecosystem, they make friends, create content, have questions asked, and even proactively look at new offerings.

A community flywheel is a game changer that McKinsey looked into it in the past and declared it to be the industry of the future.

It's also the ideal template for a personal online training business.

This is how it works:
Create content and value, bringing customers into conversations (either on social media or via an online forum).


  1. Inspire conversation and participation as clients connect with you and each other.        
  2. Make a valuable item or service which will meet the needs of your ideal clients-it's not hard to figure out their requirements, as you've had conversations with them.        
  3. Offer it to members of your community. And don't worry, even the ones who don't purchase stay within your community and will continue to receive value from you until they're ready, unlike an avenue where they'll just disappear.      
  4. Develop, learn, and adapt. Be patient and serve, and you'll see more opportunities.      

A flywheel helps if you scale effortlessly as it brings together your marketing, product, and customer experience all in the same space.

grow personal training business

3. Start a community

The idea has been mentioned before, but we've not really emphasized this, but establishing your own community online is among the most effective ways to build a flywheel. You get your members and clients under your own name, within your community and consuming the content you produce (and developing your own ).

We love communities for an online business of personal training... You can connect courses, information, community, and commerce together. All you have to do is aid clients in reaching their goals.

Create your own name for free! Use our name generator to narrow down your field of interest and stimulate your imagination.

Try Our Community Name Generator

Our AI engine is available to help you design a community name that feels like magic. Simply share a few sentences about what your community stands about and we'll set working.            Input maxlength="60" name="idealMember" placeholder="Who would you like to bring together?" type="text" value=""/>


Examples: coaching clients, meditation novices, vegan chefs, dog lovers, aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.

Ask for Ideas

The names that Mighty Co-Host(tm) are examples only and are not licensed to different businesses, or be subject to third-party rights. For more information, check our Terms.

4. Choose an all-in-one

We see again and again, it prevents your personal training business from growing.

If you're running as a calendar application or a video-based platform, course software as well as email programs, and the payment processor separately platforms, then you're in a waking nightmare.

The most effective solution is with an most effective app designed for trainers who are personal : an all-in-one application that covers all you require.

If you're working on multiple platforms, people will be confused and then drop off. We identify this as community leakage .

Put everyone in the same space by utilizing the all-in-one training system which comes with the features native to you'll need. It simplifies your daily life as well as aid in your growth.

Watch Cristy "Code Red" Nickel discuss how moving her fitness company to her own app changed everything:

5. Create scalable offerings

The idea of a one-on-one online personal training business can be excellent, but eventually, you'll to run out of hours in a day.

If you want to expand your digital enterprise it is essential to discover ways to increase the size of your offerings. Chances are, this will be one of two ways providing more clients all at once, or using digital products.

In the example above, if you created a program for training and then offered it as an instructional package that included live teaching, you could serve more clients with less work. If you are able to offer coaching for groups, you may be able to offer multiple clients at a time or even offer the program at a cheaper price.

Combining bundles with digital tools to build scale frees up more time while providing more worth.

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6. Give More

There is a temptation to think business growth means getting new customers. But surprisingly, one of the most effective opportunities for growth could be your existing clients.

We find that many trainers and coaches do not realize the opportunities that exist within their flywheel. Take a look at and observe your customers' current needs, connect with your customers, and you'll discover plenty of opportunities for new revenues.

It could be a specific program or high-end item. Perhaps it's a private group session. Whatever it is, find ways to offer more to your existing clients.

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7. Consider ad spending

Sometimes investing in ads to acquire customers can make sense. Obviously, you'll have to figure out where this fits into your process of acquiring customers.

It might mean getting some prospective customers to join your community flywheel. It is also possible to opt for a funnel that is traditional to guide customers towards the sales.

Two of the most well-known ways to approach ads are Google cost-per click (CPC) or advertisements on social media.


  • When you use Google CPC, you bid on keywords that you are willing to be willing to pay. When a person types the query into Google and visits your page, you'll pay a fee. However, this could be worth it if the product is generating more income than it costs you to get ad clicks.      
  • With social media marketing, it's a little less targeted. The focus is on building an audience who share the same interests as your business and serve them appropriate adverts.      

8. Focus on the right social

As we're currently on the subject of the social web, we can discuss about how to focus on the best social media.

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to be on all social media channels to grow an online personal training business.

Focusing on one or two platforms and learning to use them well can create better results than trying without success to make use of each one. Find out where your potential clients are AND combine it with the kind of content that you want to produce.




  • Helping busy executives fit personal training in their schedules? Do you try LinkedIn.      
  • Making short video tutorials of exercises? Try TikTok as well as YouTube (Shorts ).    
  • Video classes for full-body workouts? Consider YouTube or Facebook Video      
  • Pictures and quotes that inspire you? Most likely Instagram.      

By focusing on social media sites your users spend time on, and that also provide the content that you want to create, you increase your chance of being successful.

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How to attract clients to an online personal instructor

Here are our best ideas for how to get clients as personal trainers on the web:

Expand your network: An amazing community can service the platform for your flywheel.

Provide value through social networks: Many profitable training companies start with personal trainers who provide value via social media-often with video.

Create a lead magnet: Giving the best of your products for free to help people get into your community is an effective way to get new clients.

Work your email list: If you already have people who've signed up to receive your emails and you've already got half of the work done. Find out if you can give the value they need.

Think about ads If executed right, paid ads could be a powerful way to get people into the flywheel.

Join marketplaces, and messages boards These are sites where users are already looking for online personal trainers.

Request recommendations: If you do great work and your clients are already raving about it, they can be the best source of referrals for new ones.

Host an occasion: Live events can be a cool method to be noticed by people to show off your appearance and woo potential clients.

Are you ready to expand?

Whatever your stage, if you're looking to take your personal training business up to a higher level, hopefully, this guide can help. In case you're searching for an online platform that can help you establish and develop a successful online fitness business, come build with Mighty!

Mixes content, course together with community, commerce, and courses. The app offers a variety of features that can be adapted to your training business: gated Spaces, live streaming, recordings of live and pre-recorded classes online, Virtual events, Chat & messaging, member profiles, and more. The app comes with an attractive app. You can create your own custom training application once you're prepared.

In reality, Mighty is the only platform where you can build and own your complete flywheel, sell access to and bundles of 135 currencies. Start for at no cost during 14 days!

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