How to Create and Sell Online Courses with |

Apr 27, 2022

The business of online courses has been growing at a rapid pace, reaching more than 250 billion dollars last year. And , if you're like lot of people who dream of selling a piece of this market.

It's a good moment to develop the online version of your course. But you should know that the field of online education is changing. It's a lot more competitive, which you probably figured out before. There are many creators in the world. And there are a lot of tales about individuals who created a course and earned $45,000 in the first weekend. This could leave you intimidated, cynical, or heck, even inspired! And we hope that it's the latter!

Here, we want to discuss a little bit how to create and sell online courses using . If you'd like to know more comprehensive instructions on how to create online courses, look at these blog posts: The Ultimate Guide to Creating an Online Course and how to sell courses online

If you're looking for more help to build your online course community, then join OUR Mighty Community for free and get to know other newly well-established community leaders! We'd like to get to know you. Join to join for no cost!

    In this post...

1.Community Design(tm)

2.Decide on delivery

3.Choose your pricing structure

4. Find your members

5.Deliver value

6. Adapt and grow


Community Design(tm)

We suggest starting this process, even if you're creating your own course. It is because the thing that creates such success the course so successful is their community - more on this in a minute.

Our trademarked process of Community Design(tm) helps you with developing a clear picture of who your ideal customer would be, what their problems are, and the ways in which you will serve them. It's the place to start designing an online class.

Decide on delivery

You should think about the way you'd like to teach the online course. With you have the choice to have the class pre-recorded, to drip out the content, or even for it to be taught in person!

We've actually had some great experiences from people who've chosen to deliver the course in person !

There's no wrong answer. It's up to you to decide what is most comfortable to you. Even if you take live courses and the course is recorded, it's available forever as an asynchronous course.

Choose your pricing structure

One of the hardest parts of creating an online course is finding out what price you can sell it for. There is a tendency to believe that keeping the price tag low will get you higher sign-ups. But from our experience, this is not always the situation. And people often value what they pay for.

The nice thing about the course you teach through the Mighty Network is that you could sell it in various ways. You could decide to keep the membership fee low or free and add an upsell to the course. This could let you provide worth to your customers before asking participants to purchase the class. If they already belong to your network this is a much easier leap to sell them more.

Feature Item 2 - Courses

or, you could choose to sell the entire course for an annual fee as well as allow your members access to the group for a predetermined amount of time.

or, you could opt to set up a single annual membership fee, and offer a course as part of your community.

However you want to handle this aspect of your business it allows you to build nearly any bundle you can imagine. Even if you're outside the US, you can charge the price in your currency of choice.

Find the members of your group

Once you've done all the necessary background research, and you've got your community in place The next thing to do is to identify your members. Whether you are trying to recruit members into a free community, or you're selling the course, membership acquisition is a vital aspect of any course-based company.

It is possible to start by identifying those you have interviewed as your ideal group members. This shouldn't come as an unexpected surprise that those who've shared their experiences with you might have the money to purchase your solution.

You can reach out to them with a an email or message like this:

Hey James,
Thanks again for your feedback on the challenges of starting a freelance writing business. As a result of my conversations, I've decided to create a free-lance writing community. It's totally free to join and is a place to support freelancers and to give back the experience I've accumulated from creating my own writing business that is six figures. I'm also planning to offer an online course this autumn on how to create your own business in writing that can earn you six figures.

    I'd love to have you at the event, but there's no pressure if this isn't for you right now! I appreciate your insightful information, and please have a great week.

Otherwise, you'll need to figure out a way to acquire members to your business course that works for you. This could be something like:


  • Email        
  • Social media        
  • Free trials        
  • Ads        
  • Webinars        
  • Guest speaking        

Do not forget that you are able to easily invite other users on your Mighty Network by either sharing your landing page or invite link.

Deliver value

Once you have the members of your class in place then you're able to deliver value. Of course, one of your main channels for delivering worth will be the course. Select the method of delivery - which we talked about earlier. With a Mighty Network, you can constantly add additional content to extend your course as you go. Make sure that each course is accompanied by discussions in the middle, which means that you'll be able to keep your participants engaged with a discussion about the course too.

You are not limited to the course function itself in terms of providing the value. You are able to easily amaze your customers with live streams, live events, regularly scheduled posts or articles polls, and more.

While your course material is important, the connections which your participants make with other members will also be a vital part of their journey, once they recognize that they're not the only ones and find people to walk in their footsteps.

Grow and adapt

Don't stop with creating your course. Be sure to keep studying and adjusting when you discover which elements are working. You can add more content when you dig deep into the questions your course members will ask. You can check your analytics to see where students spend the most time and then use the data to adapt your content.


The hope is that this short guide has provided you with an idea for how to create and market online courses using .

However, when it comes to creating and selling an online class, above all, have fun! The process of creating a course or community does not have to be a hassle. If you choose the right platform, it'll do a lot of the work for you. It's all you need to do is provide the best material to teach and we'll help you bring your ideas to the world!

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