How to Create an Online Membership Website with Login features (in 3 Steps)

Mar 24, 2022

If you've thought of develop a membership-based website that provides the ability to access your login details then you're not the only one. A lot of people have found that this type of website permits you to publish high-quality material while also earning income. Building such a website is daunting.

This article will begin by looking at a few options you might gain from joining a site. We'll then walk you through three fundamental ways to start with your own. So let's get started!

The Reasons You Should make a site for the membership of your organization

But, you may not have everything you create for everyone else. There are many good reasons to build a site that has login and membership regulations, such as:

  • If you would like to earn a fee in exchange for your content
  • The curating of a particular audience of hand-picked people

Whatever your reason, for joining a membership site online will help you build the kind of community you desire depending on your needs. You might also find that joining a membership program is more valuable to your site.

The majority of users feel connected to one another, particularly in the case of a website's content designed around sharing an interest or. In requiring visitors to sign in, you'll encourage people to establish more relationships on your website.

The good news is getting the rewards isn't an obstacle. If you have the right software, and the right configurations, you'll be able start your membership site up and running quickly.

How to build an Member Site with Login capabilities (In 3 steps)

Now, so, as soon as possible now let's get started the creation of your membership website. Be sure to already have an active WordPress site up and running before you begin.

Step 1. Set up the WordPress Website. WordPress Website.

It's a powerful piece of software, yet it's simple to use. We've designed it to be the most efficient way to utilize it. In this way you'll have the ability to benefit from the advantages that come with membership immediately.

Once you've downloaded your file, install and activate the software on your website. If you'd like to take an inventory of the options available this is the ideal time to get started.

If you're looking to build your own membership site that includes login options You can dive right into.

Step 2: Create Your Membership Levels

Once the app is set up, you can begin to build the foundations for any website that is restricted: Membership plans. The levels you select to use can regulate everything that your clients pay for, from the amount they pay up to what kind of information they can get access to. They're therefore worth the time.          Watch >> CREATE MEMBERSHIPS In (+ A SETUP OVERVIEW)

Start by going to Memberships > Joining > Add New. The following screen should appear: screen:

You can also choose to change the settings for pricing. If you need to create your website available to those registered You can make a plan for free. Otherwise, go ahead and select the billing period and the total price.

Then, scroll down to discover other ways to join. As an example, you could choose to provide newly registered users with an individual thank-you note, or welcome messages. It is recommended to make use of these features as they permit you to customize the experience of your members.

Once you're done, save your work. You can repeat the process in as many instances as is necessary so that you can create an entire range of options for pricing. Once you've got your pricing tiers established, it's time to go through the process to the next stage.

Step 3: Customize Important Membership Pages

A site that has membership and features for user login can be a little different in comparison to open-access websites. This is the reason why there are certain websites you could be interested in before you go live.

Fortunately, comes complete with some pages that have been pre-designed already. Simply click on settings, and then Pages:

On this page, it is possible to select the pages you want to use for your thank-you, the login area, as well as your account. These pages should already have been created. But, you are allowed to go on these pages and alter the content of them or to create pages that you designed yourself.

Other options are available. The default settings should be sufficient on the vast majority of websites. But, certain aspects that you should be enabled.

If this is the case, your website will normally show unauthorized users an initial message as well as a login screen. This could be helpful for users already on your site who must enter the details of their own.

You may want to examine the redirect visitors who are not authorized to an exact URL box in place. It allows you to provide your customers with specific pages similar to your price page (to incite them to sign up).

It is also possible to to develop a member-only website which provides details on how to use your affiliate program. In this way you'll be able promote influencer programs to people who already have an interest in the information you provide.

Optional Configure Some Access Rules

The default settings are likely to make your website run smoothly. You'll want to alter the access you grant to the website's content. The drill-down method is a type of paying-wallingwith Rules.

Keep an eye on the content on your website: How to Use Rules

To find Rules click on Rules and then add a New Rule:

In this area there is the option to select the information you want to keep. Simply click the drop-down, and then select one of the various options (things such as tags, categories, page types and post types).

After that, choose the type of membership you want to join or the specific members who will be able to access the information you've chosen. If you're satisfied you can select "Save Rule".

In this way, for instance it is possible to limit the online course's content to those with higher-level subscription packages.

If you decide to modify your paywall or introduce new rules You can return to this site and apply updates.


In this article we've shown how you can launch a website with membership and users' login requirements using just three steps:

  1. Turn on and install .
  2. Set up your site's membership level.
  3. Modify your most important pages for membership for example, that login screen.

Then, you must be certain that you maximize the effectiveness of your paywalls by creating Rules.

   Do you have any questions about starting a membership site with login features? Please let us know by posting a comment here!

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