How to create a value-packed lead magnet in less than 30 minutes

Jul 4, 2024

Find out how you can develop an idea for a lead magnet which will attract your intended public and create it with less effort than you'd think!

Have you ever walked up at the drive-through window and learned that the vehicle ahead of you was paying to purchase your coffee? Getting something for nothing, even one as precious as that morning cup of coffee will make your entire day feel brighter.

Your audience also likes getting things for free, and the impact you create can extend beyond a caffeine buzz. The act of providing a valuable resource to your followers could result in positive relations with customers, increased sales, as well as feeling of confidence and gratitude toward your business.

The best way to do this is by using an lead magnet.

What is lead magnet?

A lead magnet is a piece of content like an ebook, video-based training, an email course, printable or checklist that you offer as a reward for followers' contact information. This acts as an incentive to draw in the target audience, and the ultimate goal is to create an email list of potential clients who are enthused by your services.

Lead magnets must help your audience do something specific. The most effective lead magnets are actionable and show someone the answer to a problem they are able to solve in just a few minutes.

In essence, they're small wins that leave the viewer wondering what else you could teach them.

Lead magnets are...

Action-oriented: They assist the reader do something specific and progress towards a goal.

In short: The user should be able to digest the information in a brief duration of time and walk away feeling accomplished.

Relevant to your area of expertise Your goal is to draw your specific target audience Not everyone, just the kitchen sink.

People want things: You only have just a couple of seconds to spark the interest of a potential client. Look for short, delicious results over large-scale solutions.

What are the reasons to make a lead magnet?

The process of creating anything requires effort, and you may be wondering if it's really worth it to create a product can be distributed for free.

Even though lead magnets won't put money in your pocket today, they can be very profitable for your company in the long run.

First, a lead magnet is a great way to gain credibility from those who follow you. By showcasing your knowledge and offering something of value for free, you can position yourself as an authority in your field. When followers need information related to the subject then you'll be who they go to.

The second, lead magnet is an easy option to grow your email database. With an email list, you will have an efficient and accurate method to reach out to your customers, promote your digital products and build relationships over time.

In this article we'll show you how to design a lead magnet that attracts the appropriate people, gives value, and stays in line with your branding.

In this article In this post, I'll provide you with a front-row seat to my process of creation so that you know exactly the steps I'm taking at every phase of the process. If you'd like to be a part of the process, grab your free account today.

You don't have to spend weeks in order to have a huge impact. Actually, you might be able to set the lead magnet up in as short as half an hour. Let's get started.

What kind of lead magnet do I need to make?

Let's say you have an online company that offers yoga classes. Create a lead magnet which focuses on choosing the right color palette for your home office It's great - actually great. In fact, it's one of the most useful sources ever made about the color scheme for your home office.

The problem is that this lead magnet won't draw the appropriate audience to your business. It could provide a fantastic resource, but you'll end having an email collection of decor DIYers instead of those who practice yoga.

Although putting together an unplanned giveaway can be entertaining however, your principal responsibilities of a lead magnet is to attract your target audience. There's no reason to build a list of people who don't care about what you offer, so here are four possible questions to think about to determine an area that is appealing to your audience:

What kinds of questions do you face the most often? Creating a resource that answers a frequently asked question is helpful for the people who visit your site and saves you time. Instead of responding to questions in your DMs or emails, you could send people to your online information source.

What kinds of questions are people asking on the internet? Take a look at the types of questions that users are asking on other blogs, or in the comments of YouTube. Locate a creator who is in your area and go to their comments on their videos or website. Pro tip: You can utilize the command+find function and look for the question mark symbol (?) to find questions faster.

What is the primary issue your target audience wants to solve? Can you provide the initial steps to solve this problem or one resource to get them moving towards the proper direction?

What services or products would you like to offer at some point in the future? Are there any lesser-known products which could serve as a good start to the bigger ones? For example, if you hope to offer a 12-week fiction writing course and you want to offer a workbook for free, then a book on the creation of fictional worlds or characters is a good first step.

When you have answered these questions, check what you can discover to identify an issue that is common and has an easy solution. It should be a solution that can be implemented by the user within a few minutes.

Remember, lead magnets should give people quick wins, they don't need to be overly extensive and complex.


I wasn't certain what topic I should cover in my lead magnet for a road trip, so I used the questions above to gain clarity.

What kinds of questions do you get asked most often? When I reflected about emails and conversations with friends and family about their upcoming road trips, I noticed that they always inquire about maintenance products and how they'll need. People seem very concerned with being prepared should they experience car trouble or get lost.

What kinds of questions are people asking about in the wilderness? I checked out the comment section under YouTube videos on road trips and made note of some commonly asked questions.

Lead magnet guide: YouTube Audience Research

Here are some of the frequently asked questions: frequently:

  • How long do I need to road trip between point A and B?
  • What are the essentials to take on my road trip?
  • Do I have to bring XYZ things?
  • What will this price?
  • Are road trips secure?

Consider the primary issue that your readers are trying to solve: Since my website concerns making road trips accessible to beginners I am assuming that one of the most difficult issues is where to go, what to do, as well as logistics. For someone who is new to the world of travel, overwhelm can be a major problem.

What kind of products or services do you plan to offer in the future? I want to create a coaching business which will assist people in planning specific road trips. So providing a resource for people who also want to plan an adventure on the road is logical in this case.

It is important to know how long is required to travel between Point A to Point B or the amount a trip costs will vary based on each trip, but the idea of a list of packing items is something that can be helpful for everyone, and can help reduce stress.

Additionally, I'm aware that a person interested in a road trip packing list is most likely still in the process of planning their trip, so they're a potential customer for my future products.

I'm going to make an itinerary for packing for a trip from my personal experiences but to give it some additional interest and to make it stand out from hundreds of lists of packing ideas available, I'm going be focusing on 10 unique items that travelers should pack. This will make the list easier to comprehend and also entices the eye because people will be wondering about what's not included.

Designing a lead magnet that's unmistakably yours

The lead magnet topic nailed down The next step is to create an outline of the things you'd like to convey.

Lead magnets that work well are concise, attainable and relevant to your company, and filled with worth. It's the same for creating a spreadsheet, PDF or video, cheat sheet or case study, an online course, email sequence or any other kind of lead magnet.

Your lead magnet isn't only to get emails, but to establish a solid basis for an ongoing and mutually beneficial connection with your target audience.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when you write your write your plan:

Keep it short:You want to provide an immediate win to your audience, something they are able to easily digest and implement. You don't need to compose the entire book now.

Remember your niche and products:Think of your lead magnet as the initial stage of a process which connects to the other products or services you offer.

Help your audience to take action: When you solve the problems of your readers You build trust and establish yourself as a trusted source. If you've enabled your readers to achieve something that matters to them and they're more likely to read your email and trust your advice, and then ultimately purchase from your.

In that regard, create a blank page and begin making notes. Write a script for your free video training and list ideas on your agenda, write down the contents of your mini-course, or draft your book.

These are some tools that can help make the creation process faster and smoother:

Grammarly Free proofreading software that can assist you in catching errors and improve sentence structure.

Hemingway: Another editing and writing instrument that will improve your readability and give you suggestions for alternative ways to write things.

Unsplash: Stocks that are free to use images you can download without the need for attribution. (Don't use images taken from Google Images since they might not be royalty-free, which may result in copyright issues.)

Description: A video editing and transcription tool that you can use to add effects and overlays to your video, or convert your audio or video documents into text.


To create my free road trip leads magnets, I began by jotting down everything on the list of packing items I planned to put in the form of a Google Doc. Following that, I wrote a few sentences about the importance of each item and what it might be utilized for.

Lead magnet guide, example of written content for road trip packing lead magnet

The full document is just two pages, however If someone hasn't been on a road trip A simple checklist of what to bring will help them feel more prepared and potentially prevent awkward circumstances.

Once you've decided what to say, export your lead magnet into an format your target audience will be able to read. There are several ways you can do this, depending on what you're making.

Option 1: Save the lead-generating text as a PDF:This is the simplest option. If you've entered the content of your lead magnet into Word, Pages, or Google Docs, save the file as a PDF, then save it on your computer.

Option 2: Uploading an non-listed YouTube videoIf you'd like to make use of a webinar or video replay for your lead magnet, then you could upload the video to YouTube and save it as an unlisted. Only people who have the exact URL will be able to access the video. Additionally, you can email the URL to subscribers instantly when they sign up.

Alternative 3: Designing resources with Canva:If you'd like to incorporate more design elements to your lead magnet you can do this with a popular graphic design tool known as Canva . It's completely free and has a wealth of designs for all kinds of tasks, such as worksheets, eBooks, checklists journals, brand kits, and much more that can assist you in generating ideas.

There many other options to build your lead magnet. So your choose the option that makes the most sense for your business and then press the publish button.

In order to create my road trip packing list, I used Canva to help make my list visually appealing. You can see my step-by-step process in the video below.

"Is my lead magnet decent?" 5 step checklist

What can you do to transform an effective lead magnet to the best lead magnet? Take a look at this five-step process to make sure you're providing the ideal audience exactly what they're looking for.

What could someone do to make significant improvements to an part of their life in just 10 minutes after downloading the lead-generating magnet?

How would you convince your readers to rate the pain point which your lead magnet addresses with a higher score than a 7 /10 in terms of importance?

What's one of the major benefits, pain, or technique that you want your customers to remember and take away from your attraction to lead?

What about the title of your lead magnet is going to make your audience take a break and register?

Have you completed the process of signing up for your lead magnet yourself to ensure it looks right on different devices, and that the confirmation emails all work?

If your lead magnet has passed in a blaze of glory and you're ready to promote your lead magnet with the world. In the next part you'll discover how to add your lead magnet to the landing page for capturing sign-ups.

How can you make a lead magnet for free within

includes lead magnet functionality for all plans, even the free plan. Additionally, you can easily make your lead magnet available for the general public.

For distribution of your lead magnet for free, create a digital download product and then set your delivery option for free email delivery. It's simple and straightforward!

This method works well for files such as ebooks, audio files video files, or PDFs.

In this tutorial video I'll guide you through how you can set up your lead magnet to be a free digital download that includes email delivery. If you're more inclined to look at the screen, continue scrolling to find details on text and photos.

First, click on Products at the top of your browser, and choose "New product."

Step 2: When the pop-up window appears choose "Digital download."

Step 3: When you open the editor for digital downloads, you can upload the files you want to download into your digital product. You can upload as many as you'd like, so long as each file is under 5 GB. If you upload multiple files the files will be compressed by the system after they're downloaded by your customers.

Step 4: Once you're finished uploading your files, move to the Pricing tab and configure the delivery process.

Step 5: Under Pricing, select Edit and then select FREE Email Delivery. The customer will be able to enter their emails to register for your product for free, without the need to create an account.

Step 6: After you have everything set up, make sure to Publish the product.

7. Modify the sales page for your lead magnet to provide additional information about the lead magnet, and urge people to download it. The three dots located on the right side of your product and then select "Edit your site" from the menu dropdown.

The default page:

If you just want an easy way to market your business it's a great choice right out of the gate. You can also add other information such as text, pictures and testimonials, FAQs, CTAs, grids, etc. using the plus symbol under each section.

Last but not least, modify your page's settings to add an SEO description and be sure that the URL of your lead magnet is what you'd like it to appear. It is best to choose something short and easy to remember.

Hit publish and you're good to go.

Users can visit this site and get the lead magnet that you created in exchange for their email address. Once they have entered their email address, the download will be sent to them via email. The person will then be added to the service as a customer.

The final step is to get more followers onto your mailing list. It's been a long process to create your lead magnet, and there are a lot of people in the world who can benefit of your information. In the final section of this manual we'll discuss how you can promote your list, gain subscribers and have a more impact.

7 ways to promote lead magnets to increase the number of emails you receive

Now that you have your lead magnet as well as sales page up and running , it's time to share your link far and wide. Below are ways you can promote your lead magnet through your platforms to get your efforts in front the eyes of more.

    #1 Leverage your website    

Your site is your prime real estate. Make sure that you've included your offer on the top pages. In , you can include a lead magnet sign-up form anywhere on your site by incorporating an item block.

On my travel website I'm adding links to my sales lead magnet page on the menu in the header as well as putting a call-to an action banner in the home page.

    #2 Create blog or podcast content    

Another option to highlight your resource for free is to publish blog articles related to the lead magnet subject with an opt-in signup form in the post's content. You can also create podcasts about your lead magnet topic with a hyperlink to the freebie in your show notes.

There are three posts about travel on my site, and I have added an opt-in lead magnet area at the end of each one so people can quickly find it.

    #3 Utilize social media    

Share snippets or teasers of your lead magnets on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or LinkedIn. Make sure to include the opt-in page on your profile on social networks so that users can easily find it.

(Need the creation of a customized link for your the bio section?  It is possible to create one for free with .)

    #4 Work with influencers and other creators    

Another way to reach many more potential customers is to collaborate with creators, entrepreneurs in your area who are in same audience. You can cross-promote each other's lead magnets or blogs with guest posts, host social media takeovers or arrange podcast appearances.

Within your author bio, or in the text, mention your lead magnet. Include an opt-in form to sign up new subscribers.

    #5 Connect with your target audience    

If your audience members reach out to you through mail, direct messages or via the comments section on your social media platforms Respond to questions and refer them to your lead magnet to be a resource that can further help. You can also add the link to your lead magnet on your email signature.

    #6 Join communities and online forums    

Are you part of some entrepreneurial group or online community? It could be a good location to promote your brand new lead magnet. Review the rules of the group to see if there's the right place to share your content, however usually, you'll find a section in which self-promotion can be allowed.

    #7 Sign Up "Get Be Noticed!"    

We'll look at the myths surrounding audience growth and their truths. You'll learn ways to discover captivating angles to your content, examples of how audiences grow across various platforms, as well as strategies for staying consistent.

You can get access for free to the "Get Notified!" course. Sign up today

The creation of a lead-generating magnet is one of the most important steps in building your online business. Lead magnets help you grow your reach, show off your talents, make relationships with your followers and share your knowledge with those who need it. If you have a solid foundation it's not a problem to see where your creator journey will lead you.

Create your lead magnet for free by using today . We're eager for you to show us what your create.

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