How To Create A Promo Video For Your Online Course

Jun 27, 2024

The strategy you choose to use in order to boost the performance of your school will depend on the curriculum you're using in your classes and the people that you're trying attract, but regardless of who you're hoping to bring to your school, one element is guaranteed to improve effectiveness of the program which you're running to educate people regarding the advantages of video, which is a single of the most efficient strategies for connecting with the people you meet on the internet.

If you're new to video, this may seem difficult, but it's not! If you've got the proper technology, and a carefully planned method, you can to make videos that mirror your strategy in place and grab the attention of prospective clients. Let's take a look at the basic principles of video marketing, as well as the advantages that make it a powerful device.

     What is the purpose of marketing using video?

Video marketing is using video to promote your company. That's it! It's incredibly simple and powerful. It's simple and powerful. promo videos are a specific video created to announce the occasion, item or service for example, an offer, event or for instance the case of a live class. Many promotional videos are small (ours typically about 15 seconds)) and can be utilized to reach precisely the same purpose for grabbing pupils' attention by way of example.

In reality, it's not even the first time that companies use video to promote your business. Videos have been used by consumers for a long time. What differentiates the industry in question isn't recent development of technology. It's also not the result of a social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat--these are the platforms that social media use to offer users a (relatively) distinct way to exchange ideas and stay connected. Since they are all accessible as apps for phones and tablets, users are able to access them anytime and at any time. So, your class could provide a fantastic method to keep the connections of your intended student group.

     What's changed since the day we were introduced to social media? How can you market your video content?

Furthermore, it's transformed how people interact with each other. The internet has also changed the ways you communicate with people in the group you're trying meet with. As opposed to radio or television, social media does not mean that it's difficult to join in discussions. In addition, the number of individuals that advertisements on social media have the capability of reaching is astounding. Consider this:

     Are the benefits of video marketing greater than the effort and time that will be required for its production?

An easy and quick answer is definite"yes. If you want to know the exact answer Be sure to determine who your intended group could make the perfect target audience for videos you create to promote your company.

  • When you make videos that contain high-quality content, you'll be able to bring out emotions in the viewers. Videos are a great way to showcase features of your company which make sense to viewers who are watching your video. The viewers might feel they have more knowledge of your company than they do reading the details on the printed version. This is vital for expanding your company's visibility through the workshops you offer.
  • Videos are more digestible and effective as effective. As they give viewers a visual aspect which they can focus on, they allow viewers to communicate their messages easily and with ease. method, by mixing sound and images to increase the effect of.
  • The use of video-based marketing can increase the likelihood of buyers to take the purchase of the product or service being promoted, meaning those who are interested in buying the product or service will be more likely to sign up for an online class.

Engaging with viewers is the principal goal of video marketing. It's crucial to look at the technical aspects of marketing via videos and figure out how to boost the involvement. It's difficult to make connections with clients who do not see the content you've made. There are many ways the way that video marketing may help the marketing of the institution you work with by placing your message before a wider audience:

  • The majority of people post content that resonates with them through social media. Videos can be beneficial in helping to market your brand. If you're adept at creating videos, it's easy to design marketing tools which benefit your customers as clients. They'll eagerly show the videos to their families and friends as well as their professional networks. It is likely that they'll join the classes they take on the internet.
  • You don't have to invest in expensive equipment or a lot of editing. In fact, it could be used to advertise the products or services of your business live (it's much easier to make videos than blog articles!). It is possible to create advertisements and publish it in just a few hours (not long) You can create videos for marketing that are informative, captivating and lasting. The result is that people will be more inclined share the video.
How to create a promo video for your online course | Julie Ball |

     Can video marketing keep your course relevant?

Alongside the benefits that using video content for marketing as we've previously discussed but there's a second reason why using video content as part of the strategy in your marketing is a great option. It's relevance.

As technology advances with time, companies have to be aware of the most recent technologies in order to stay in contact with their intended audience. The use of video marketing is one of the many steps in an array of technological advancements and tactics for marketing. However, Cisco predicts that video content will make up 70 percent of Internet consumption for consumers by 2017. Nielsen reports that around 64 percent of marketers experts think that video content will become a key element of strategies for marketing.

Here are the steps I follow when making videos for advertisements:

Step 1: SET UP

It's crucial to draw an outline of the things you'd like to accomplish before you invest into a video.

  • Pick the purpose you'd like the audience to attain from the film. What are the steps you would like viewers to follow after watching? Write it down! It is important to take your time prior to proceeding
  • What information do you require to include in the video? Add the photos or videos that you'd like to incorporate.
  • What details do you want to make public? Make sure you include promotional or event information such as coupons, or an appeal to act.


That's where the majority of people are without the necessary skills and understanding of technology. There is no need to learn technical skills any more! We design all the content we produce for our videos for promotion through phones.

  • Make a decision on where you will make your video. Make use of the best apps so that you can produce a spectacular video in only five minutes. The five most popular iPhone video games include Quik, Legend, Stop Motion, Flipagram, Ripl and Boomerang. Some are free and others are free. There are templates you are can download. This signifies that there's no need to "design" anything. If you're not a pro in technology, then try Flipagram initially, since it's a simple slideshow.
  • Upload the photos along with your personal details in the software you are confident using. Make sure you only use images that you've taken, or that are legally authorized to make use of. Do not take pictures that are downloaded from Google!
  • Want music? Certain applications have built-in music beds that can aid in creating a gorgeous audio effect for your film. Take note that the majority of music on the iTunes library iTunes library is covered through copyright. There could be penalties when you use music to create the video. However, you won't be given permission to incorporate the song in the video. (i.e. the possibility exists of or a possibility of getting sued. The music you play may be restricted and the songs you upload could be pulled off some social media sites. Gaaaahhh!) An excellent option for purchasing sounds or music can be The Audio Jungle.
  • When you've finished recording it will be possible to save it to your camera roll or transfer it to the app.

Make sure that when you upload your video on Instagram the video you upload should have a duration of between 3 to 60 seconds. Be aware that your viewers attention span may be a bit shorter... Therefore be sure your video isn't too long.

If you'd like your film to look appealing across every platform, use the square cut. It means that all users must change their phones to the correct time and date in order to view the video.

Here is a brief example video I created in order to help promote my course. posted on Instagram (about 15 minutes): BBJxtsfNkmMECZjucnFQ


  • Upload the video on your social media accounts by adding a brief text message along with the URL. Your followers are informed of how to proceed. (i.e. that will enhance (i.e. to increase the effectiveness of)
  • Upload the video to the YouTube account that you own. The video could then be included in Blog post or as guest content in blog posts by other bloggers or guest blog posts.
  • Include the video within your email marketing campaigns.

HTML0 Are you able to create ads that promote your online classes?

Promo videos have proven effective strategies to increase the number of students who take part in courses. By using the methods described in this article, it's feasible to make them more quickly than you could ever imagine. Take a look and see the engagement on your social networks grow!

If you're concerned about making a video that you can be used in online courses you can leave your feedback on the forum below. The video-planning worksheet will help you prepare the next video you want to create!

Julie Ball is the Founder of Grow Web Marketing, a marketing firm that aids entrepreneurs that are female expand their company and their image and appearance. If you're curious about learning how you can create professionally-produced videos for your company without the expense of a professional take her online course Easy Video Marketing for Small Businesses.

The original article appeared on this web site.

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