How To Create A Promo Video For Your Online Course

Jun 20, 2024

The marketing strategy which is most suitable for your course will depend on the contents of the class as well as your preferred students regardless of who you're trying enrolling in the course, there's an marketing fact that can help you with your efforts Video marketing is one of the best methods for connecting and interacting with others on the web.

If you're only starting to get into videography, it might seem difficult to grasp however don't let that stop you! If you have the right equipment, along with a little direction you can create videos that precisely reflect your business plan and grab the attention of your prospective audience. First, let's look into the different aspects of video marketing, and the reasons it is considered an effective tool.

     What exactly is video marketing?

Video clips are utilized for marketing. Videos can be used for promoting your company. That's it! It's extremely simple and efficient. It's extremely simple and effective "promotional video" is a reference to the idea of a promotional video. It is a specific video that is created with the sole purpose of advertising a certain occasion, item like an event, deal, or online training courses. A majority of promotional videos are shorter (ours typically last around 15 minutes) and have an emphasis on registration for potential students, for example.

It's actually not anything that's new in using videos for marketing. The concept of using video in marketing has been around for a long time. The thing that creates the modern landscape of marketing distinct doesn't mean that it's a brand new approach to use video, it's the rise of social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat--these are the social media platforms which provide (relatively) an innovative way for individuals can communicate and remain connected. Since all the social networks can be accessed through apps that can be downloaded for tablets and phones, users have access to the networks at any time and anywhere. So, your course has the potential of being linked every day with your students.

     What impact has social media had on the marketing of video through social media?

In addition, it has changed the ways people interact and communicate with one another. Social media has altered the way you interact with other members of the group that you're attempting to reach. As opposed to TV and radio, the social media channels are always on. Additionally, the number of people that advertisements for video via social media are in a position to reach is astounding. Take this for instance:

     Is the benefit that video marketing could bring be enough to warrant the time and effort required for its creation?

The short answer is undoubtedly the answer is yes. If you'd like to know more details about this question from an in-depth manner we'll first consider the reasons why your viewers could be the perfect selection for your promotional video strategies:

  • When you produce videos using high-quality content it is possible to establish a relationship that is emotionally connected to your course's target viewers. Videos could highlight aspects of your business that resonate among your audience. those who view your video may think that they have more understanding of the brand's image that they do know if they have been able to read the information in writing. This is especially true for courses that are part of the company you manage.
  • It is much easier to comprehend for readers as opposed to text. Through providing visuals which people are able to concentrate on the message and video marketing can be capable of communicating the message in a simple way that blends sight and sound--making it memorable.
  • Marketing via video can boost the likelihood of audience members to purchase whatever product is promoted. That means that people who see video content are much more inclined to enrol to take online courses.

While engaging with your intended viewers is definitely the aim of videos for marketing, it's also crucial to understand the technical side of marketing via video to figure out how best to generate the most engagement. It's true that you won't make a lasting impression on the viewers if they do not see the content you've made. Here are some ways to improve the effectiveness of the marketing campaign and bring your message to a wider amount of people.

  • People love sharing their favorite their favorite content on social media. Videos are an excellent way to allow them to spread the message. If you make videos to promote your business that is valuable for your target audience They'll be compelled to send your video content out to their families, friends as well as professional networks. It is more likely that they will enroll in the online courses that you offer.
  • The use of video marketing doesn't call that requires expensive equipment or lengthy editing Additionally, it can be used to promote your company on the spot (it's quicker to create videos than blogging!). The ability to make an advertisement video can be posted in a matter of minutes (not hours) It means that it is possible to continually make video marketing content that is relevant, interesting and captivating. The result is that users will want to take into social networks and share.
How to create a promo video for your online course | Julie Ball |

     Can video marketing keep your course relevant?

Apart from the benefits that video marketing can bring, we've covered but the main benefit to incorporating videos into the school's marketing plan is one of the best ideas: relevance.

With the advancement of technology with time, companies must keep pace to stay at the top of the list in the eyes of the people they want to reach. Video marketing is a further step in the endless line of technological advancements along with methods for marketing. In actual fact, Cisco predicts that video will account for about 69% of total Internet traffic for consumers by the year 2017. Nielsen forecasts that 64% of the market believes that video is an essential element of their marketing strategies.

Here are some steps I use when creating promotional videos:

     1. PLANN    

It is crucial to create an outline before you commit your time making the video.

  • Choose the purpose of your video. What is the action you'd want viewers to take as they watch the film? Make a note of it! Make sure you are completely clear prior to proceeding further
  • What's the information you're trying to find in your video? Include specific photos or video videos you'd like to incorporate.
  • What do you want to include? Provide specific promotional events and details on the occasion Coupon codes, the need to take action.


Most people become stuck due to lack of tech understanding. You don't need any tech expertise anymore! We make all of our video content for advertising on smartphones.

  • Pick the place where you'll shoot the video. Choose one of our top apps to make amazing video in five minutes or less. The best five iPhone games for video include Quik, Legend, Stop Motion, Flipagram, Ripl and Boomerang. There are some that cost money, and others provide no-cost. Many even come with templates that means you don't have to "design" everything. If you're not an expert in technology, it's possible to attempt Flipagram initially, since it's a simple slideshow.
  • Drop in your images and your personal information on the program of your choice. You should only make use of your own images or photos that you own the right to make use of. Make sure you don't copy images or images from Google!
  • Want music? There are applications that have built-in musical beds. These can assist in making your film look amazing. Take note that the majority of music included in the iTunes library are protected with copyright. You could be subject to consequences if you opt to make use of these songs in the purpose of making videos without an authorization to use the clip. (i.e. you could be legally sued), your sound could be removed, or your posts could be taken down on social media. Gaaaah!) My favorite place to purchase audio or music enhancements is The Audio Jungle.
  • After you've finished the video, you can save it in the camera roll, or directly share it through the application.

Keep in mind that if plan to post your video to Instagram your video should comprise between 3 and 30 seconds in length. Keep in mind that people's attention spans are short... So, make sure that your posts are brief.

In addition, if you'd prefer your video to appear appealing on any device, you should choose a square crop. This means that everyone has to open their mobile to view the video.

Here's an example of a video that promotes the course I posted on Instagram (about 15 minutes in duration):

Course Promo Video Example


  • Upload the video on your social media sites by including a quick text message as well as a hyperlink. Tell your followers what they should do. (i.e. enhance the effectiveness of the video's call-to-action)
  • Upload the video to your channel on YouTube. It can be embedded into blog articles, guest posts on other sites, or as guest articles.
  • Make use of the video when you're mailing out emails to your customers for marketing.

Are you equipped with the necessary skills to design an advertisement video to promote your website's features?

Promo videos have been proven to be a successful method to increase enrollment of students in classes. If you use the methods that were mentioned earlier it is easier than you think. Take a look and see your engagement on social media increase!

If you have concerns about the creation of a promo video for your online class Send them to the comments section below. You can also download my video planner worksheet which can assist you in planning the next video you'll make!

Julie Ball is the Founder of Grow Web Marketing, a marketing company that assists women entrepreneurs in growing their business and their image, as well as their brands. To learn how you can produce video content of high-quality to market your business without spending a cent You are able to enroll in a course known as easy video marketing for small businesses.

Article was first seen on here

Article was first seen on here