"How many of you are you giving the substandard treatment?" What is the method by which Jessica Wilson teaches her audience to

Mar 23, 2022

Learn about the strategies self-advocacy expert Jessica Wilson uses to sell coaching, tell her story and inspire others to advocate for themselves.

On July 17th, 2020 Jessica Wilson was diagnosed with stage 3 inflammation breast cancer. She was 32 years old and did not have a family history or the breast cancer gene.

"I have arrived at my doctor's office for my initial appointment and am aware that he's not someone who has the same passion for making me feel alive as I do." Jessica remembers. "He showed up to my appointment 40 minutes late -- no explanation, no apology."

"Immediately my brain goes into self-preservation mode. If you do not seem to care if I live or die or whether my health is yours to manage ... It's time to have to change my ways. I immediately began to speak out in front of all who'd be listening to the doctor I was talking to, to the breast surgeon , and to anyone else to say"This does not work for me.'"

The physician was always pushing for a standard course of treatment. "Maybe my situation is not standard," Jessica thought. "Maybe I should think beyond this particular space."

Then, Jessica switched doctors and hospital networks in order to discover an medical team who listened to her. "I strongly believe that, had I been there for a long time then, I'd not had the chance to be alive today. It's not a regret at all," she says.

The incident prompted a query to Jessica herself: How many other people are going through similar experiences?

"Having gone through that experience I had the realization that many people take a slack approach to treatment, either because they're unaware of another way or because they're afraid or do not know what they should do?"

Jessica was aware that there might likely have been others facing similar situations, most would not have the strength or the knowledge required to voice their opinions like she did.

She was inspired to share the lessons she's learned from her personal journey:

You can be firm when refusing any test or procedure that you don't want. medical professional you speak to tells you there are no other options.

Speak to your doctor If you require more time to talk or think about issues.

Be prepared to have a number of questions in order to understand what your doctor is explaining to you.

"I was thinking that I've certainly been asked to stand up for myself." Jessica explains. "When you think about the world as a whole, you pretty much have to be a voice to yourself in all situations."

The idea was narrowed down to three specific areas in where she believes self-advocacy has most impact: Medical, employment and the personal relationship.

In the spirit of these goals, Jessica launched her coaching company, Advocacy Alley.

She is currently Jessica assists members from the marginalized communities to gain confidence and assert themselves for them in every area of their life. Also, she's often referred to by the name of Jess the IE as an "industrial engineer by trade, and the guru of the ability to discern love by intuition".

"I am a finance professional for a major home improvement retailer but I also do it on my own. Because one aspect is one I love and the other is more an obsession. I am passionate about creating processes, people, and technology more effective. Additionally, I am determined to ensure that people get the treatment they require."

Learn more the details of the ways Jessica made use of her enthusiasm for improvement of processes along with her site to start coaching, share her story, and inspire others to advocate for them.

21 Questions that Every Patient should ask their doctor

Jessica is an accomplished industrial engineer. She's a sharp thinker and an expert at solving complex problems. She's passionate about making processes more efficient and appreciates how important it is to create an efficient game plan.

Thanks to a coach for business, exactly what she achieved.

"I have all of these items lying about. How do I connect them into an elegant bow can be packaged? The effect that I'd like. What steps do I must take to get there?"

"How do you negotiate this delicate space of 'I don't want to be inconsiderate, but I must assert myself'?" Jessica describes.

"This I am. This body. That's what I'm prepared to give. This is what I want an opinion from a different source. It started from there and I've then packaged the document -- how do I communicate it for the public to see?"

Giving away free tools is an ideal way to help new entrepreneurs get started creating their own business.

To begin reaching out to this audience, Jessica needed a place to store the digital version of her digital download.

"This could fit my needs. It's something I could grow into."

"I enjoyed the different cost ... It was nice to know that I did not have to go through the top of the line for it to satisfy my needs. I liked the flexibility of the different options andalso it seemed extremely friendly to use. The 14 days of trial, and was thinking, "Ooh This is like a unfinished page. There is no limit to the possibilities you have with this.'"

In the beginning, Jessica used to host her downloads for free and provide information about her coaching services. While she was developing Advocacy Alley as a platform, she created the website using it too.

"Over time, the website has increased to the point that the entire site is'sales' as well as websites." Jessica describes.

"The blog was created to track my battle with the breast cancer process, as I'm not entirely sure if there's a space for people like me having a diagnosis at 30 or starting your own family." Jessica shares. "What thoughts are going through our heads?"

Jessica uses its tool for creating courses for her blog and also to post the latest content. "The features for courses are robust enough to offer me the features I want. I'd like post my posts and then have opportunities for readers to make comments," she says.

Each blog post is designed as a teaching opportunity . The readers can browse through Jessica's blog posts directly on her site and see a brief preview of the lesson. Users can sign up on the site to leave comments or receive regular updates.

The versatility and flexibility of this 'all-in-one' system allows Jessica can create all of the web-based features she requires.

"There might not be a solution written that is the answer I'm looking for. I've been able alter the system to make it operate and fulfill my demands in all aspects," Jessica shares.

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"I was looking to put courses out there as I wanted to reach as many people as that is possible."

This class is designed to help those who've recently been diagnosed with cancer and are looking for the next stepsand without falling in the Google tunnel of worst-case scenario.

"I was aware of the need to come up with a plan for folks to be anchored in order to avoid wandering off no matter what the diagnosis can include," Jessica explains. "Sometimes there's nothing that could anchor yourself to which can help you navigate the way to ensure you don't fall."

While she plans to continue giving one-on-one sessions to customers, the online course will help Jessica increase her reach and assist more clients.

"I knew of the need to put courses out there in order to reach as many people as is possible. I can only deal with so many people at a time and can only handle a few things.
Through the course, it's something that an infinite amount of individuals can participate in at any point in time regardless of whether I'm ready to do one-on-1 task or not. And in reality, have the exact same effect."

Hospitals may sponsor courses to certain numbers of patients or hire Jessica to be a consultant, and work closely with Jessica. "That implies that I'll be the most efficient."

The art of establishing audiences "If you're not uncomfortable , you're not growing."

"While you're trying to grow your email database, you can't simply email people," she says. "I should also be present and accessible via social media."

The first step of placing herself in the public eye via social media wasn't something that came naturally.

"Being creative has made me to appear on the screen, to be at the forefront of focus. At first it can be a bit scary and uncomfortable. However, if you're not experiencing any discomfort it's not a sign that you're going through.
Then I pushed myself to stream live with anyone watching, with the one person who was viewing the stream. It didn't matter. It was more of exercising for me. If I'm capable of doing it once, then I could repeat it and over. So it was pretty much trying to make myself more comfortable with discomfort."

She says how thinking of something new to write about is easyhowever, creating consistent posts with an already full schedule can be hard.

"There is a multitude of things that I want to share. It's not like I've ever had difficulties creating material to offer to the general public,"" she explains.

"If you're trying to build an audience, they need frequently visit your site. So to get around the issue, I attempted to think of ways to batch the content ... Instead of being a long and rambling piece, we can divide a post into three parts. Then I have three out of the five posts I'm able to use for the whole week."

"You could create your own pictures, and you could also make Instagram Reels with a humorous tone as well as serious. Also, you can make Reels and also appear professional ... just anything to try to diversify how users can possibly discover you," she recommends.

Jessica's advice for new creators is: "Follow your passion, and you'll earn money."

"Mindset is essential. If you believe that you'll never achieve success, then you'll never succeed. There will be times when you're excited however, there'll be moments when you feel as if "I really don't have the desire to.' And they're both acceptable."

"Take the day off and go totally unrelated to work and observe whether you feel more refreshed afterward," she recommends.

If you're an artist just starting out , Jessica encourages you to begin small and work by tiny steps.

"Don't fret about getting an the perfect website up in the first place. Only worry about the individual pages that are specific to each product. It is important to ensure that the pages areconstructed initially. Then, as the product line expands, as you grow, as your business expands, you are able to build new pages."

Presently, Jessica offers one-on-one coaching and materials for free, as also an online class for healthcare professionals and individuals, and three active social media platforms -- and she's only getting started to increase her reach.

Remember that the creation process is not a race but a sprint.

"You are not required to become a millionaire in a matter of hours. Follow your passion, and the money will follow."

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